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Playing the 24 - ALL DONE!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:57 pm
by sann0638
24 of the 24 played. Happy days!

Just thought I would document how I got on, so that when I am old and grey I'll be able to remember them. Will probably transfer to a website at some point, but here seemed a good place to start. Will also stick them in chronological order, but for the moment they are in the order in which they get photographed, so the order in which I come across them.

Cakebowl 2011 - Nurgle - Evil (Sirin)Gits
With an elephant beast, rhino and hippo warriors, buffalo pestigors, and warthog rotters, this team was a lot of fun to play, in practice at least. After a thorough dicing in the first half against Mattwhile's wood elves, the weekend stuttered along, with the bad dice combining with some devious goblin tactics to fashion a draw v Glowworm, then a consolation despatch of Trainspotter's ogres in my 100th NAF game. Sunday was meant to dawn brighter, but I played too aggressively against Leighton's Lizzies and Nuffle made me pay, before meeting Love Monkey's ogres and being called home early, leaving Hudson to mop up the pieces. Very tempted to play them again, as I don't think Nurgle got a fair crack of the whip from me this weekend. Will be taking them in Season 2 of the Cakebowl league - fingers crossed!

Newquaybowl 2009 - Necro
NAF Champs 2011 - Undead
This is the NAF legacy team from 2007/8, and saw dual outings as Necro and Undead, with the Mummies having to slum it as Flesh Golems in Newquay. Didn't manage many warmup games with Necro, so facing Podfrey in my first game with them was a bit of a challenge. The skill set suited them, as I recall, and I finished 3/2/1. Looking back, the loss was to Glowworm's Norse, which must be a typo :lol: .
Similarly I managed I think precisely no warmup games with Undead, not even having played them on PBEM, so was quite chuffed to finish on 4/2/0. This was a charmed weekend, from the beginning game when Loki's orc troll failed 9 stupids in the game (approx), to the end v Teg's orcs where the double skulls kept coming, but I couldn't quite monopolise. If only long bomb had failed the saurus dodge, it could have gone even better (or I might have got hammered in games 5 and 6).

Albion Coast Cup 2009 - Humans - Sunny Swindlers
Made what seems to be a trend with me of cocking up my first game - this time making a nice cage v Pippy in game 1 which depended on my ogre, and then deciding to make a block with him, which he promptly both downed on. The Fellowship made the weekend a happy fuzzy haze after that...

Carrot Crunch 2010 - Pro Elves - Lost in the Mohicans
Absolute nightmare, which ended with my elves on a 142 ranking, despite having a reasonable day 1 (won 1, drew 2). Will be returning to them after the 24! Still feeling bad about cheating my way to a TD v Cracol when I forgot which blitzer had which skill. Sorry again!

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:15 pm
by Pipey
Remember our game at Albion well. A 6-TD thriller if I remember rightly!

I think only about 12 people the world over have done 'the 24' which is pretty uncommon considering how widely played BB tourneys are these days.

Nice thread, keep it up!

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:21 pm
by sann0638
Thanks Pippy - I think it did go down to the line, could have gone 3-3 but finished 4-2. Had a good one v Jimjimany as well.

Only 12. Very surprising. Wonder if it is on Doubleskulls' site.

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:40 pm
by Don__Vito
sann0638 wrote: Only 12. Very surprising. Wonder if it is on Doubleskulls' site.

11 apparantly so far, with four more on 23?

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:44 pm
by sann0638
Strongbowl 2007 - Dwarves - The Wee Free Men

My very first tournament! Played Lycos (obviously) and had an entertaining (for me) 5th game against Stick, where I was trying to figure out whether I could get into the final if I won the game, or should stall for the draw. Drew anyway...

This was also a league team for ages, so has an apo, couple of cheerleaders with bagpipes, deathroller, coaches, and wizard. This was also where the light-blue started :)


ARBBL 2011 - Chaos - Fred the Fimir and Friends

Only played the Saturday, but that was enough for me! Will have to take these guys again, because I only took 1 CW, and he had two heads (thought it would be fun...). Will play them properly next time.


More later...

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:06 pm
by Sizzler
Has that Fimir been captured by Jabba the Hutt? Good stuff, Sann.

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:32 am
by firebreather
Come on Sann i want to hear more about how your chaos performed at ARBBL :lol:

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:08 am
by sann0638
Shut up :D Must remember not to put all three LOS players in a row when playing against fanatics next time. Does seem to take me a while to get going in tournaments!

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:18 pm
by van der vaart
Looks like a good challenge! Im impressed that youve painted all the teams thus far too! Keep up the good work!

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:49 pm
by Spiky
Nice thread, but are all your team photos going to be on an Elfball board?

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:53 pm
by sann0638
Spiky wrote:Nice thread, but are all your team photos going to be on an Elfball board?
Subliminal advertising. :wink:

More updates soon!

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:16 pm
by sann0638
Vampires - The Galaktagogues - Blood Bowl Grand Tournament 2010

Quite a hard tournament for the vamps, and I don't think I did them justice. Had a lucky first couple of rounds, against a human coach who forgot his thrower had sure hands (I did too, honest!), and then a halfling coach who managed a win in his first round. May have had a few too many beers on the Saturday however, so when I came up against Diamond Joe's Woodies in the 3rd round my brain turned to mush. Due to GW's reluctance to use score I was then drawn against him twice (!) on the Sunday, the first time we were allowed to swap but in the final round we had to play. Wasn't pretty...


Goblins - Crappy Crusaders - Spiky Challenge Cup 2011

Playing as part of the all-stunty Blighty Crusaders - we didn't come last! Gobbos were more fun than I'd imagined, and would be tempted to take them again if doubles were allowed. I'm still having nightmares about Glowworm's HMP bomber!


Ogres - Brutish Bulldogs - Thrud 2007, Conflict 2007, Spiky 2007, Waterbowl 2008

I started on the tournament scene playing with Ogres, and had some brilliant tournaments with them. Winning "most sporting" at Thrud was excellent, and I'm hoping to go back (blimey, 6 years later!). Conflict was a one-dayer. By the time of Spiky and the Waterbowl, the attraction of getting beaten up was wearing off a bit and I wanted to win some games! Speaking of which...


Norse - Apocalypticos - Newquaybowl 2008, Eurobowl 2008

Lovely lovely Norse! These guys won Newquaybowl 4, with highlights being drawing with Lycos after he failed a protected 3+ to score, then beating Geggster on a Saturday morning following a pair of lovely snake eyes. He also deserves credit for awarding me the win as my runner was heading for the line when the game was called. Always nice to beat Glowworm and Buggrit too.

They then made the trip to Barcelona as part of Team Scotland, this time bringing their pet snow troll along, who was a bit rubbish! His highlight was getting block just before game 4, and then promptly double skulling with this first block. Tish. Excellent tournament, finishing on a high clearing the pitch of some Belgian Dark Elves.


Halflings - Funnybones - Waterbowl 2010

A weekend of Halflings was hard work! I'm not quite a halfling coach yet, though was part of a three-way fight in game 6 for the stunty cup. Despite winning my last 2-0, the coach just before me won his as well, so took the trophy. Really enjoyed Bertha's dodging into cages exploits, especially against Thadrin, but was put firmly into place against the Chosen Gobbo's DT goblin shenanigans. Impressive stuff!


Chaos Dwarfs - Second Sedition - BB Grand Tournament 2009


Amazons - Feministas - Rocketbowl 2009


Will write up the tournaments later.

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:02 am
by Bill
Don__Vito wrote:
sann0638 wrote: Only 12. Very surprising. Wonder if it is on Doubleskulls' site.

11 apparantly so far, with four more on 23?
D_Arquebus is on 24 now but one of the tourneys has not yet been entered - thats 5 Aussies out of 13 unless others on 23 have since played their final race.

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog - now at 17.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:57 pm
by sann0638
Dark Elves - Daemon Dancers - Spiky Cup 2011

Race #17 was the dark elves, being proxied by a team of Daemons, which fitted quite nicely. Bloodletter Blitzers, Daemonette Witches, a Plaguebearer Assassin and Blue Horror Runner giving the world the finger. Three regular witches made up the team as line elves. Took a wrestle leap witch, a wrestle witch, a tackle blitzer and leader runner, one reroll, apo.

Game 1 was v Jimjimany Pro Elves, which was a bit of a harsh start, but could have gone either way. The scatter die was ridiculously important, with the ball going loose quite a few times, before importantly landing on his Catcher in a couple of zones after I fail a pickup. Not a problem, I think, before he mentions NoS. Bugger. 2-1 loss.

Game 2 v Firebreather Norse. FB achieved 32 casualties in 6 games, and I contributed a few, but manage to squeak the win. Received and took my time scoring, which almost went wrong when I mistook one of his ulfs for a snow troll, carefully counted out movement squares, then swore quietly to myself when he blitzed me. Wrestle witch leaped in to cause the turnover, then the norsemen couldn't pick the ball up, which allowed a bit of elf junk to make it 2-0. Final score, 2-1 win.

Game 3 v Beardysomething's Necro. Happily for me, the opposition failed to strap their armour on for this one, so I was players up for almost the whole game. 3-0 win.

Game 4, needing a win to make the semifinals. Sillysod's Vampires. I elected to kick, as with only 3 line-elves I'd been having to put positionals on the line in the second half when I received in the first half. Slight miscount from Peter (possibly) allowed a 1 die wrestle blitz on the ball carrier, which took him down. Not the end of the world until his next turn, when he rerolled a blood lust then promptly double both downed with a thrall, leaving a large gap in his defences. Stalled until turn 8, removing a few thralls in the meantime, but no serious injuries. Started the second half by crowd pushing a vampire who started the turn 3 squares away from the sideline. Loving the frenzy. Made it 2-0, then he had to push for the quick score, which meant that when the turnover came I could make it a 3-0 win.

At this point Lycos was on 3 wins and a tie and 4 of us were on 3 and a loss, but luckily the points meant I made the semis.

Game 5 - semifinal v Pippy's wood elves. Always slightly disconcerted by the Strip and Tackle wardancer pair, but was thinking positive, especially once I started with a Blitz. Didn't manage to super-capitalise, but my witches did numerous leaps and dodges into the cage and had friendly dice, so the ball popped few a few times, including one pow which hospitalised the stripper, beyond even the apo's capabilities. So scary was the leaper that the Tree resorted to fouling him in the first half, getting a stun and avoiding being sent off (I think the ref was scared). Came down to an 8th turn bit of elfy fun, and went in 1-0 down. Had managed to KO the 2nd wardancer, but with 2 attempts he came back for the second half. With a tie being no use to anyone, I scored reasonably quickly, leaving quite a long time for the decider, and the wrestle leaper came up trumps again. Was in a reasonably comfortable position until I started running out of turns and not noticing, leaving my blitzer needing GFIs and also able to be blitzed. Oops. Nuffle came up trumps though, gifting me a nice double skulls when he blitzed my guy. Needed a reroll for the GFI over the line, but made it.

Game 6 - final v Jim again. The diving tackle blodge blitzer was back to haunt me. Kicked the ball, and they scored in 5, having got into a fairly sticky situation near the sidelines with me having the ball. Again the scatter was favourable, when instead of bouncing off the pitch it scattered to the perfect scoring position. This left me 4 turns. A good amount of time, until a riot gave us an extra turn, which was to prove my undoing. Managed to get in a decent scoring position quickly, before a glance at the clock meant that would give him 2 turns with pro elves to score. Non ideal. Attempted a stall, but with no rerolls the first non-Dodge dodge I attempted failed, and my ball carrier was open. Had a few more chances to score, but went in 1-0 down. Scored in 3 turns or so, figuring that more turns is better when going for the defensive TD, and wanting to avoid a dice-off (and now hating stalling!). Didn't get the breaks I needed, and the Pros got a fairly straightforward winner, and a massive knife as the prize.

Absolutely love the wrestling witches, having used Jump Up pretty much every other turn of the tournament. May return to them after the 24 is up, but I have a decent ranking with them now so that may be an error :wink:

Re: Playing the 24 in tournaments - sann's blog - now at 17.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:30 pm
by Darkson
Good going Sann.
Only got 3 to go myself, but in theory, that's going to take me till Spiky next year. :(