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Waterbowl 2008 Legacy Team

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:47 pm
by Levinas
Those of you that are coming to the WB tournament may be interested to know (if you don't know already) that we're having a Legacy Team this year and it's turned out to be dwarves. Figures will be supplied by us for free, all you have to do is paint one, send it back and turn up at the tournament for a chance to win the entire team! If you decide to play with it at the tournament then that's just an added bonus and you will, of course, find yourself at table one for the first match...

The Legacy Team Line up

There are 15 figures available for the team as follows (we've got a few more linemen to dish out if this lot gets taken so no-one should be left out -- or feel free to contribute something of your own -come on build us a deathroller, paint up Zara or any other star that Dwarves can use that isn't listed, coaching staff, rerolls, cheerleaders, score markers...).

It's first come first served - please select which figure you'd like to paint and let me know either here or via the Waterbowl forum.

1 Troll Slayer 1 - Evil Git
2 Troll Slayer 2 - Brendan Spencerlayh
3 Blitzter 1 - Levinas PAINTED AND RETURNED
4 Blitzer 2 - Paul Bailey
5 Runner 1 - Super Nashwan PAINTED AND RETURNED
6 Runner 2 - Lucifer PAINTED AND RETURNED
7 Lineman 1 - Bunnygirl (Longbeard fig 3) PAINTED
8 Lineman 2 - Ginger Ninja (Longbeard fig 2)
9 Lineman 3 - Zoglug (Longbeard fig 3)
10 Lineman 4 Shaniepoo (Longbeard fig 1)
11 Lineman 5 - Furelli (Longbeard fig 2)
12 Lineman 6 - Joemanji (Longbeard fig 1) PAINTED AND RETURNED
13 Lineman 7 - sann0638 (Longbeard fig 2) PAINTED AND RETURNED
14 Lineman 8 - Firebreather (Longbeard fig 2) PAINTED AND RETURNED
15 Lineman 9 - Lycos (Longbeard fig 3)
16 Lineman 10 Pubbowler (Longbeard fig 3) PAINTED

13 Dwarf Bomber - Lowsman2
14 Dwarf Chainsaw - Nippy Longskar PAINTED AND RETURNED
15 Grim Ironjaw - ?Fire Olli PAINTED AND RETURNED

Cheerleader - Evil Git

Paint scheme:

Main Colours: Green (snot green) and White.
The rest: Up to you.
Base: Let's keep it simple and go for earth with static grass.
Base Edges: Black
Player numbers: (as per list above). I'll put plastic card letters on the back of bases (feel free to do this and to put them on the fig wherever you like if you can be bothered)
Player/painter name: I'll put names on the front of bases using Slater's Plastic card letters (feel free to do this yourself if you have them). Please indicate what name you want on there (NAF ID, Forum ID, Real name...)

When you have made you selection please PM me with your postal details and I will send the figure out ASAP (they're on order from GW now). In your PM please include which figure you have selected to avoid any confusion. I will provide a return address and (try to) make pictures available as often as possible.

Any questions let me know


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:51 pm
by Pipey
How will the winner of the team be decided?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:00 pm
by Joemanji
By random draw if it's anything like the other legacy teams I guess.

Put me down for Lineman #12.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:53 pm
by Levinas
Yep, Random draw by someone who hasn't painted anything. From a hat...


Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:32 pm
by shaniepoo
Go on then, i'll oick up lineman #4 if he is still going.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:37 pm
by Levinas
Excellent - looks like we'll have to find some more miniatures...

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:15 pm
by Levinas
Crickey - team filled. I'll update the list later with the new linemen...

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:29 pm
by Leipziger
The figures have arrived from GW and we'll be sending them out asap :D ! However, we do not have everyone's address. If you haven't sent your address, please pm either me or Levinas.

Levinas (who has the figures) is off to Germany later this week and won't be back for a fortnight! So, the sooner we can get the figures out, the better...

Let the painting begin! :)


Leip :lol: :o :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:58 pm
by Leipziger
Nearly all the addresses in now :) Thanks for the swift reponses, so far.

@Levinas - Firebreather is doing Longbeard #8


Leip :lol: :o :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:45 am
by Levinas
OK, figs went out today using second class post. So hopefully they'll be with you by the weekend.

Once they're done please can you post them back to me asap (Leip will be emailing you with my address soonish). That'll give me time to put the little slater's plastic card name on the front of the base and the number on the back before the tournament.

Oh, and following a discussion with Leip this morning - I ought to reiterate that you need to be at the tournament to win the team - we want to give it away with great fanfare and possibly even see it used.

And, if you want to contribute there are a couple of free longbeards left or we'd welcome any other entries (like Zara, deathroller, ref, coaches, fans, scoremarkers, turn markers etc). It'd be great if everyone who comes added something!

Let the painting commence! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:03 pm
by Joemanji
Model received. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:25 pm
by PubBowler
Levinas wrote:
And, if you want to contribute there are a couple of free longbeards left or we'd welcome any other entries (like Zara, deathroller, ref, coaches, fans, scoremarkers, turn markers etc). It'd be great if everyone who comes added something!
I agree but I'm really not much of a painter, so much so that I think any model of mine would bring down the value of the prize.

But I don't want to be the only one not painting so if you have a full house then let me know and I'll contribute the Dwarf Blocker who doesn't get to play (or maybe a ball/bloodweiser babe, something Dwarfs don't have much use for...).

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:27 pm
by Levinas
Excellent, thanks for letting me know. Apologies to all of you that there wasn't any kind of note in with the figure :oops: . Free-time is in short supply at present and what little there is is usually spent pushing a pram...

Obviously all of you have my very warmest wishes :D .

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:31 pm
by Levinas
@Pubbowler - Join in, I think that the more people that contribute the better and everyone's effort is very welcome. If you'd like a longbeard I've got two left (the lineman that doesn't get to play - that's most likely number 16!). Or, if you fancy painting a babe of your own then that'd be even better.

Welcome aboard - just let me know what you fancy doing and I'll add you to the list.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:14 am
by Nippy Longskar
Got mine, will start it this weekend hopefully :D