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What's the latest on BB's future?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:08 pm
by Joshua Dyal
OK, a few quick questions -- you'd think someone would have to know this stuff, but I'm having a devil of a time trying to round up the info.

When's the new release date for Blood Bowl? Last I heard, sometime in November. Which is only a month away.

What will come in the new box, miniatures-wise? I've heard all new plastic orcs and humans and maybe a plastic ogre.

What rules-set will it use. What relationship will there be between these rules on the Living Rulebook? Will the Living Rulebook continue to be updated once this is out, or are the rules "set in stone" so to speak (assuming the new rules are based on the Living Rulebook?)

Re: What's the latest on BB's future?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:58 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Joshua Dyal wrote:When's the new release date for Blood Bowl? Last I heard, sometime in November. Which is only a month away.
Official re-release date of BB in the USA is November
What will come in the new box, miniatures-wise? I've heard all new plastic orcs and humans and maybe a plastic ogre.
Last I understood it would be the same plastic orcs and humans from the 3rd edition sets. I have not even heard a rumour of new plastic figs.
What rules-set will it use. What relationship will there be between these rules on the Living Rulebook? Will the Living Rulebook continue to be updated once this is out, or are the rules "set in stone" so to speak (assuming the new rules are based on the Living Rulebook?)
The LRB rules will definitely be included either as an extra supplment OR a more likely a printed copy of the LRB will be included. As to being updated once they are out. Each October, the rules will be reviewed for possible updates ... (so no they will not be set in stone).


Re: What's the latest on BB's future?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:54 pm
by Joshua Dyal
GalakStarscraper wrote:Official re-release date of BB in the USA is November
Any idea when in Novermber?
Last I understood it would be the same plastic orcs and humans from the 3rd edition sets. I have not even heard a rumour of new plastic figs.
Heard that today from the manager of my local GW store. I know, I know, those guys don't necessarily know jack. In fact, he said as much. But somewhere he had heard at least the rumor of new figs, including possibly a plastic ogre.
The LRB rules will definitely be included either as an extra supplment OR a more likely a printed copy of the LRB will be included. As to being updated once they are out. Each October, the rules will be reviewed for possible updates ... (so no they will not be set in stone).
If the LRB is only an extra supplement, what rules will be the standard rules? Just a reprint of 3rd edition? And what's the point of an update in October if the new rules are seeing print in November? I'm no expert on printing books, but I doubt that'd be in any kind of time to make it to the printers, come back and then get to the distributors sometime in November. Not only that, doesn't the fact that the rules are online seriously undercut the profitability equation reprinting the game in the first place?

Not trying to tear apart your post, but the whole thing just doesn't quite make sense to me...

Re: What's the latest on BB's future?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:57 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Any idea when in Novermber?
No, because the GW-US has not officially decided the date yet. Cannot tell you what doesn't exist.
But somewhere he had heard at least the rumor of new figs, including possibly a plastic ogre.
Well there are new figs coming ... they just aren't plastic; they're metal and they are definitely not part of the boxed set. Within the next year in the US the following BB miniatures will be released: the Khemri team; modular Ogre players; and Nurgle's Rotters minis.
If the LRB is only an extra supplement, what rules will be the standard rules? Just a reprint of 3rd edition?
It is the intention to release the boxed set with the printed LRB ... I believe part of the delay until November is to make sure this happens.
And what's the point of an update in October if the new rules are seeing print in November?
You misunderstand ... this October changes will not be made to the newly printed LRB ... one of the BBRC members pretty much said so on this board. So the LRB will not have material changes until next October. Official Q&A may be printed in BB Magazine, but no official LRB changes for a while. My guess is anything that qualifies as a rule change instead of clarification will be made experimental and printed in either BB Mag or BB Annual.
Not trying to tear apart your post, but the whole thing just doesn't quite make sense to me...
It made sense you just needed some misunderstandings corrected.


Re: What's the latest on BB's future?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:30 am
by Joshua Dyal
GalakStarscraper wrote:Well there are new figs coming ... they just aren't plastic; they're metal and they are definitely not part of the boxed set. Within the next year in the US the following BB miniatures will be released: the Khemri team; modular Ogre players; and Nurgle's Rotters minis.
Modular Ogres? You mean the minis are modular? That's pretty cool. I've never seen them do that in metal.
It made sense you just needed some misunderstandings corrected.
Well, not really. If there's nothing new in the box except the book, and you can essentially download it right now I can't for the life of me figure out the business model they're working on here. Still, I guess it's an excuse for some of my friends to go get the box and I can start a new league here, right? :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:41 am
by GalakStarscraper
Gotta have a board to play.

Basically the business model for the buyers is NOT folks already with 3rd edition boxes, but for new players.

Fanatic is working well on this one to not screw existing BB players. Basically if you already own a 3rd ed box set then the new boxed set doesn't have anything to offer you... and that's a GOOD thing. I'd be pretty ticked if something new was in the box that I had to buy a whole new boxed set to get.

That said, I would gladly buy 40 BB boards if they just sold those seperately.


Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 2:46 am
by Dragoonkin
Galak you should see if you can get a local printshop to print them up for you or something...the ones our league has are just vinyl on board... :D Commish (...and me, and other players...) all work in a screenprinting shop, and he just had them printed on vinyl then we put them on cardboard. Works great and practially is indestructible.

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 12:44 pm
by Joshua Dyal
Couldn't you order the boards from mail order, or the bits service? When they were in print, I mean?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 12:56 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Joshua Dyal wrote:Couldn't you order the boards from mail order, or the bits service? Mean they were in print, I mean?
The boards aren't bits. The only way to get them currently is as part of a boxed set. Trust me both myself and the NAF has tried to do this to no luck.

Jervis is considering offering up the board as a bit.


Oh and Dragoonkin.... I'm trying to organize a large one day BB tournament at Gen Con 2003 .... really would like to have official boards if at all possible.

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:03 pm
by Lucien Swift
does anyone know if the plastic player sprues will be available seperately again once the game goes back into circulation?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:50 pm
by Joshua Dyal
GalakStarscraper wrote:The boards aren't bits. The only way to get them currently is as part of a boxed set. Trust me both myself and the NAF has tried to do this to no luck.

Jervis is considering offering up the board as a bit.
I did not realize that. I know you could buy just about every other component of the box separately, so I assumed you could the board as well. I had thought about doing so, and mounting it to a piece of hardwood or something like that, as mine has spent enough time folded that it doesn't lay out completely flat anymore. :(

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 7:35 pm
by Darkson
God, I hope they release the pitch seperately. I had to use the old Astrogranite board in our league as we only had 2 3rd ed pitches. I will find it hard to jstify spending £40-50 on a boxed set when the only part I need is a piece of cardoard :roll: .

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 7:43 pm
by Grumbledook
Hmmm I am sure that mail order used to sell the board for £10 when 3rd edition first got released cause i nearly bought a couple more. I may be mistaken this was years ago.

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2002 12:38 pm
by Joshua Dyal
Here's something else of note: that newest picture on the website of an ogre that's combined plastic and green stuff -- did you notice the plastic parts? The leg and plastic torso are the same as the earlier ogre model. Since they're made out of plastic...

That does strengthen the rumor I heard from my GW store manager that a new set of plastic miniatures is coming with the box, including possibly a plastic ogre.

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2002 1:24 pm
by GalakStarscraper
There's always hope .... its not a bad idea since both team can use an Ogre ... I just am usually "fairly" plugged into the rumour mill and you are only one with this rumour.
