Brassbowl Prizes

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Brassbowl Prizes

Post by Vigfus »

Hello All,

Well, as the title indicates, a post about prizes for Brassbowl (and possibly a guide for other tournaments)

The thing is in the past we've always given away a painted team as first prize. Besides that we've given prizes to the runner up and 3rd place, together with most touchdowns, most casualties, fair play and a 'special' prize for the wooden spoon.

Anyway, in the years before we've received comments that the prizes are quite steep, especially a fully painted team. The reverse is also true. Well as we are currently discussing this, we thought to ask everyone's opinion on talkbloodbowl. The main concern for some coaches seems to be that the prizes only go to a select few, and it would be better spread out, and also that the prizes increase strong competitive play among the top players which seems to be opposed to the friendly enthousiastic Christmaslike atmosphere at brassbowl.
As for us Brassbowl is all about a good weekend for the coaches attending, we thought to ask your opinion, wether for additional prizes, spot prizes, prize suggestions or to tell us to go to hell - which in itself is a futile comment as we already have a PO box there - please tell us.

So if anyone has an opinion on this, please post it. We're looking for your opinion on Brassbowl prizes until the end of May after which we'll decide what to do.

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Re: Brassbowl Prizes

Post by lowsman2 »

Never had a problem with anyones attitude at Brassbowl so I am not convinced that the painted team brings out the worst in people. An unsporting player is an arse to play irrelevant of prizes. Then again, maybe my Blood-Leffe level has been too high to notice.....

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Every gamer should have their own weight in unpainted lead......
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Re: Brassbowl Prizes

Post by Duke Jan »

I have always loved the first prize at the brass bowl. I will probably never win it, but anyone who wins the brass bowl probably deserves it. I think a painted team symbolises the respect for the achievement more than the superiority of the winner. Unsporting competitiveness seems to be higher in tournaments with a high prestige than in tournaments with a really nice prize for the winners.

Brassbowl attracts the more sporting players and players who have an unsporting nature tend to change over a weekend in Oostende.

As for communism at Christmas... I'll not go into that argument in view of the rules of the board :p.

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Re: Brassbowl Prizes

Post by Pug »

I kinda feel the same here.....not always the same people winning the prizes but the usual crowd....trying to spread the winning between the ones who come for the Rankings and those that come for the fun and social seems always hard to balance (Admittedly I've only run one tourni so far, but tried to add a "Flavour" to my own tourni to spread the joy!).

Ok !st on points and 2nd on points is a given...but then after that I really want to give prizes to those that don't always play the best but are in essence the ones that give the Tournament scene that special enjoyment...the ones that are characters, the ones that are there for a laugh but play thier damndest etc.....It really is a difficult situation to balance between the "hard-Core" winners and the "Gigglers" for lack of a better description.
Fair enough we can't do without one or the other.
The "Rankers" keep the competition sharpe. We all aim, at one time or another, to beat so and so, or even try (If we can be arsed or sober enough) to give the "power-gamers" a run for their money.
Then there are the ones that turn up for the crack-of-it, the ones that are there to try a silly team, a theme team, or a completely donkers skill set or are just plain crap and are the centre of the hilarities thoughout the weekend.
Awarding these groups and the people that attend that cover all the spectrum of the Tourni scene is hard to do...BUT...there maybe a way....

Think in three may just work.

"Rankers" and "power-Gamers" call them what you want..Award them (X2 people) for the best playing...IE Points based on you system...that's why the points are there and etc.

"Painters and Creators"...x2 people....Best painted. Those that aren't colour blind or suffering from a weekends worth of DT's! .............AND..Best Concept. The people that have brought a team on a theme...It may look like it's been dipped in Hammerite, but the idea is solid/funny/appropriate/completely different from everyone elses, although gone through a vicious paintball fight!.

"Character Awards"........The life and drinking buddy of the Tourni. Those that Have come not to play you but to ENJOY playing against you, or a team that was there to try something completely mad or off the wall.
x1 STUNTY CUP...jeez are we guys never going to win a run of the mill tourni, but DAMMIT WE'LL TRY!! and that one person that encompasses all traits...TOURNI-MAN/THING..that one guy or girl that you played or heard about during the tourni that had everyone smiling or laughing or cringing in sympathy for a horrendous beating but still, smiled at you in a manic way as they threw a 1/3 die block against you Big Guy, in the glimmer of hope of pulling back at least one conselation TD! You've met them....Rankers and Fun players alike.... :orc:

Jeez....I'm rewriting the Rocket Bowl!!!!

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