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NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:18 am
by Pitch Invader
Taken me some time to get to writing up a report of the NATC, and 9 games is too long to do in one shot, so I've started with the pre-event material.

Since it is on the long side, the full report can be found here if you'd like to read the whole thing: ... event.html
and I'll likely be doing the 3 day event divided by day over the next few days.

Vikings Invade Las Vegas: NATC Pre-event Report

Can an army of Elvis Impersonators marshaled by the rhinestone golem of Liberace hope to defend against a raiding party of Norse Dwarves backed up by a troll?

Not bloody likely.

This was the first year for the NATC: North American Team Championship of Blood Bowl.
I've always been jealous, listening to events like the ETC for Warhammer, and not being able to go to the Blood Bowl World Cup a couple years ago, so I was hoping it'd work out to go to this Team Event.

In future updates I will cover the games themselves, but with 9 games over 3 days, I'll first devote an update to preparing for the event itself and selecting our team and the Blood Bowl team I would take.

First thing was to find a team. Each team needed four people, each with a different team race.
Two of the people on the team I have known for a very long time. One of them, Russ, was the person who taught me how to play Blood Bowl back when 3rd edition was released- so a lot of this you can blame on him. The other was friend and long time adversary across the table sized battlefield, Dan, who you can find in some Blood Bowl game reports here even.. when my Gators pummeled his High Elves in the West Coast Quake, and these same High Elves later making a mockery of my Orcs at the following West Coast Quake when it was in Las Vegas. The other member of our team, Steven, quite a nice guy who I've met before in a couple local tournaments, including the Seaside Slaughter in Pacifica.

So, we had a team.
Next we needed a name, and to decide what teams we'd each be bringing since we couldn't bring any duplicates. I originally pushed for an 'all stunty' team: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres & Skinks.
This idea didn't win out, but I still think it'd be fun. But then, I'm a big proponent of stupid ideas.

For a team name, Dan suggested 'something chaosy, and it has to have a location", and since I've always preferred teams that can have an animal mascot I suggested "Chaostriches" .. a chaos ostrich: chaostrich.
Like I said: big proponent of stupid ideas. But this one was well received and we settled for "West Coast Chaostriches". Dan then cranked out a great T shirt design and we were on our way to high fashion, if not glory.

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:53 pm
by Pitch Invader
Day 1 Games are up... ... day-1.html

If you like reading about playing against Wood Elves, then this is a must read!

Game 1: ..Start the day off against Wood Elves!
Uffda sizes up Treebeard.
"What's the three-week long phrase in Entish for 'you're going down?'"

Game 2: What team to play next? How about a second helping of Wood Elves?

Game 3: For desert... you know what would be really nice? Maybe some..Wood Elves!

Yes a day so chock full of Wood Elves you'll have leaves in every bite!

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:09 pm
by lauth81
Very nice report, fun to read!

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:12 am
by Pitch Invader
Thanks! I had fun writing them. Our game is now up to immortalize your (spoiler alert) victory!

Day 2 & 3 reports are up- just follow the link given before and carry on to Day 2 & 3 updates.

games against Humans, Chaos Dwarves and 2 Dark Elves & 2 Lizard matches.

Some highlights...

What happens when a Yeti (Snow Troll) gets the ball? Will he score?

The Norse Ice Cutter:

A game in a verdant, beautiful, but cursed, jungle temple:

And a vicious beating, in misplaced revenge on a species now distrusted:

and more!
Day 3: ... day-3.html
Day 2 before.

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:36 pm
by lauth81
Pitch Invader wrote:Thanks! I had fun writing them. Our game is now up to immortalize your (spoiler alert) victory!
We didn't play against each other ... Mark's NAF nick is Planlos

Anyway a nice read again!

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:12 pm
by Pitch Invader
lauth81 wrote:
Pitch Invader wrote:Thanks! I had fun writing them. Our game is now up to immortalize your (spoiler alert) victory!
We didn't play against each other ... Mark's NAF nick is Planlos

Anyway a nice read again!
Oh, I got the two handles mixed up :oops: I have a hard enough time remembering people's names, but with forum handles I've got twice the tax on my memory :orc:

Who did you play on our team, do you remember? I was wondering who played against Russ when he had his amazing luck of rolling Double Skulls: Re-Roll: Double Skulls, three times in the same match. That must have been painful to watch.

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:17 pm
by sann0638
Some of these pictures are amazing. It's great when two nice teams play each other.

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:58 am
by lauth81
Pitch Invader wrote:
Who did you play on our team, do you remember? I was wondering who played against Russ when he had his amazing luck of rolling Double Skulls: Re-Roll: Double Skulls, three times in the same match. That must have been painful to watch.
Honestly, I have no recollection of that game. Looking at the NAF results posted yesterdaz evening it could have been a draw against Undead coached by "bobpoundmax". Does that sound right?

Re: NATC 2013 Report

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:40 am
by Pitch Invader
ah, no- that's Steven with Undead. Russ's team was Dark Elves.
I've had some bad luck in the past, but never so much as three times with Double Skulls, re-roll Double Skulls.
has to be some kind of record :orc: