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Made the big time ... WOW!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 8:48 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Google sorts its entries based on frequency of the use of the link. I was reviewing my site, to see if I could see anything that was getting high hit rates so I could add more content and I noticed that the according to the reference word list ... folks were finding the site from Google just by typing blood bowl.

Hmmmm ... I said ... let's try it. Went to Google and just typed blood bowl as my search and told it to go ... much to my surprise ... was the 1st entry .... had to pick my jaw up off the ground ... I used to be around page 5 on that list ... anyway, this is just my way of saying thanks ... I'll keep working until every single shread of data on the game is on that site.


Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 8:59 pm
by sean newboy
I'll keep working until every single shread of data on the game is on that site.

I hope that doesnt mean the pictures of the coaches u know/have in your league, i want people scared of my teams not my face. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 9:31 pm
by GalakStarscraper
As you will notice .. so far my face has not appeared on my site ... don't plan on adding pictures of people ... pictures of figs are more fun to look at.

BB players as a lot tend to be .... in the immortal words of Fargo ... "kinda funna lookin". If you have not seen the movie ... apologies ... if you have this single quote will fully explain my thoughts.

There is just a ton of stuff not up on the site yet. A lot of which is just sitting on my hard drive to be formatted ... I'll get it all there yet ... at the end of the day ... if you want to know something about Blood Bowl ... I want you to be able to have a one-stop shop to find it out.


Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 9:40 pm
by Zy-Nox
Its a very nice site.
:D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 10:03 pm
by Deathwing
Yep, respect! I've said it before, it's appreciated and an invaluble resource! Don't know where you find the time.... :D

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 3:36 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Speaking of finding time .... over the Independence holiday (thanks to my friends in the UK for giving me this 5 day holiday (at least for my company) from events long past), I was planning on finishing up some improvements to the PBeM tool.

Unfortunately, my computer has completely eaten my copy of Delphi and I'll need to go into a company work office to get it reinstalled which won't be for a week or so .... so since I couldn't work on the PBeM tool, I started working on the website instead.

Christer said something a while back which struck a chord in me head about single page navigation of the site. I've been working for the last few days on making the site be basically single page navigation like Christer suggested .... let me know what you all think.


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 3:56 pm
by martynq
I like the new arrangement. I arrived at your site today and though "Ooh, Tom has changed things and it looks good!".

Presumably you know that some of the front page links are broken at the moment though?


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 7:30 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Yeah, I know .... thanks Martyn .... work in process over the next couple days ... most of the links are there ... got a few yet to finish.


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:11 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Okay ... all the front page links are functional now. Looking through my hard drive, I realized that there is just a major, major amount of info not on the site yet. ..... ah well, for whatever reason has been a one man project.

I actually hired two typists once at 1 USD/page to type up some of the date into html for me and they both took all the photocopies I made and other than one 4 page article, I never heard from them again .... oh well.

Filled in some of the gaps as I was reworking the site and there are just a ton of holes .... some of them annoying to me ... like the very few Compendium articles not finished yet.

Now that BB is supported, keeping current is like spinning plates, but when I started the web site I vowed that someday it would all be there and somehow I will get it all there.

If anyone has any comments on the new layout, I'd love to hear them especially Christer who asked for the change in the first place.


Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 12:21 am
by christer
Heh.. Ok, I'll comment :)

Before I begin though, I think the page is rather good. Alot better than before. And these comments are bordering on nitpicking and reflects only my personal preferences... Anyway, enough of the disclaimer...

First impresseion I get is.. well.. weird... The first thing my eyes land on is the white space to the right of the search field. It would be nice if you could compress the "header" of the page and make the "eyecatcher" space contain some info, such as a header of the navigation table.

The links should be categorized. Possible sections are "Rules", "Leagues", "Articles" and "Links". The large table is a bit hard to get a grip on...

You're going to hate me for this, but I would like the "subpages" to contain some form of header that would connect them to the first page. Ie, create a "site" feeling... This would also help people finding your main site even if they google their way to one of these subpages directly.

That's it for now.. I'm fully aware of how difficult it is to make good looking webpages, and I am by no means an expert myself. Also, I am rather tired right now (02.30 am now) which probably affects my ability to grasp lots of information at the same time :)

-- Christer

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 12:53 am
by sean newboy
Nice new look, takes getting used to, but i like it :smoking: . 2 Claws up.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 1:21 am
by Ghost of Pariah
Story time...
Recently my brother and I dug out some of our old super teams from years ago and played a couple of one offs. Well, my brother noticed he had the pump wagon on his orc team and said, "Man, I don't even remember those rules at all!" I said, "Me neither but I know where we can find them!"
In a matter of minutes we were slamming a deathroller against a pump wagon again. Thanks Galak!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 3:55 am
by GalakStarscraper
christer wrote:Heh.. Ok, I'll comment :)

First impresseion I get is.. well.. weird... The first thing my eyes land on is the white space to the right of the search field. It would be nice if you could compress the "header" of the page and make the "eyecatcher" space contain some info, such as a header of the navigation table.
The links should be categorized. Possible sections are "Rules", "Leagues", "Articles" and "Links". The large table is a bit hard to get a grip on...
Hmmm ... the table is in decent order right now ... I wanted to keep it to a single view main page. I'll think about the organization.
You're going to hate me for this, but I would like the "subpages" to contain some form of header that would connect them to the first page. Ie, create a "site" feeling... This would also help people finding your main site even if they google their way to one of these subpages directly.
Most of the pages have the link back at the bottom ... I'll get it added at the top also.


Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 3:57 am
by GalakStarscraper
Thanks Pariah .... I'll keep working on it. Glad it could help.


Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 8:48 am
by christer
the table is in decent order right now
Yes it is.. What I meant was that I would like some header cells. As it is now, I'm forced to scan through all links to find what I'm looking for. A couple of logical headers would make it quicker to find something specific.. :)

-- Christer