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Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:13 pm
by Norse
a few years ago I joined an excellent Cyanide BB league, the OFL ( and over the last few years I have tried to remind many of the coaches there of the TT roots of the "video" game they play each week. In 2014, in order to thank the league Commish for all the work he puts in, I worked with Rafael at RNEstudios to create a Minotaur mini, Mulcana, for the Commish (Thul) which seemed to go down very well - 40 of the guys in the league bought a copy.

So last year, when I heard that one of the coaches in the league (Trickice) had been diagnosed with cancer, I approached Rafael again to create that coach's favorite mini - a Wight called Boneyard. Boneyard's career defining moment came in a game vs Zons, where the MB/Tackle/Guard Wight dodged out to blitz the Amazon star thrower, Pookums. The result of the blitz was a dead Pookums, as well as Boneyard scooping up the ball on the same play and running it in for a TD - so we tried to get the mini to reflect that specific play and I think Rafael did an outstanding job. Trickice worked with me and Rafael and approved the final version which went to print.

Sadly, the Trickster lost his battle with cancer a few months back. :cry: I had promised to paint the mini up for him, but with no-one to send it to I lost all interest. In truth, I lost all interest in painting for a long time, not least of all because Trick was the same age as me and left behind 3 kids and a widow. I couldn't bear to paint the wight, and I couldn't bear to paint anything else, as it felt like I wasn't keeping my word either.

A few weeks back, Trick's widow reached out stating that she would very much like to receive the mini, so with renewed vigor I set to work. The team colors were black and blue, so I had little scope for too much creativity. At the same time, Trick was from Detroit originally and his facebook picture was the famous "D" that symbolizes the Detroit Tigers, so I tried a little freehand on the cloak. Not my best work sadly, but the only mini I have painted in about 12 months now. Hope you like it.

Rest In Peace Trick, miss you man! :cry:






PS the apparent white on Pookums face in the second shot is just light reflecting off the gloss varnish where I wanted the blood to look wet. Honest.. :-?

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:48 am
by RoterSternHochdahl
Feeling with you. There is a German term of which I do no not know whether it translates at all: "Trauerarbeit", means approximately "The Work of Mourning" which is apparently the best thing you can do for the dead and the living (and in this case: the unliving)

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:21 am
by Madsherman
Beautiful and sad :(

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:46 am
by sokomano
So sad

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:59 am
by horekim
Sad story, man.

Great figure though

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:02 pm
by Norse
Thanks guys. I must admit, the irony of painting an undead mini (who played for a team called the Reapers) for a recently deceased friend was not lost on me. At times I thought it was too close to the bone (pun intended), until a mutual friend pointed out that Trick would be laughing about the irony himself.

I have not heard the term Trauerarbeit, but I will confess I found this difficult process very cathartic. I have now resolved to clean my painting area (which is covered in dust after months of neglect), throw out my old dried up paints and crappy brushes (does anyone else have difficulty throwing out old paints, as though they will somehow miraculously get better if you leave them? :roll: ) and try to start painting again. No idea what I'll paint as I have so many unfinished projects, but I'm looking forward to getting back to it for sure.

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:19 pm
by Wifflebat
The Wight looks beautiful.

I think it's a great tribute that you brought something new into the world and shared it in honor of your friend. So much information flies through, past, and over us every day that it can be easy to categorize and dismiss it immediately. A story like this reminds me that the Internet can connect us to people's real lives and that it's a good idea to stop and think, and send those thoughts out to each other as much as we can. My sympathies, and my applause for doing the painful Work of Mourning (what a great term).

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:32 pm
by Darkson
No like button, so just...


Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:34 pm
by mikeyc222
very sad circumstances, but they brought about a great looking mini. thanks for sharing the pics and the story.

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:17 pm
by Colin

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:08 pm
by Sainthropee
Darkson wrote:No like button, so just...


Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:04 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Its a good story Ramsay and sorry to hear the events that created it.

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:20 pm
by Stout Youngblood
Sorry for you and the family. Glad the widow's request was able to help you get back to painting. I look forward to seeing many more "Norse ____ Presents" in the future.

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:42 pm
by mzukerman
This is a beautiful story. Sad, but made me feel good inside.

Re: Norse sadly presents...

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:02 pm
by bound for glory
Darkson wrote:No like button, so just...

Very much +2. :(