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big thank you

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:06 am
by bound for glory
i just want to say thank you to all the people who were kind enough to support our modest tourny. without them, well, there would be no prizes.

tom at impact!. what can i say? long ago, before he was "the god father of blood bowl", we traded quite a few bb figures. we have disagreed on some subjects, but he never held that against me. he has supported the mike kriger event and when my son was ill, he was very kind to send him some of impacts! games.

gaspez arts head man fabio has been the foundation ever since we started. every year without fail, he has been there for us. his high quality products are always the top prize. in fact, fabio was the first to support us. if you hav'nt bought any of his teams, i highly recommend that you do. they are top notch.

jorge at willy has friends who have served in the s**thole that is afghanistan. he has also been with us from year one. gotta say, i always look forword to working with him. he always takes an interest in our event, and i'm happy he allows me to use his images on our flyers. his miniatures are beautiful.

molton is the man. new to support us, he has jumped in and sent some of his miniatures to ad to our prizes. the amazon team he sent last year was won by the only woman to attend our event, and she said she will have it painted and ready for this year. i can't wait to see how she did.

RYKAR!! he is the man behind the wild things. waaaay back when, mike and i would often talk about monsters would be cool in blood bowl. we were both fans of the book, where the wild things are, and we both thought the monsters in that book would be cool on the pitch. RYKAR has made that possible. he has bought carol, douglas and max to life for me. he has been more than happy to work with me. i honestly can't thank him enough. he is so kind and helpful. if you ever want a figure commisioned, i recommend RYKAR. you won't be disappointed.

glowworm. . over and above what he does for my tournament, simon has shown himself to be a true friend. always asking about my son and my family, i really hope to one day meet
him and his wife. i honor him as a friend.

all the members that buy the wild things. thanks, boys! just know that a good % of your money goes to the wounded warrior project. last year, we donated over $200 to the fund, and i hope we can give more this year. its a good cause, so even if you don't like our wild things, BUY A SET, LOL! the vets need our help.

so thanks! and to TFF member mnb(the only TFF member to attend our tourny), i hope you show this year. your chaos dwarf team rules, ok!

Re: big thank you

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:14 pm
by GalakStarscraper
Happy to help

Re: big thank you

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:25 am
by Glowworm
GalakStarscraper wrote:Happy to help

Tournaments are great, tournaments that raise money for worthy causes are even better. :D