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Coaching Tourney?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:13 pm
by DeeTee
Ok folks,

I have an idea that at best is still in the ‘just popped into my head’ stage but I thought I’d share it with your good selves.

There are a good many very experienced and equally talented coaches out there and a significantly larger section of the BB community who are not.

TBB itself is a testament to the fact that there are many coaches of all levels of ability who are eager to improve their knowledge and ability as well as those with said knowledge who are more than generous enough to share it with the wider BB community.

With this in mind, my thought is this - would there be any call for a tournament where novice or moderately experienced coaches could directly pick the brains of more experienced coaches, tournament winners and such like in a relativley structured manner?

As I originally said I’m pretty much typing as the idea develops but I was thinking of a 2 day tourney.

Day 1 - ‘novice’ coaches play 3 games, each against an ‘expert’. During these games the ‘experts’ coach their opponents in best practise for their teams i.e. “perhaps you should move this player here to lend an assist” as well as explaining a little of their own tactics i.e. “I’m going to try and move this player here and attempt to …..etc”.

Day 2 – a normal 3 game (NAF ranked?) tourney involving all the participants. This would allow the novices to put into practise all they have learnt the previous day and for the more experienced coaches to play the game properly!

This is really just an idea I’m putting out there at the moment but do you think it has any merit for development? Would coaches be willing to pay for this service – would coaches and tourney winners be willing to help?

If this is in the wrong thread please feel free to move somewhere more appropriate.


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:49 pm
by Grumbledook
interesting idea not sure how a tournament specifically for this would take off though

there are plenty of ways already with the ability to play via email or using one of the javaclients online

also in normal tournaments I'm more than happy to share advice with novice coaches if they ask, or sometimes if they don't ;]

i'm fairly sure that any of the more experienced coaches would do the same

and don't forget the wealth of info put up on forums and websites already (though some of it is a bit dated obviously)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:26 pm
by DeeTee
I was thinking of something with a more personal touch than e-based methods. Nothing wrong with these but I was thinking that a 'coaching tourney' would offer another alternative, perhaps one that was more time efficient and not so open to ambiguity or varied interpretation.

Although some coaches offer advice when playing I was hoping for a (non e-based) forum where this was the specific goal.

Nothing beats the 'one to one' method for passing on info.

I'm sure the idea has some merit even if only as a foundation for something that requires a considerable amount of development?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:41 pm
by SillySod
Somebody has the tournament bug :)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:48 pm
by Grumbledook
you need some incentive for more experienced coaches to travel in order to do this

that is why I think asking for advice while you play at a normal tournament is the best you are likely to get

or travel yourself to a table top league where time for games is less of an issue

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:15 am
by DeeTee
I may have to confess to catching a little bug perhaps! :lol:

Dook - I agree with what you say. I was just thinkng that it's rather unfair for the more expericned coach to have to endure a game full of "why are you....." when they've paid to play too.

Leagues are a great idea but the addition if numerous multi-skilled players can cahnge the dynamic of a team in a way that a tourney can only achieve in a more limited way.

I guess I'll have to settle with what's already available.