Narrow-Tier Blood Bowl

Got some ideas for rules? Maybe a skill change or something completely different!!! Tell us here.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by duckwing »

It's like seeing the fundamental principle of evolution in practice :D

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Long_Bomb »

Over all it seems to me you are going in the right direction but I think in a few cases you may have gone a bit far.

Tier 0:
1. Wardancers are just so good at the moment and taking dodge off is something I could live with.
2. I don't really think losing the Throwers will have much of an impact on the Orc team but I do agree they seem to have too many player options at the moment.
3. Fend for Ghouls sounds interesting and may do something to balance the team out.
4. Dwarf Blockers without block would have a massive impact on the playability of a team which is already the slowest in the game.

Tier 1:
1. Amazons are in need of work more than any other team in the game. I really like the suggestion of a true passing team with the skills to make it work.

Tier 2:
1. Humans would benifit from a buff and I think the Catchers need something to make them worth taking on a team. The various options have been discussed at length but I would go for a Str boost.
2. Not a massive boost to Khemri but just a little help.

Teir 3:
1. I like the current Goblin line up and wouldn't change it.
2. I also like the current Halfling list and would rather have cheaper 'flings than an armour boost which to me seems out of character.
3. Ogres need a buff, I think they are currently the worst team in many formats, especially tournaments.
4. Vampires also need something but I'm not quite sure what. Possibly a different possition player to round out the team.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Tourach »

I like most of the changes. Ultimately i do think that the teams nerfed or buffed needs to be precisely that.
I don't like the ghoul nerf though, fendt isn't a skill that you would take for most ghouls and undead team stagnates very fast... What about sidestep (is that too good).
I am also a fan of thick skull thralls for the vampire team... MA 7 vamps is awsome and i think it is a very great buff (might be too big),
The 4 new teams.
Bretonnian - like!
deamon - played a buffed version of this in our own league, and THAT was not as powerful as it seemed, this version will be even harder too manage with. I guess it could have a full thread for itself, but i think this version belongs in lower tier 2. Buffwise i can see the problems with the chaosgoods, but gamabalance wise its ok and does not look like any other team.
Ilthamar (or whatever) elves. Well the don't fair well against other elves, and have a even harder time against claw basher teams. They do have more staying power than other elves but with less manuoverbility, its for sure no cookie cutter team. Fluffwise is see NO problem at all with av 9 elves, highelves should have av + for ma - imho.
Albion. Well hmmm, i don't see them overpower chaospact EVER. Their linemen are just plain worse and ALL thier allies come with anymosity. I am a MIN/MAX'er at heart but i just couldn't find any combination of allies that would make for a team that i would rather play than any existing one. This would ofcourse fit for another thread.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Akalabeth »

Why would demons be playing Blood bowl? I didn't really get their inclusion back in the day, I still don't get 'em in this rendition. If they're summoned the day of, wouldn't they all have loner because they've never played together? And I would think they wouldn't have any skill progression because post-game they go back to hell or wherever (and next game the guy would summon a demon, and odds are it would be a different one).

A blood bowl team I would think is a group that is continuously on the mortal realm and practices and plays together all the time.

Also not a huge fan of the AV9 Elves. It's not the AV9 specifically, it's just that I think they're a little generic. Back in the day DE and HE's were pretty much the same, the only difference being DE had Witches and HE had catchers. Now they're a little more distinguished with skills like dump off and safe throw. I've seen the AV9 elves before, and I'm pretty sure they're based on the old HE/DE model because it's basically a HE team with one more armour and one less move.

It would be better I think to give the players a few more skills to better distinguish them. Or just some different positional players. Why is a HE armour team still going for the pass game? What if they're a different type of running game compared to DE (ie even more bashy). Maybe they get a 0-2 guy who has Stand Firm for example. Also I'd drop the armour on the thrower (or change out the thrower completely).

Also why is it that when lineman drop a move for armour they stay the same, but when a Blitzer drops a move for armour they get a 10k reduction? I realize you're following the human/orc example but I think it's seems odd in that case as it seems odd here too.

What if it was something more like:
0-12 Lineman 70k 5349
0-4 Blitzers 110k 6349 Block
0-2 Blockers 90k 5349 Stand Firm
0-2 Safeties 80k 7248 Pass Block

So it's a team that's more about keeping it on the ground, both on the offense and the defense. They have armour to tangle it up with bashier teams. And pass blockers to keep the agility guys on the ground (where they can likewise block it up).

Also for the Ally team. I'd just drop the allies altogether and rework the team to look more like Chaos Pact quite frankly. If it's supposed to be the good ally team compared to the bad ally team it should follow the established precedence.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by inkpwn »


Dude, remember necro players are re-summoned from the grave before each game :D so I don't see why demons would be so far out, just resummon the same guy, they are all working for the same cause. But then again I don't want them in blood bowl....unless it was representing something else like a minotaur.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Akalabeth »

inkpwn wrote:@akalebeth

Dude, remember necro players are re-summoned from the grave before each game :D
Is that actually in the fluff? The Necro fluff just talks about roving bands that want to beat people up so they play blood bowl. I always assumed the Necromancers raised the guys once and never again (until they get killed or whatnot). But, it's a minor point. To me dead BB players coming back to play again is more believable than Demons off the astral plane or whatever it is in WFB.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by inkpwn »

Well you have to remember in WFB (though distant from the BB universe) demons walk the land, blessed by the chaos gods the most powerfull get blessed with great power. Becoming demons.
In the BB universe most conflict is solved with sport hence why most of them dare to face there hated enemys on the pitch. If the beastmen of chaos can play why cant the demons? Though outside of a big guy I don't think they should be included.... or some sort of horrible special play card, desperate measures bribe chaos demon.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Akalabeth »

inkpwn wrote: If the beastmen of chaos can play why cant the demons? Though outside of a big guy I don't think they should be included.... or some sort of horrible special play card, desperate measures bribe chaos demon.
I don't know the fluff behind them but I've always considered beastmen to be essentially satyrs, half-man, half-beast but otherwise just a guy. As opposed to a demon which would typically have supernatural powers and so forth.

I don't know what any of the positionals refer to on the demon team, but I recall the first teams had all these crazy players that when injured would return to hell or what not. Basically just a bunch of crazy, silly rules. Obviously the new team doesn't have that number of rules, but the concept to me is a bit of a turnoff (unless WFB understanding of "demon" is a lot more broad than classical understanding, never played WFB).

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by inkpwn »

A lot more broad, next time your in a game store have a flip through the chaos 'codex'. Demons range from corrupting sorcerers to horrible marrauders, but they arnt from a hell/pit/plane, they are people blessed with chaos powers or placed on the oldworld to scourge the plame. They arnt really summond they are just there. Like the beast of nurgle, the giant slug it is.
Beastmen are the race of chaos, men twisted into the form of beasts, scourge of the forests and hunters of man. Evil, remorsless and hungry. But that doesn't stop them playing blood bowl.

But yeah, I don't want that old demon team to come back, to wacky, just like the unicorn and snotling pump wagon.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by plasmoid »

Hi Akhalabeth,
Why would demons be playing Blood bowl?
Because some evil coach is trying to earn the favour of the dark gods. I see no reason why he couldn't summon the same daemins (i.e. the team) on multiple occasions, nor why they couldn't be summoned for team practice.

AV9 Elfs - I've played them for a long season, and they're quite unique.
However, I agree that they could stand to have a unique position of some kind. I'm all for it, but the more outlandish it gets, the less people are likely to like what I like - so I tried to keep it simple :D
Also for the Ally team. I'd just drop the allies altogether and rework the team to look more like Chaos Pact quite frankly.
IMO, that would make the team rather pointless.
I'd rather just drop them.
(They're my least favourite of the 4 anyway)


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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by plasmoid »

Hi guys,
I still appriciate the feedback - Tourach, especially yours.
I'll get back to this soonish. I've been doing some thinking.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Smurf »

I've got the old 3rd ed rules on demons. It could be reworked and treat the big demons like secret weapons.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by plasmoid »

Hi Smurf,
IMO they were cr*p. And I definately don't want to add 4 daemon teams. (Nor do I want to add 4 diety teams).

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by theghr »

I think this is a great initiative to weigh up for Games Workshops and companys less than sporty approach to this game. For one, who could actually know if they won or lost a game if teams aint the least fair? For two, why limit teams uniqueness by overcharging some of them? But the most strange thing for me coming in from a real world sportfan to also becoming a fantasy football fan is why all for example linemen must be equal at the start. Just create a system that if one would like to highten say Strength by one, the player gets (guessing)30000 more expensive. Same if you lower the stat by one, make the player 30000 less expensive, again guessing on the number since i dont have much playing experiance.

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Re: 1 Tier Blood Bowl

Post by Tourach »

plasmoid wrote:Hi guys,
I still appriciate the feedback - Tourach, especially yours.
I'll get back to this soonish. I've been doing some thinking.
sorry have taken a break from this forum for a month and a half, anything specific I could try to comment on?

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