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STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:26 am
by Wilf
Righto, with less than three weeks to go before the inaugural STABB Cup, let's get a little trash talking going on!

This will be St Albans' first NAF Blood Bowl event, and we're hoping it becomes a firm favourite in the calendar.

So far, there are quite a few new faces signed up to play, which is always good to see. Will one of the fresh coaches emerge at the top of the pile?

Thanks to its proximity to London, and the fact that both Bsking and I are members, there are a number of coaches from England's finest Blood Bowl league - the ECBBL. The famous Blackshirts need no introduction, but will one of the Pearly Kings emerge triumphant?

Finally, we have none other than the world's NUMBER ONE NAF ranked player coming to the tournament. Yes Joemanji, or Joe in RL, will be there - no indication what he will be taking, but expect it to be competitive!!

My punt for the winner? I'm going for Blitzwing, back among the trophies!

Really looking forward to this one. I'm spare player, but I'll be fielding halflings or humans if I'm needed.

There's plenty of restaurants to choose from in St Albans, but as we're at the beer festival, my vote goes for a curry on the Saturday evening!

Bring it...

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:47 pm
by nonumber

Food wise, I find pizza also goes down a treat with beer.

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:39 pm
by bigallium
bringing Nurgle, turning over early and often, drinking beer, eating just about what ever we get round to finding.

If you need to book somewhere I then I go for convenience of location to the beer tent.

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:26 am
by gortexgunnerson
I'm one of the new faces!

Have no idea on team as have been set to Italy by work as opposed to sorting anything, hence goblin madness is definately off the table. Honestly don't they understand the importance of blood bowl! :D

Haven't got much BB in for a while so will be a rough learning curve! To add to this I'm probably going to take a team I've never played before :D Therefore equals more time in the bar :D

Quick question, are we allowed non GW model teams (as long as not confusing etc)?

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:46 am
by Wilf
Non-GW models are fine, even encouraged. So long as your opponent can identify what is what, it's all good. Often helps to paint bases a particular colour if they're not immediately obvious.

I'm not sure what the exact colours are, but normally blitzer bases are red. Worth looking elsewhere on TFF for the usual other colours.

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:02 am
by gortexgunnerson
There all pretty obvious so no problems there! Its an impact Choas Pact team and a shadow forge human team!

Very much looking forward to it! See you all there!

Side note: Are you going to publish the first round before Saturday to increase the smalk talk! lol

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:11 am
by Wilf
gortexgunnerson wrote:There all pretty obvious so no problems there! Its an impact Choas Pact team and a shadow forge human team!

Very much looking forward to it! See you all there!

Side note: Are you going to publish the first round before Saturday to increase the smalk talk! lol
Probably not, just in case there are any last minute drop outs/attendees.

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:20 am
by Boothdom
Looking forward to this muchly!

I'm also one of the new faces and this'll be my first proper BB tourney. :P

Have no hope of winning owt so am definitely there for fun and beer.

Don't mind on the food, will eat pretty much anything. Proximity to the beer fest is a point worth concidering though. Don't want to lose valuable drinking time!

See you all there!


p.s. Am pretty sure it'll be lizzies, but if not the Lego Khemri may get a run out! :orc:

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:07 am
by Blitzwing
Not long now, looking forward to it.

Curry or pizza is good with me.
Wilf wrote:My punt for the winner? I'm going for Blitzwing, back among the trophies!
I don't see that happening some how, last time I checked out my dice cup it had moss growing in it :(

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:52 am
by firebreather
Ill be bringing my Slann along so expect to be on the bottom tables, and finally completing the 24, its only taken 10 years :cry:

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:59 am
by gortexgunnerson
firebreather wrote:Ill be bringing my Slann along so expect to be on the bottom tables, and finally completing the 24, its only taken 10 years :cry:
Slann are funky!! Mass leap FTW!!!

Am torn on team's am debating between trusty humans or going for the rats as just got a new team! Decisions decisions! My thinking is currently that its ok for me to lose with my humans but if I take rats and still come last then its just embarashing :blue:

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:20 pm
by Wilf
firebreather wrote:Ill be bringing my Slann along so expect to be on the bottom tables, and finally completing the 24, its only taken 10 years :cry:
Good work Steve - still a good achievement even if it's taken you a while!
gortexgunnerson wrote:Am torn on team's am debating between trusty humans or going for the rats as just got a new team! Decisions decisions! My thinking is currently that its ok for me to lose with my humans but if I take rats and still come last then its just embarashing :blue:
Go with the team you fancy playing. I'm trying to work out a few odd rosters to try with my humans - some involve leader and not many rerolls...

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:44 pm
by bigallium
Wilf wrote:...some involve leader and not many rerolls...
the overriding decision factor for my Nurgle roster is getting as many of the converted models on the pitch as possible, so thank God for Leader!

(Firebreather, our teams are destined to meet and play one of the worst games of BB ever witness by the undiscerning fan!)

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:02 pm
by Stu
I'll be disappointed if nobody brings an assassin or two to the STABB cup.

Re: STABB Cup - Smack talk, teams and nosh choice

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:43 pm
by Wilf
Stu wrote:I'll be disappointed if nobody brings an assassin or two to the STABB cup.
My thoughts exactly. I would do, but I'm not allowed to powergame at my own tournament.
