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eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:17 pm
by Kaiowas
been seeing an increasing amount of large collection of rare GW star players go up and up in bidding on ebay and its made me wonder if there's a lot of recasters out there cashing in on perceived rarity. Anyone got a clue at all? Is it maybe people who stock piled left overs from the last run who might have worked for GW even? For a game thats nearly a decade out of print, its odd that there might still be these large collections surfacing regularly

Not sure I want to bid for these anyway but paying someone making knock offs is definitely not high on my priority list either. Im not a GW junkie but theres a few minis i'd like to have for teams etc that only ever seem to pop up on these auctions

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:38 pm
by JonnyKanone
I have thought that as well. Some people state that they are selling their collections. And in case they have auctions with all different models I believe it. At the end you can never be sure if buying second hand from strangers.

Further I am not sure how to identify re-casts without doubts. If they are well made or even primed or stripped it becomes even harder. But once I got a 2nd Ed Ogre with multiple mold lines- That was re-casted by someone for sure :-?

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:00 pm
by Kaiowas
yea, I'm not throwing shade at any sellers specifically but there's a specific subset of "rare" minis that regularly come up for auction and I always wonder how they keep getting a hold of them. Prices rocket as they are the only ones out there that fortnight and in two weeks we have another set of practically the same rare ones go up.

anyone else got any especially fake stuff?

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:09 pm
by mikeyc222
i got some stuff recently from a seller that had at least a couple of bootlegs, for sure. it was in 4 different lots for really cheap, and most of the minis looked completely legit, and some even came in (opened) blisters and even a few transfer sheets. i don't believe that the seller himself was responsible for the bootlegs, and he might not have even known that the 2 or 3 bootlegs weren't genuine, so i will not name him. the 2 biggest problem minis was one 3rd ed gutter runner with a BADLY miscast leg... almost to the point on the leg not being there, and a 3rd ed dark elf thrower with a HORRIBLE mold line that ran straight through the left side of his face. i painted it up like a scar as best as i could, but it was BAD.
there is another seller who posts a LOT of auctions of the same 2nd and 3rd minis over and over again that HAVE to be bootlegs. no one comes across that many of the same classic minis over and over again. admittedly, i have never bought from him because i don't trust his minis, so i can't confirm if they are genuine or bootleg.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:11 pm
by theghr
Possibly some epople sell off their stuff now when miniatures soon possibly wont be OOP.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:31 pm
by Colin
theghr wrote:Possibly some epople sell off their stuff now when miniatures soon possibly wont be OOP.
Well, actually it sounds like the new Specialist Games will make completely new minis for the games it puts out (which includes BB), so the older minis will still remain OOP.
I personally stopped buying and selling on eBay because of the suspicion of recasts. I have only sold or bought BB minis with people from this forum as I have meet a number of them and trust them. I see there are a number of people here who do that as well as there is a minis for sale forum that sees a lot of use.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:54 pm
by spubbbba
I have bought 1 recast a long time ago.

Sneaky thing was the model I received wasn't the one I saw in the photo. It had grey undercoat and a lot of voids that were filled with leftover mould.

I should have reported him but needed the model and he was Grashnak for a nurgle team so I could cover up a lot of the miscast parts with greenstuff decayed bits.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:56 pm
by JonnyKanone
The really difficult part is how to prove that the seller knew he was selling fake items. I would have problems blaming someone without clear evidence. Even if you see a seller selling rare miniatures again and again, he still COULD have bought these from someone else without knowing they are fake. Probably not likely - but still possible... It is a pity anyway :cry:

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:58 pm
by JonnyKanone
And I cannot imagine GW would start casting the old miniatures again. Or maybe I just don't want to believe this will happen :lol:

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:13 pm
by Olaf the Stout
The best way to get a good idea is if a person sells the same OOP mini or minis repeatedly, using the same photo each time. There are a few sellers that have multiple copies of the same mini as they frequently buy old copies and then re-sell them for a profit.

However, most of the time, if someone is selling a lot of an OOP mini you can almost guarantee that it is a recast.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:09 am
by bound for glory
As a christmas gift to a club mate i bought a 3rd ed morg. Looked legit, but after closer inspection, it had some weird moldlines.
It was acceptable, but it was mostlikely a recast. At one time i was indifferent to recasters, but as i have gotten to know, in some small way, some of the people who create miniatures, i am certainly against it.
If there is an exception, it is toword gw, as they have pissed on the bloodbowl community. But even thats not right with me, these days, too.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:14 am
by theghr
Colin wrote:
theghr wrote:Possibly some epople sell off their stuff now when miniatures soon possibly wont be OOP.
Well, actually it sounds like the new Specialist Games will make completely new minis for the games it puts out (which includes BB), so the older minis will still remain OOP.
I personally stopped buying and selling on eBay because of the suspicion of recasts. I have only sold or bought BB minis with people from this forum as I have meet a number of them and trust them. I see there are a number of people here who do that as well as there is a minis for sale forum that sees a lot of use.
Yeah i guess it could just be that the game has been OOP for longer now so sellers might see it as a greater chance to sell minis. More and more recasts may now appear the longer time goes.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:20 pm
by TheAzman
More and more recasts may now appear the longer time goes.[/quote]

I could definitely see that. Especially for the 2nd edition Skaven. They seem to be worth their weight in gold already. I've lost hope for ever getting a full positionals team for a decent price.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:03 pm
by Bakunin
BAD recast is a problem... But what about good recasted minis? I can only see that as a service to the community. I didn't play blood bowl 15 years ago, I dont what to pay a million bucks for a 2nd ed. team and im not english (2nd ed minis seems to be coming from or to the UK).
So if your selling good cheap 2nd ed. minis, so I can feed my completionist hunger, then I salute you.
example, my 2nd ed. Necro team I collected and painted for the world cup :


The human thrower in the middel that I use as a Ghoul, is certainly a recast. But its a perfect cast and the only difference is, that its a tiny bit lighter then the others.

Re: eBay listings (real or recasts)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:37 am
by Kaiowas
Bakunin wrote:BAD recast is a problem... But what about good recasted minis? I can only see that as a service to the community. I didn't play blood bowl 15 years ago, I dont what to pay a million bucks for a 2nd ed. team and im not english (2nd ed minis seems to be coming from or to the UK).
So if your selling good cheap 2nd ed. minis, so I can feed my completionist hunger, then I salute you.
example, my 2nd ed. Necro team I collected and painted for the world cup :


The human thrower in the middel that I use as a Ghoul, is certainly a recast. But its a perfect cast and the only difference is, that its a tiny bit lighter then the others.

thing is most of the minis i see as recasts are hugely over priced on ebay, being sold as genuine and rare. its more the deception than the final product being received.

im definitely all for gamers getting what they want but as you say we all dont have loads of money to get it! especially if its fake.

eg i dont mind getting an NFL jersey from a questionable site if im getting it at about 60% off but if i got a knock off at or above full retail i'd be fairly miffed