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RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:33 pm
by molten
Hello everyone, I am Antonio. I run RAG - Royal Art Games now distributing the Rolljordan line of FF miniatures. I asked Chris to use his account until I get time to create my account, hope this is not against the rules.

Talking to Chris he explained me that RJ started asking feedback and critiques from the players before finalizing a team. Well here we are our second team from the new line will be a Halfling based team. What we would like from you is some feedback. Our concept artist and sculptor Cosimo Auricchio has drafted for us the final team. 14 models + 2 Treeman constructs.

What we are looking for is:
1) A team name.
2) Feedback on the poses and models. Each model is numbered to make comments easier.
3) What will you change.

Here we have the concepts.


Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:20 pm
by howlinggriffon
Interesting ideas - looks like an old school Citadel style team.

Can you clarify what the pose is for players 6 and 9? Is one crawling out of the ground and the other riding a hobby horse?

For #4, I would go with the horns rather than the bird.

I do like the hobbits sitting on the shoulders of the treemen. Very LOTR :)

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:33 pm
by Darkson
#6 looks like a splat halfling to me (i.e. all my TTM attempts ;) ).

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:50 pm
by sann0638
Personally, names like Frodor and Bilbul annoy me a little. The rest aren't rip-offs, so why should these be? Nice pics though!

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:07 am
by Pedda
They don't look like football players to me, which IMHO is a bad thing.

It's a sports game, so I like my miniatures to look like they're actually playing said sport and I can't said that for most of the concepts

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:11 am
by molten
howlinggriffon wrote:Interesting ideas - looks like an old school Citadel style team.

Can you clarify what the pose is for players 6 and 9? Is one crawling out of the ground and the other riding a hobby horse?

For #4, I would go with the horns rather than the bird.

I do like the hobbits sitting on the shoulders of the treemen. Very LOTR :)
howlinggriffon - We are trying to do something different from the rest of the teams out there.
6 is on the ground looking for mercy. This si a low quality pic, will try to upload a higher quality that shows more details.
9 is riding on a chained goblin.
4 we may do an alternative arm for him maybe a KS exclusive.
Drakson - Very close
sann0638 - Names where randomly assigned, the team will not have them. Before we had more and I asked Cosimo to remove a few. There are only 4 other characters taht may bother you :P will show them later.

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:44 am
by molten
Pedda wrote:They don't look like football players to me, which IMHO is a bad thing.

It's a sports game, so I like my miniatures to look like they're actually playing said sport and I can't said that for most of the concepts
Pedda - I see your point, but there are so many very nice teams like that on the market :P and with RJ line we are looking to make a more standardized theme for the various races. Starting from the Orcs that will be live again in a few weeks.

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:59 am
by hissa-lives
molten wrote:
Pedda wrote:They don't look like football players to me, which IMHO is a bad thing.

It's a sports game, so I like my miniatures to look like they're actually playing said sport and I can't said that for most of the concepts
Pedda - I see your point, but there are so many very nice teams like that on the market :P and with RJ line we are looking to make a more standardized theme for the various races. Starting from the Orcs that will be live again in a few weeks.
Really happy to hear the Orcs are being started up again :-)
I think this team is different enough from others to get a following. Just not sure they're as nice enough to make me get another team

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:04 pm
by Kaiowas
there's definitely some i like here.

I get that football players is something people want, but halflings turn anything into football armour. Also they are Av6 or whatever, it should look like paper.

some of the poses are a bit off (Beer ones mainly) but there's promise here

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:59 pm
by Tablet
Nice to see another Halfling team to choose from. There are some really nice poses in the concept art.

I would echo the comments about losing the beer tankards, I don't think they are needed. Your Treeman sculpts look fun, although I'm not sure how long it would take a Treeman to perform that crane kick :wink:

Personally I would like to see the team have more uniform body armour, my ideal would to have them dressed in kit that looks like old style football uniforms, sorry I cannot post pictures right now. The look would be very little padding on the legs basic helmets and simple pullover tops. For me that would befit such a low armoured race.

I'm going to enjoy seeing how this develops. Will post pics when I'm able.

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:29 pm
by Djay
Just my opinion and taste (obviously), but I don't like 4 or 9. I also don't like when other "players" appear as part of the model, so I don't like the Halflings riding the trees. 8 and 13 are my favorites.
I don't mind the names, because it's not like they're tattooed on them, so after the campaign I can call them whatever I want. #1 does stand out as stylistically different than the rest of the models, though.

Good luck.

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:24 pm
by Shteve0
I will almost certainly be keen on #10 as my puggy! :)

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:24 pm
by molten
Ok so more uniformed clothing/armor?

As for Puggy could not resist and this will not change sorry :)


I need to consolidate the responses and submit them to the sculptor/designer.

1) More uniformed theme
2) No goblins riding other models
3) maybe one player with beer not more

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:49 pm
by Darkson
1. The artwork doesn't help - I don't mind the "dirty" style, but it doesn't lend itself well to showing these figures (#6 & #9 being prime examples)
2. Some of the proportions seem off - #2 seems to long in the body for example.
3. To many beer steins (thats a dwarf thing, surely) - if you must have things mix it up a bit. Chicken legs and cakes maybe.
4. I understand the "halflings cobble together football gear" argument, but they still need to look more like players. Give this lot weapons and they could be a halfling warband in Mordheim.
5. (The biggie for me) They don't look like a team. There's no overarching theme through the figures, they just look like a group of random drawings.
6. Not keen on the Puggy at all, doesn't work.

Sorry to be so negative, but if I wanted a halfling team these wouldn't be them.

I do like the trees though.

Re: RAG Rolljordan - Halfling Team COncept Art

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:00 pm
by molten
Darkson wrote:1. The artwork doesn't help - I don't mind the "dirty" style, but it doesn't lend itself well to showing these figures (#6 & #9 being prime examples)
2. Some of the proportions seem off - #2 seems to long in the body for example.
3. To many beer steins (thats a dwarf thing, surely) - if you must have things mix it up a bit. Chicken legs and cakes maybe.
4. I understand the "halflings cobble together football gear" argument, but they still need to look more like players. Give this lot weapons and they could be a halfling warband in Mordheim.
5. (The biggie for me) They don't look like a team. There's no overarching theme through the figures, they just look like a group of random drawings.
6. Not keen on the Puggy at all, doesn't work.

Sorry to be so negative, but if I wanted a halfling team these wouldn't be them.

I do like the trees though.

Darkson, this is perfect just what we where looking for. So a cleaner and more uniformed style. Any suggestion? As there are already some very nice team out there.

Puggy will stay :P probably it will be a KS exclusive, but will be made.