Thick skull for the human blitzers.

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Add thick skull to the human blitzers?

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Joemanji »

No. 80K.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Flashman »

Personally I think no. I'm not convinced the Blitzer is the problem in the team.

I'm increasingly convinced it's the Catchers who should be S3... maybe increase their price but TBH probably decrease their movement would be the fairest way to balance it.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by garion »


Humans are fine, 80k for blitzers that is all, and even that seems like a pretty big boost, as humans are a tier 1 starter team imo, they just struggle at a higher TV. If I was to give them anything else it would be a cheaper Zug, I know he is amazing but it would be nice if humans got their cheap star players perk from LRB4 back, it wasnt a complete equaliser but it certainly gave them something of an edge.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by MKL »

inkpwn wrote:Simple preposal, humans need a tiny beef so I thought thick skull blitzers.
Fits the idea for blitzer, tough, stays on the pitch, the star of the team.
Ideas, flaws?
To me, make 'em AV9. 90k is a lot: this way they compare to 80k Orc Blitzers :smoking:

Inkpwn, threads about changing humans are somewhat of a dead end: there is who want humans cool, and there is who want humans cheap and "average".
Not enough love for them :wink:

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by kurtlemalin »

In my opinion, it will be nice to combine the human et the vampire roster team.
After all, vampires are among humans and were humans before .

First, both teams are not really played by people, i would even say deserted!
Why not add 0-2 or 0-4 Vampires, these players are sometimes unstable, but their 6/4/4/8 regenerate, Hypnotic Gaze, (blood lust ! )
could be a real boost.
Add to blood lust rule' vampire must bite a a thrall, or a human team mate '
Add to the roster team creation this rule : you can't have Vampires and Ogres in your team.

We will kill two birds with one stone because humans will have these new star players, and vampires team will have some boost too.

if you want only play with 4 vampires and linemen you can too.
More over, if you want to play only human, you can!!
Vampire are not stable because of blood lust but they are good players, bring lot of fun, and new tactics.

Thick skull is not really usefull, read .

And i enjoy having 10 balanced teams than 20 teams which are not!!

Sorry for my bad english,
cheers, olivier.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by spubbbba »

As a dedicated human player I’m all for boosting them but I think adding 0-2 vamps would be too much.

They have some of the best stats in the game (both ST and AG4), not to mention 2 of the best abilities (hypno and regen), and the changes to Bloodlust mean that is less of a disadvantage than it was previously.

The other reason I’d be against it was that it would make taking a normal vampire team pretty much pointless. Paying 10K extra for AV8 thralls and being able to take Blitzers, throwers and catchers for the loss of 0-4 vamps would be far too tempting.

Maybe if you gave the vamps loner, gave only the linemen the thrall skill, or made them 0-1, or restricted catchers and/or blitzers to 0-2 it would work.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by kurtlemalin »

Yes perhaps you re right about vampires or perhaps increasing their cost to 130k-150k instead of 110K

But why human blitzer 7/3/3/8 Block costs 90k
and Orc Blitzer 6/3/3/9 Block costs 80k ??

+av or +mv is +10K so what is the reason??

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by garion »

Definately no to vamps,

Humans are a good starter team but struggle late on, probably when facing teams of around 1600+ maybe 1800+

They are just a challange to use. Joemanji has written a good playbook for plasmoids site, I recommend everyone read it.

The big problem in this rule set with humans is how much better other teams have got because of the dreaded CPOMB on hyper bash teams and because of Wrestle on elf teams. Also the crazy star players costs, the way they work with inducements now and the lack of Luthor in their star player list has also cost them.

A very small boost could be to give them a Cyclops instead of an ogre. The same except -1 ag and with horns. I'm also on board with the -10k off the blitzer but any other boosts would make them too strong a starter team in my opinion.

Also bringing back traits would be nice, i hate that they are gone and it just makes it so easy for all teams to maximise their ability to specialise in one area wwhich humans cant do anyway and the more specialist a team becomes the harder humans will find it.

This is the cyclops i would use ... G_4879.JPG

ARGHGHHHG images are still not working on this site.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Smurf »

I still think 80k for the blitzers of which you can have 4. Is a bargin.

you get a 7338 block GS basic, the rats get a 7338 block GS basic too (is that 80 or 90k - sorry no rule book in front of me).

When you compare the Elf line ups we are looking at costs of 90k plus. 7348 Block GA does not have the same advantage (IIRC that is Dark elf/High elf and Elf teams). Only WE has the mental 8347 Block Dodge Leap wardancer and in normal play (after 4-5 games) they should be pegged.

Norse and Amazon variants are lack lustre on the move and armour departments. Whilst the comparable Orc Blitzer is a slow 6339 block GS for 80K. Even the Wight has a 6338 block regen GS for 80K too.

The one thing I note about the human team is that in comparable GW products the humans (Marines and Empire in 40k and FB) are given the edge. In BB they are not. There ability to be durable, hitty and quick is a fine balance and the coach has to think every turn is it time to go quick or is it time to hit. Games can be decided by the wrong course of action, development also hinged on this decision. Sometimes you have to look at the way it is played. Guard on Blitzers? Does it win or does it get you stuck in a brawl and the real big hitters smack the team apart.

Humans are flexible and coaches need to see which way to flex on a turn by turn basis. Very disciplined game IMO.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by spubbbba »

A lot of those prices are wrong smurf.

0-4 Human Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS
0-2 Skaven Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS (but mutations on doubles)
0-2/0-4 High or Dark Elf Blitzer 100K - 7/3/4/8, Block, GA
0-2 Wardancer 120K – 8/3/4/7, Block, Dodge, Leap GA
0-2 Pro Elf Blitzer (100K or110K) – 7/3/4/8, Block, Sidestep, GA
0-2 Norse Berserker 90K – 6/3/3/7, Block, Frenzy, Jump Up, GS
0-4 Amazon Blitzer 90K – 6/3/3/7, Block, Dodge, GS
0-4 Orc Blitzer 80K – 6/3/3/9, Block, GS
0-2 Wight 90K – 6/3/3/8, Block, Regen, GS
0-2 Blitz-ra 90K – 6/3/2/8, Block, regen GS

I can’t remember the price of the pro elf Blitzer, it was one of those 2.

Having used all them the human Blitzer really does struggle, they are great players but can be difficult to skill up at higher TV’s and cost a lot to replace. They also die pretty easily as almost all the other blitzers have either AV9, regen or dodge or easy access to it.

I still think the weakest link in the team is the catchers who really do suck and are massively overcosted when compared to wood elf catchers, gutter runners or even skinks.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by garion »

yup the catchers do indeed blow, but at the same time they are really important once playing at a higher tv because their speed causes loads of problems. they are just so squishy. The other good thing about humans though is how well they can take advantage of all stat increases, but due to the TV hike that comes with them its not always worth it in this edition.

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Smurf »

spubbbba wrote:A lot of those prices are wrong smurf...

Having used all them the human Blitzer really does struggle, they are great players but can be difficult to skill up at higher TV’s and cost a lot to replace. They also die pretty easily as almost all the other blitzers have either AV9, regen or dodge or easy access to it.

I still think the weakest link in the team is the catchers who really do suck and are massively overcosted when compared to wood elf catchers, gutter runners or even skinks.
OK thanks for the correction but let's group them up:

0-4 Orc Blitzer 80K – 6/3/3/9, Block, GS

0-4 Human Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS
0-4 Amazon Blitzer 90K – 6/3/3/7, Block, Dodge, GS
0-2 Norse Berserker 90K – 6/3/3/7, Block, Frenzy, Jump Up, GS
0-2 Skaven Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS (but mutations on doubles)
0-2 Wight 90K – 6/3/3/8, Block, Regen, GS
0-2 Blitz-ra 90K – 6/3/2/8, Block, regen GS

0-2 High Elf Blitzer 100K - 7/3/4/8, Block, GA
0-4 Dark Elf Blitzer 100K - 7/3/4/8, Block, GA
0-2 Pro Elf Blitzer 110K – 7/3/4/8, Block, Sidestep, GA

0-2 Wardancer 120K – 8/3/4/7, Block, Dodge, Leap GA

IMO the Human Blitzer is comparable. What is his role? Also he is more numerous than most. Dark Elves have a similar amount for 10k more but also lack other positions. Amazons sacrifice a lot for theirs, a reduction in move and armour for a dodge skill.

BTW we are not discussing Human Catchers (@70k I think they are a bargin too)

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by MKL »

spubbbba wrote: (...)
0-4 Human Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS
0-2 Skaven Blitzer 90K – 7/3/3/8, Block, GS (but mutations on doubles)
Having used all them the human Blitzer really does struggle, they are great players but can be difficult to skill up at higher TV’s and cost a lot to replace. They also die pretty easily as almost all the other blitzers have either AV9, regen or dodge or easy access to it.

I still think the weakest link in the team is the catchers who really do suck and are massively overcosted when compared to wood elf catchers, gutter runners or even skinks.
Agree with Spubbbba.
-Humans are supposed to be cheap, but they are not.
-Catchers are a key element of the team, but are too weak.
-Blitzers have to struggle like tragedy's heroes, and usually end in the same style (failure, shame and death).

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Smurf »

Only the orcs have AV9 plus we forgot to include the Dwarf blitzer

0-2 Dwarf Blitzer 5339 Block Thickskull 80K

That's it... all blitzers with the exceptions of Wardancers, Amazons, Norse, have AV8.

For easy access to Dodge you either have to be: Amazon or Wardancer to start with dodge or pay 100k to 110k for H/D Elf or P Elf.

The real question is are the human blitzers being asked to do something else of what would really make them?

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Re: Thick skull for the human blitzers.

Post by Glowworm »

Flashman wrote:Personally I think no. I'm not convinced the Blitzer is the problem in the team.

I'm increasingly convinced it's the Catchers who should be S3... maybe increase their price but TBH probably decrease their movement would be the fairest way to balance it.

Never got why Human catchers are S2, dont see the blitzers as the "problem child" of the team, in fact ive seen /played against Human teams with no catchers, never played against one with no blitzers....

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