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How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:06 am
by Saebelsultan
So, I have acquired a lovely 2nd edition Astrogranite® pitch.


It has not been tempered with so far, but I plan to change that. For obvious reasons I will have to add some white lines for wide zones and the LOS.
Question is: How do I go about it? And what colours can you recommend?
How did you pimp your Astrogranite® pitch?

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:11 am
by Chris
Mine was for my old 2nd ed skeleton team. So I just made the skull mostly white, eyes and teeth red and pitch done as bone (black up to bleached bone with lots of drybrushing). I was only 14 or so at the though :)

So dotted lines and that would be good. Do you want it to be astrogranite, or do you want to plant some static grass?

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:14 am
by bound for glory
well, in the 2nd ed rule book, it says that astrogranite comes in HUNDERDS of colors, so, you could use your home teams uniform color and use that on the pitch.
i have mine in a subdued purple, to go with my first chaos team, THE DEATH VALLY DESTROYERS.
have fun with it. :D

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:31 am
by Saebelsultan
bound for glory wrote:well, in the 2nd ed rule book, it says that astrogranite comes in HUNDERDS of colors...
I was actually thinking greyish colourwise... but you're right, the fluff opens up possibilities. Thanks for the hint!

Apart from that, how do I paint the polysterine without mucking it up? Can't soak it in Dettol if I don't like the result, can I?

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:37 am
by bound for glory
i just watered the purple paint(in my case) to a very thin consistancy. then a nice drybrushing...

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:53 am
by Chris
Do you want to seal it to get rid of the look of polystyrene? (Though of course Astrogranite is very similar in appearance to polystyrene.)

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:35 pm
by Saebelsultan
I do like the "rugged" look of the polysterene and would like to keep it. Again, I have no clue as how to be doing so.

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:37 pm
by Norse
do they still sell masonry paint with fine sand already mixed thru it?? back when I worked for GW we used that stuff all the time to seal polystyrene scenery, otherwise spray paint propellants would melt the stuff. of course, if you have an airbrush, you don't have to worry about that... :)

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:23 pm
by RoterSternHochdahl
Chris wrote:Do you want to seal it to get rid of the look of polystyrene? (Though of course Astrogranite is very similar in appearance to polystyrene.)
I thought it looked exactly like polystyrene :)

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:15 pm
by Digger Goreman
I took a wide Testors plastic brush, an appropriate color of green airbrush paint that was on sale, started on one end and drug the brush till the paint became nothing... then went back to the spot where it didn't look green enough and repeated the process.... Looked darn near like grass....

How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:30 pm
by Chris
Actually remembered I had it in a cupboard not packed away.
Pretty much the first blood bowl thing I painted and my skill hasn't improved in the last couple of decades!

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:36 pm
by Norse
I'd be really tempted to build a simple wooden frame to make sure the pieces all stayed snugly together during gaming. If it's made of polystyrene, it will probably shift around very easily..

I've never actually seen one of these boards in the flesh. If anyone has one they want to sell, drop me a PM..

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:10 pm
by Chris
You get those pages of adhesive pads from pound shops. Pop 4 on each board no movement. but I don't use it as big guys don't fit, really only suitable for things like 2nd ed skaven team and my old skelly team.

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:31 am
by Saebelsultan
Okay, Chris, how did you do your pitch? Is just drybrushing and some washes?

Re: How to pimp a 2nd Edition Astrogranite® pitch

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:30 pm
by Chris
I was 12 and got the game using a discount voucher from white dwarf...

Since I still paint the same way though, that's not a problem to answer :) I was still learning to drybrush which is why you see streaks on it.

It was painted black (using some paint found in a pot in the shed), heavy drybrush brown, then bleached bone, then a very light skull white. The same way as the skeletons I had just painted, following the guide from white dwarf...

In retrospect today I don't like the little round circle on each square from the forming process. Another kid in school put artex all over his to try and hide the polystyrene look.

If I were doing it today I would probably with fine sandpaper try to reduce the circles and raised dots, then seal with watered down PVC, probably several coats. Then paint and drybrush away (my drybrushing has improved). That assumes no transit. If it was going to move around something to both seal and protect the polystyrene from damage would be needed, though it held up to my school bag fairly well!