HELP NEEDED from my UK based BB friends!!

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HELP NEEDED from my UK based BB friends!!

Post by nonumber »

Hello TFF friends... (UK based for the most part!)

Many of you have known me or at the very least bumped into me on the UK tournament scene for a long time now. As some of you will know, I opened a gaming store in High Wycombe in 2018 where I now run my BB tournaments. I'm thrilled to have welcomed several of you a few times already for them.

In Oct or Nov, looking like 60/40 Oct I'd say, we're going to be moving into new premises smack bang in the middle of the High Street in Wycombe. Long story short it's going to cost... a lot.

So what I'd like to plead is... if any of you are thinking of coming to the Pitch Invasion events we're running in Set/Oct/Nov/Dec... PLEASE could you buy your ticket(s) now. Every penny we can generate through end of Aug / Sept will be crucial for getting this over the line, and I'm sure when you come along and see the new place and the wonderful facilities we will have, you will appreciate it as money well spent.

If you could help in doing this, I would be eternally grateful.

Here's the thread: ... 58#p822558


Tom (nonumber)

Reason: ''
"Sometimes you're a big dog wearing a small hat, sometimes you're a small dog wearing a big one. That's life, baby."
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