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Opinion needed

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:30 am
by daloonieshaman
I am working up our West Coast Quake '11 Kickoff Table
Please throw me some input (don't hold any punches)

Here is my entry for the 2011 Kick Off Table

1) Tectonic Shift
An earthquake fault runs under the pitch. the 2 plates collide causing the very ground to shift. Move every player on the pitch 1 square to the left. (If the shift crowd surfs a player, roll the results as normal)

2) Pep Rally
A massive pep rally happened before the match. The Cheerleaders take advantage of the unity and brings the fans to a thunderous fever. Roll d6 add the number of Cheerleaders and the Fame, Highest roll get a Re-Roll. If there is a tie both teams get a Re-Roll.

3) New Teknilogy
A player on the Kicking team got himself a shinny new magic talkabox. He is so Distracted talking to his buddy that he did not noticed play has started. Pick a random player on the Kicking team. That player gains Really Stupid for the drive. Treat the player as suffering from Really Stupid at the start of the drive. Roll as normal each turn.

4) Weather Change
The Weather on the west can change at a moments notice. Roll a d6 (Consult the chart below).
  • 1> Santa Anna Winds Gusting winds up to 80 miles per hour bring trees crashing down. The Strong wind makes it almost impossible to throw a pass. All passes suffer a -1 modifier (including HMP)
    2> Aftershocks After a big Quake there are endless aftershocks making the ground quite unstable. Players using GFI fail on a 1-2
    3> Bright Sun Shine The Sun is so bright one can hardly see outside the mesh of bodies with the sun bouncing of players armor. Each attempt to Dodge, Leap, Land, Shadow, and Tentacles suffer a -1.
    4> Bone Dry Heat It is Hot and Dry. Players mouths are turning into cakes of dried dirt and sweat. The heat is draining the energy from everyone. Players are stunned on a 1-5, Put in the Reserves box on a 6-7, KOed and Injured as normal.
    5> "Hanging 10 Dude" The perfect waves in the background are distracting the players. Randomly pick a player (on the field) for each team. Those 2 players gain animosity for the rest of the drive (as they would rather be surfing).
    6> Light Rain In an area with such little rain when it does happen it makes every surface slick as can be. This is compounded by the fact that the ball boy polished the game balls all nice and shinny. All attempts to Catch, Intercept, and Pick Up the Ball are at a -1 modifier.
When the drive ends, the Weather changes back to Perfect Blood Bowl Weather

5) Aid Arrives
After every earthquake Aid for the surrounding areas pours in to help the victims of the quake. Money is impossible to track and each coach gets hold of a little extra coin. Each team is awarded a bribe for the game.

6) Neutral Zone infraction
Members from both teams on the Line of Scrimmage are eager to get the action started. A random player from the kicking team jumps a little early smashing an offensive player. Randomly pick one player from the kicking team who is on the LOS and in an opposing players tackle zone. He must throw a block against said opponent (if there is more than one opponent in his tackle he may choose which to block)

7) Media Circus
The media storms the sidelines throwing questions at the coach and taking glamor shots of the players. Roll a d6 add the number of Coaches and the Fame, Highest roll get a Re-Roll. If there is a tie both teams get a Re-Roll.

8) Earthquake
The Big One is happening. The ground shakes with forces strong enough to take the entire stadium down. The Refs stop the clock but in the confusion the clocks gets damaged. Move the turn track back one spot. If either team was on turn eight before the reset, both teams gain a re-roll.

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:17 am
by Thadrin
"platonic" means "brotherly" doesn't it?
Surely "Tectonic" is the movement of bits of the Earth's crust?

May be wrong.

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:25 pm
by James_Probert
Thadrin wrote:"Tectonic" is the movement of bits Earth's crust.

Am not wrong.
Corrected it for you!

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:12 am
by Fat_Emrys
I don't see the connection between wanting to surf and Animosity. If they're daydreaming about being elsewhere, wouldn't Bone Head be more appropriate?

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:47 am
by daloonieshaman
Emrys wrote:I don't see the connection between wanting to surf and Animosity. If they're daydreaming about being elsewhere, wouldn't Bone Head be more appropriate?
hmm good point

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:54 pm
by lauth81
daloonieshaman wrote:
1) Tectonic Shift
An earthquake fault runs under the pitch. the 2 plates collide causing the very ground to shift. Move every player on the pitch 1 square to the left. (If the shift crowd surfs a player, roll the results as normal)
"to the left" from which viewpoint? It's the opposite for each coach at the board.

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:13 am
by daloonieshaman
We both move left
my guys move to my left
your guys move to your left

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:25 am
by Fat_Emrys
With the Media Circus, might it make sense that the lower score loses a reroll (due to be distracted by the media) rather than the higher score gaining a reroll (both teams being distracted on a tie)?

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:04 am
by daloonieshaman
Emrys wrote:With the Media Circus, might it make sense that the lower score loses a reroll (due to be distracted by the media) rather than the higher score gaining a reroll (both teams being distracted on a tie)?
I see your point, I have to chew on this one.
SO what you are thinking:
Gain with the Cheer, Loose with the Media?

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:16 am
by lauth81
daloonieshaman wrote:We both move left
my guys move to my left
your guys move to your left
got that, but I would rephrase it to make it clear

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:44 am
by Fat_Emrys
daloonieshaman wrote:SO what you are thinking:
Gain with the Cheer, Lose with the Media?
Yes, that was the thought. The more assistant coaches you have to keep the media occupied answering questions, the more time you, as head coach, have to concentrate on tactics.

I've never understood (other than from a game balance point of view) why FAME helps out with Brilliant Coaching, but that's a separate issue. :lol:

Re: Opinion needed

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:55 pm
by daloonieshaman
Okay how about this:

I am working up our West Coast Quake '11 Kickoff Table
Please throw me some input (don't hold any punches)

Here is my entry for the 2011 Kick Off Table

1) Tectonic Shift
An earthquake fault runs under the pitch. the 2 plates collide causing the very ground to shift. Each coach moves every player on his team 1 square to his left. (If the shift crowd surfs a player, roll the results as normal)

2) Pep Rally
A massive pep rally happened before the match. The Cheerleaders take advantage of the unity and brings the fans to a thunderous fever. Roll d6 add the number of Cheerleaders and the Fame. The team with the highest roll gains a Re-Roll. If there is a tie both teams gain a Re-Roll.

3) New Teknilogy
A player on the Kicking team got himself a shinny new magic talkabox. He is so distracted talking to his buddy that he did not noticed play has begun. Pick a random player on the Kicking team. That player gains Bone Head for the drive. Treat the player as suffering from Bone Head at the start of the drive. Roll as normal each turn. (If he already has the trait Bone Head add Really Stupid to his skills for that drive)

4) Weather Change
The Weather on the west can change at a moments notice. Roll a d6 (Consult the chart below).
  • 1> Santa Anna Winds Gusting winds up to 80 miles per hour bring trees crashing down. The Strong wind makes it almost impossible to throw a pass. All passes suffer a -1 modifier (including HMP, and Bombs). Apply an extra scatter for all Fumbles, Inaccurate Passes, and Kicks, before the ball comes down.
    2> Aftershocks After a big Quake there are endless aftershocks making the ground quite unstable. Players using GFI fail on a 1-2
    3> Bright Sun Shine The Sun is so bright one can hardly see outside the mesh of bodies with the sun bouncing of players armor. No follow up is allowed, as the opposition is lost in the blinding glare. (Does not apply to Frenzy, Fanatic, and other such mandatory moves)
    4> Bone Dry Heat It is Hot and Dry. Players mouths are turning into cakes of dried dirt and sweat. The heat is draining the energy from everyone. When rolling for an Injury results of a 6-7 sends the injured player to the Reserves box to get a cooling drink. Treat other results as normal. (Stunty players the result of a 6 sends the player to the Reserves)
    5> "Hanging 10 Dude" The perfect waves in the background are distracting the players. Roll a d6 + Fame, A random player on the loosing team is considered as having moved for that turn (face the model as if his action is complete) and treat him as having Wild Animal for the rest of the drive as he is so distracted with thoughts of Ripping a big one.
    6> Light Rain In an area with such little rain when it does happen it makes every surface slick as can be. This is compounded by the fact that the ball boy polished the game balls all nice and shinny. All attempts to Catch, Intercept, and Pick Up the Ball are at a -1 modifier.
When the drive ends, the Weather changes back to Perfect Blood Bowl Weather

5) Aid Arrives
After every earthquake Aid for the surrounding areas pours in to help the victims of the quake. Money is impossible to track and each coach gets hold of a little extra coin. Roll a d6 + Fame the team with the highest roll receives a free bribe for the game.

6) Neutral Zone infraction
Members from both teams on the Line of Scrimmage are eager to get the action started. A random player from the kicking team jumps a little early smashing an offensive player. Randomly pick one player from the kicking team who is on the LOS and in an opposing player's tackle zone. He must throw a block against said opponent (if there is more than one opponent in his tackle he may choose which to block). All Skills/Extra/Mutations apply as normal.

7) Media Circus
The media storms the sidelines throwing questions at the coach and taking glamor shots of the players. Roll a d6 add the number of Coaches and the Fame, The coach with the lowest roll is so distracted answering questions and posing for glamor shots that a reroll is wasted in the process. If the result is tied both teams loose a reroll. (Does not count as the team reroll for that turn.)
8) Earthquake
The Big One is happening. The ground shakes with forces strong enough to take the entire stadium down. Roll a d6 (+fame) for each player If the result is 4+ than place the player prone as he stumbles about and falls to the ground. If the roll is a natural 6 roll again for that player. On a 1-3 he is stunned, on a 4-6 he is KOed, as the player is tossed about like a rag doll (Thick Skull & Stunty have no effect)