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Ooh the anticipation.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:49 am
by plasmoid
Ah, my collection is finally finished.
27 painted 16 man teams.
All the official line-ups + the 3 pseudo official (creepers, pact, slann) and 3 homemade (bretonnian, daemon, tilean).
Last night, some guys came by and took pictures for me.
I really look forward to seeing the pictures and posting them here.
Admittedly, I'm not a particularly skilled painter.
But I hope you'll all appriciate the multitude of minis.

I'll be back :D

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:03 am
by traveller
Congrats... i got nearly all GW minis (and quite some other FantasyFootball minis... ), but just a few full painted teams. I´m working to paint some more team right now, too. But there are soooo many.... :roll:

Should be a nice view with all your teams. :D


Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:34 am
by howlinggriffon
Well done! It something I'm aspiring to myself...

Question is though - what are you going to do now? :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:37 am
by Hangus
howlinggriffon wrote:Well done! It something I'm aspiring to myself...

Question is though - what are you going to do now? :wink:
strip them all and start again? :D

I am bit like Traveller nearly all the teams but very few painted (about 5 i think)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:12 am
by Thadrin
and I thought my collection of (I think) 12 fully painted teams was ridiculous.
(not to mention all the teams that are half painted or bare metal...there's a good dozen or so of them in various parts of the flat. I really should get around to finishing my CDs). (Edit - after a quick check I could field 16 of the 24 teams fully painted right now, two others are in progress, and another on its way to me.)

Of course, three of my teams have extensive sideline staff, extra minis and markers, and at least four can be used for several different rosters (including my ever expanding Chaotic Human team, that can be used as Orcs, Humans, Norse or Chaos Pact.)

And I have a teams worth of Dwarfs painted in the colours of the teams mentioned in 2nd edition and the ones I came up with for the World's Edge Superleague (that's a total of 16 dwarfs).

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:12 am
by Podfrey
howlinggriffon wrote:Well done! It something I'm aspiring to myself...

Question is though - what are you going to do now? :wink:
Ditto. Almost there too......

As for the next step, that'll be the crowd.......!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:16 am
by stick_with_poo_on_the_end
got all the teams, all but 3 painted

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:28 am
by plasmoid
Admittedly, I didn't paint all of these myself.
I've been "outsourcing" so to speak.
Basically, I'm a slow painter, and not very good either.
So when I finally ended my education and got a (pseudo) steady job, I found that I had less time to paint, but more cash to spend.
The solution was fairly obvious :D

Martin :)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:32 am
by howlinggriffon
I've decided to have a painted team for each race - but I want each possible position and star player painted in team colours as well as as many support staff and cheerleaders as I can obtain. Back in September I spent nearly £100 just on getting enough copies of Zara, Edril and Ramtut from GW as I knew they were going to stop selling them at some point. I'm glad I did now!

So far I've only got Humans, Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs, Necromantic and Halflings painted. I've still got lots to paint but only four teams left to collect everything for.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:18 am
by PubBowler
plasmoid wrote:Admittedly, I didn't paint all of these myself.
I've been "outsourcing" so to speak.
Basically, I'm a slow painter, and not very good either.
So when I finally ended my education and got a (pseudo) steady job, I found that I had less time to paint, but more cash to spend.
The solution was fairly obvious :D

Martin :)
I'm in this situation.

If it takes me x hrs to paint a model badly.
But x hrs work gives me £y and £y can buy me a much better painted model...

You see my point.

(But my favorite teams are the ones I painted myself, especially the badly painted rush jobs).

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:26 am
by plasmoid
Hi guys,

Howlinggriffon said:
>Question is though - what are you going to do now?

Sanity would have me stop.
But I'm thinking one of each star player would be cool :D
Nah.... Probably not... Probably...

PubBowler said:
>You see my point.
I do indeed.
You'll be able to see a few teams I got painted in Sri Lanka. The standard is actually pretty high. (I said I had a job - not a well paying one).

>(But my favorite teams are the ones I painted myself, especially the
>badly painted rush jobs).
True. My 20+ gobbo team from way back in the day is still a darling of mine.
I painted that myself (and boy can you tell :oops:)
But my brand new outsourced Ogre team, using 2nd ed. snotlings and trolls is pretty cool too.

Yep - I'm a greenskin at heart.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:40 pm
by PubBowler
plasmoid wrote: You'll be able to see a few teams I got painted in Sri Lanka. The standard is actually pretty high. (I said I had a job - not a well paying one).
I've heard that. Will wait for picks before I have a personnel stake in globalisation...

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:28 pm
by rodders
after seeing the quality of a huge 15mm roman army that a guy at our club sent to sri lanka i would recomend it they are awesome

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:17 pm
by Papa Sebco
Well, I really would like to see pictures of your whole collection, it will motivate me to reach the same goal (21 complete painted teams, as 3 other teams should become official soon).

I should received my 15th in a few days. As PubBowler and you, some are painted by other guys. But all have the same general appearance.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:27 pm
by plasmoid
Hi guys,
yeah I'm very happy with the Sri Lankan paintjobs.

>But I'm thinking one of each star player would be cool.
Actually - thinking about it, I'm really not happy with my skaven team. Bought it painted off the internet cheap - too cheap to be true really - and it's the only time that I haven't been happy with what I got off ebay..
Perhaps a 2nd skaven team is somewhere on the horizon :D
