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A new type of tournament?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:33 pm
by Itchen Masack
Was wondering to myself if the following idea was one worth considering, whether it would be of interest, and if indeed it is even plausible :-)

The idea being a coach would initially play 5 matches with 5 different teams of 5 different races. Each coach would need supply only 1 team and lend it out to the other coaches and in turn borrow 5 different races to play.

The tournament would rely upon there being coaches in multiples of 6 who play in groups, 1 game against each of the other 5 coaches.

After the initial 'group stages' are complete, the coaches would then play a final 6th game with the team they supplied for the tournament.

If there were two groups of 6 this would be a straight winner vs winner matchup, 2nd vs 2nd, 3rd vs 3rd and so on.
If there was only 1 group of 6 coaches, it would need to be 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th and 5th vs 6th.

Obviously the tournament would take quite a bit of pre-planning with rosters agreed in advance, assuring that the player could supply the necessary models to cover each of the opposing 5 coaches requirements, but i believe this could be fun.

Your thoughts please, and dont be afraid to let me know how pointless or unworkable you think this could be! :-D

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:07 pm
by spubbbba
I think it sounds like an interesting idea but you might be better making it a team event. Say teams of 6 with a couple of mercenaries who can fill in for people who don’t turn up or have to leave. That way you could have each group use each other’s teams, with maybe some sort of restriction that each group has to take some tier 1.5, 2 or 3 teams.

Also some of us are pretty attached to our teams so wouldn’t want another player using them and this way you will at least know it was a fellow group member that dropped your carefully converted star Blitzer and then stood on it. :D

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:14 pm
by Magictobe
We had two weeks ago Turncoat bowl. I wanted a tournament where you do not only play with your team. I got to this idea after seeing the world championship jumping (horses) where in the final you play with all the horses of your opponents.

We ended up with following concept. You play 4 games. Two games with your team and two games AGAINST your team (the new called "Magictobe's principle")

There was to much reaction of people who do not want te lend their team to someone else (some tables away). When your opponent is playing your team, you can make sure that your miniatures are threated well.

The order of games determine which tournament you get. I changed it into first and third game against your own team. In that case you get the tier 3 teams up after first game. More randomness (what I wanted)

Reactions were overall positive and the date for next year is already set.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:15 am
by DoubleSkulls
I did do a small event with the rules you played your team one game, played against it in the 2nd round, then teams got drawn for the final round, so you played every game with a different race.

I think a team competition where you had say 4 coaches, and before each round you randomise which coach plays which team would be a fun alternative.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:45 am
by Itchen Masack
Yeah sounds like a team event would be the way forward if I were ever to attempt to run a thing like this :-)

It'd never occured to me that players wouldnt like strangers using their miniatures, but realise how naive I was!

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:05 am
by Nikolai II
Getting a 1st ed BB set, or otherwise creating paper miniatures for the tournament could solve that part, though.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by SillySod
Your concept is good but has a few flaws:
1 - you need multiples of six.
2 - you need exactly 12 players, or you need to be prepared to have a seventh or even an eight round.
3 - despite everyone using the same pool of teams you might find that some people get screwed over having to play dwarfs vs amazons while other people get humans to take on the dwarfs (or similar).

A tournament where you get a different team every round definately has some merit though. Maybe you could have a pool of pre-determined teams (designed to give fun games) where everyone is randomly allocated a new team every round.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:04 pm
by Darkson
Itchen Masack wrote:It'd never occured to me that players wouldnt like strangers using their miniatures, but realise how naive I was!
Not sure that it's "naive", maybe it just depends on who attends. I hate painting (there, I said it!), and really struggle to start teams, let alone finish them (I have two (2!!!) complete self-painted teams), and yet I've managed to play 22 of the official NAF races. I find a polite post (or call for help in my case!) and usually someone will help out. I've borrowed teams ranging from gaming standard to GT Painting Finalists (which was a worry for me!).

Maybe it's because I'm a "known face" (as someone called me :P ) within the BB community, but I've never had a problem borrowing a team, and I'd have no issue lending my (poorly painted) teams if someone wanted to.

For me, the important question would be "would/could it be NAF ranked"? I only get to do a few tourneys a year ( :( ), so prefer the ranked ones to those not.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:19 am
by Magictobe
At my tournament, the only games that were naf ranked were the games with your own team.

Otherwise you could be screwed by the roster of your opponent. Screwing your undead roster because someone only plays with zombies.

Re: A new type of tournament?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:51 am
by Itchen Masack
In my idea, the coach would choose the roster for each race in advance themselves, not be supplied one, ie each Undead roster for example could in theory be different from the other Undead rosters and could therefore all be NAF ranked?

This would mean the coach bringing the undead team would need to have more than one possibility for his models.

I had also assumed that as you can make sure each coach plays each other coach 1 time, that you could also arrange it so that each coach plays the same 2 team matchup once as well, but now looking at it, not sure that works at all :-D