North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

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North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

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The North Wales Carnage Cup was played out this weekend, along with the more normal awards we had The Wordsmith. Each coach was invited to submit a story, background information or fluff call it what you like about their team. As well as an award in its own right it was also a tie breaker.
For reasons of my sanity they had to be submitted at lest a week before and shouldn’t be over 500 words. Spelling and grammar where not a factor, I’m heavily dyslexic and I’m not fit to judge those, I also don’t feel it fair to penalise somebody creative effort because of something that isn’t there fault.
I have a secret formula I use to score the stories, with the top score being 10 points, getting 1 point is possible but very hard, someone manage it tho, they only think that passes as fluff was the team name ‘Peter’s Dwarfs’. Far more common was a score of zero. I understand that this is a subjective was of scoring them and other will disagree, however that’s just the way it is.
Here are the scores, I’ll post up the story over the next week or so as I get them formatted.

DaPiranha 10pts
Tonygriffiths 9pts
Fluffythealien 8pts
Gaff 7pts
GeoffA146 7pts
HAWCA 6pts
Jackal 5pts
20Phoenix 4pts
Fire Olli 2pts
MutantKing 2pts
Peter337 1pts

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

DaPiranha winning entry

Skrolk’s whiskers twitched with excitement as he gathered the rats in a circle around him. This close, the cloying scent fog that surrounded them was overpowering with its pestilential potential but to him it was the sweetest perfume. In the centre of the circle he’d placed a polished shaped orb of purest warp stone for the ceremony. He could feel the energy radiating from it.

The others darted furtive looks at each other as Fitcher put on the brass mask of the Horned Rat. Symbolically their 13th number was never filled, the place saved for their decaying, malicious deity and for someone to wear a mask and to stand in its place was doubtless thought sacrilegious, even by the standards of this group. Skrolk just laughed at their worried glances. What they thought was merely pantomime would soon be revealed to be something far more sinister.

The storm vermin twins clanged their punch daggers together and stomped their feet to call for silence and a hush descended. Skrolk spread his arms wide and grinned, baring his teeth to the pack before him.

“Gather, gather we have! Much, much pain and glory to be given and receiving we will!” Skrolk said “Begin the chant, chant!”

It started with the gutter runners, the sound of their four mouths chittering, annoying at first, but soon achieving a harmonious tone. The bell began to toll in time with the keening sound. Next the vermin’s sonorous voices added some base while the rest joined in the chorus. As the sound became a crescendo, Fitcher smiled beatifically at the honour he thought was being bestowed on him.

The green orb in the centre began to glow and vibrate as the sound reached a fever pitch. Only then was it’s twin revealed in the mask as the warp lightning struck out from the swirling miasma in the centre of the crystal and an arc of power connected the stones together.

The smile faded from Fitchers face as the mask melted from it, falling in rivulets, pooling on his chest and reforming as a magical necklace. His limbs distended and grew to monstrous proportions. Great horns protruded from his skull which grotesquely burst from his face. With a deafening crack the lightning ceased as before them stood the horrifying avatar of the horned rat.

Skrolk basked in terrible joy at the malice that radiated from the creature. Every pore on it’s grotesquely muscular body oozed hate and vile poison. The others prostrated themselves in awe at the creature before them and the power that Skrolk possessed.

They were now ready, their journey north, and the inevitable carnage that would follow, could begin.

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

How are the Greenfield snakeskins? Even after reading Tony’s entery I still don’t know.


• The origins of the Greenfield snakeskins are highly disputed, which isn't helped by their mysterious and secretive nature. There isn't any known team official details or documentation.
• They refuse to reveal anything when Challenged, and most beings don't wish to get on the wrong side of an angry Saurus by pushing the issue.
• We can at least date the team to the year 2396, the names GREENFIELD SNAKESKINS/race Lizardmen Vs THE CESSPOOL RAIDERS/race Skaven, can be found in a match program, from the inaugural Chaos Cup, which was contested that year. The Match program notes, describe the team in their pale garb, and unusual skin colour, which is also pale. Unusual, as most known Lizardmen are blue in colour. But apart from their physical appearance, the team was just as mysterious and secretive then as in the present.
• Numerous stories and legends have been told over the centuries, but with no official history before the Chaos Cup, none of these tales can be verified. There is three prevailing theories.

• The first theory is, a rival team of Snakemen from an ancient now extinct race, had dominated an era for many years. But was eventually toppled by GREENFIELD B.B.C (Blood Bowl club) in an epic high scoring final. With a mixture of anger and relief, the Snakes spontaneously started shedding their skins, and then left the Stadium, never to be seen again. A couple of Skinks started playing with the snakeskins, wearing them as capes. The crowd started chanting GREENFIELD SNAKESKINS, and the name has stuck ever since.

• The second theory is, while playing a crucial match against some Amazons, just as the Amazons where about to score a Touch Down, a horde of snakes invaded the pitch, making the Amazon's flee the Stadium. The Lizardmen changed their team name and kit, as a tribute to the Snakes.

• The Third Theory is, after winning an away match against a Nurgle team. Whilst the team and their families travelled home, the pilot of the transporter got into difficulties, and crashed into a remote deserted island, the only other creatures of note on island where various species of snakes.
• GREENFIELD B.B.C, ended up being trapped on the island for decades with nothing to eat apart from the Snakes. Eating only snakes for that amount of time, Had a side effect on the Lizardmen, turning their skin colour, from blue to a pale. The snake skins were used to make clothes. When the team was finally rescued, they returned to blood bowl as the GREENFIELD SNAKESKINS. The team and families couldn't integrate back into their old lives, and were shunned by other members of their race, because of the way they looked. So they decided to go back and settle on Snake island.

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

This times it’s Fluffythealien turn to explain the origins of his team.

It all started with Max.
Max like to dabble, liked to try and experiment. Some called him strange, some said he was a recluse but everyone agrees he was quite clearly mad. Since childhood when his hero, Lil J the destroyer, was killed in a bloody local league match, he spent many years trying to figure out how to create a super human to prevent such a thing happening again. Trying twisted method after method with all mediums both known and the stuff of myth and legend to no avail. Warpstone infused injections created some interesting result but it was still not enough. Not to insure they lived forever.

Not until he unearthed the book.

Bound in human skin and covered in dried blood, the book of the Blood God.
After many weeks studying the occult symbols and following the insane incantations he realized he could create his undying team. Demons surely aren't alive .. are they? If their mortal shells are destroyed they just return to the hell they were ripped from ready to be summoned again. At last this was his chance to never loose a beloved hero again. However, in his haste to summon his warriors from another plain, he may have skipped some steps or incanted the wrong words for what stepped through the portal looked nothing like the diagrams and pictures his research fortold. Not blood red but black as night, not dripping with ichor but acidic slime. No Horns but smooth slick heads, harder than adamantium. Perhaps these beings ... these Aliens... were from another dimension or some deep hole in the warp. How ever they were summoned it's seems Max had his team..

Now he only has to teach them to temper their frenzy and play Bloodbowl..

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

Here is Gaff enter

Once da most famous boy band in Da Land. After a stage collapse accident in a gig in 2342 the infamous heart throbs got a taste for “BASHIN UP” on the field. Since this fateful day, the former leader singer now team coach RONUN KEETUN and his clan now prefer to bash anything possible on BloodBowl pitches across the land. They have since developed a minor taste the odd touch down after figuring out that more poor wimps are then forced onto the pitch.
The home of DA BOYZONE is the TONEDEFF stadium, a masterpiece of Orcish engineering that has seen many a Snotling lost for years within its labyrinth of glorious rows of rusty corrugated tin sheet. A few lucky BloodBowl fans have been blessed by Nuffle and witnessed a DA BOYZONE perform one of their number one hits at TONEDEFF stadium. It is said that it is one of sport’s greatest moments, when DA BOYZONE stomp out the last of the away team and treat the fans to a tune.

Having only recently joined the big time in BloodBowl, DA BOYZONE’s rise to glory is unprecedented. Residing in one of the largest (and hastily built) stadiums and a range of star players making an appearance in recent seasons, many question the team’s finances. With royalties from a plethora of number one hits such as “No matter what - DAKKA DAKKA”, “When the going gets tough – USE DA REROLL” and of course “WURDZ” gold is no object to the hottest green team currently playing.

Now DA BOYZONE enter the 2018 Carnage Cup and fans are looking forward to seeing the most melodic, aggressive, green and WAAAAGGH like team hit the field. Let’s hope their preparation for their next Christmas number one has distracted them too much from the ball!

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

There’s only a few left now, but here’s GeoffA entery

The Elfheim Eighties’ glory days were long ago in the long-ago 2380’s. Being immortal elves, they still keenly remember these halcyon days, but everyone else has forgotten. Unfortunately, the Eighties still dress in the same outfits, listen to the same bands and talk the same way as they did nearly a century ago. Age may have dulled their fashion sense, but they remain as agile and deadly as ever. They may no longer be cool, but boy-oh-boy can they still play Blood Bowl!

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

Here it is, the last story. The rest of the Wordsmith points where based on player and team names. But here’s HWACA entery

As I look one way then the other, I see proud man, fierce men all staring back at me, waiting my command. ‘We been here before, on the eve of battle’ I say for that is what it is, its battle of the field of play. Soon we travel North. Not across a man made border, Sea or River. But North in our homeland, for we have heard tales of Carnage and honour to be had. This is our time to stand true and strong. For we Norse men of Wales will travel in hope that some will find Valhalla, his Hope our names will be recorded in history and hope of victory. I am Coach Hawca, I have lead these Thunderwolves to victory before but this time it’s different, this time its an unknown foe. It was these very Norsemen that I started my coaching career with in South Wales, and only fitting that they travel to a first in North Wales. With promise of Beer and Carnage Black Label, the mead halls will be full, Blood will be split and touch downs will be scored. This looks to be a fine way to introduce the Celtic Thunderwolves to Carnage.

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by TheShepherd »

I may be a bit biased but I thought this was a fun addition to the tournament. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s submissions

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Re: North Wales Carnage Cup: The Wordsmith Award

Post by Roblematic »

DaPiranha wrote:I may be a bit biased but I thought this was a fun addition to the tournament. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s submissions
For me the ‘story’ of blood bowl is as much a part of my enjoyment as the painting or games. I find i leagues stories grow around your players, I was trying to add some of that to the tournament. I plan on doing the same next year as well. It was also away to have people who might not feel they were the strongest player still have a chance of winning something, it seem odd to me that so many tournament focus on painting an lack any type of story. With the whole of NWCC I was trying to tell a story, there was a small bit of fluff I the rules each pitch had its own story as well, I’ve taken care that I can carry on the story for the next 5 years without having any major issues, all the seeds have been sown in a few weeks I’ll be releasing the first trailer for NWCCII the year after, in NWCCIII the fate of Talmark will hang in the balance as coaches games will have an impact on the story.

All the time tho the corrupting powers of chaos will be eating at the city’s foundations (literally in some cases) that story will be told though Secret Carnage.

If anyone really want to dive down the rabbit hole I’m thinking of running a WHFRPG on the Saturday night next year.

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