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Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:34 pm
by garion
Stunty players are on the whole pretty rubbish as soon as they start playing against high TV opponents. So to imporve them and their effectiveness I propose a few changes -

1, I would like to see Stunty players pay half the TV for skill increases. This would allow Stunty teams to get more inducements which would increase their effectiveness in leagues. It would also stop Skinks bloating Lizardmen team's TV; constantly forcing you to fire them after they have gained a skill or two until you get a double roll

2, Kick and Dirty Player should be open skills (open to all players). Not in general category. There aren’t any fluff reasons why Stunty players couldn’t perform these rolls and making Stunty teams take these skills on doubles again bloats the teams TV too much for the skills use. Kick only gets used a few times a game maximum and dirty player is no where near as effective as it used to be.

3, Allow big guys to TTM Stunty players long passes again, but only if the big guy has got Strong Arm. (Maybe with double the scatter?)

4, Players with Sneaky Git should add assists to a foul even when a player with the skill is in an opponents tackle zone. In the same way that Guard does for blocking.

If there is ever a rule change again which certainly looks unlikely these days. I really hope these suggestions are taken seriously because I used to play Stunty teams quite a lot and I think these changes would have a very positive effect on the game.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:03 pm
by Shteve0
1) Agree. Best suggestion I've heard in a long time.

2) Disagree. Stunty players are small and light. Why would they make good kickers? Could they really give someone a boot in the same way ST4 players can?

3) And allow them to throw the opponent's stunties too :lol: again, suggestion from same thread as (1) - think it't in the General section somewhere

4) Yeah, maybe. But see (2).

Personally, I think just the first point would do the trick. Giving easy fouling options to cheap players seems a little broken.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:19 pm
by inkpwn
Stuntys are supposed to suck, leave them be. Halflings team with +deeproot, + wizard, +chef +cards is often much more fun and unique then playing a team with effective skill ups.
Goblins would also be a threatening team if you cheapend them, all those secret weapons, two trolls, skilled gobbos and induced bribes is a bit to good.
They are supposed to be a challenge, don't even the playing field we don't want to see the killer flings from previous editions.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:24 pm
by Oxynot
As a comment to point 3: make long passes possible for Titchy players instead of Stunties. That'd make ogres more unique as well.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:07 pm
by garion
They would still suck even with these changes just not quite as much. The changes would mainly stop you having to sack all your skinks all the time when you are playing with lizardmen which is a really stupid design flaw with them at the moment.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:58 pm
by plasmoid
Hi Garion,
I'm a stunty (well, gobbo) at heart, and I've always wanted the little guys to be more competitive.
Here are my 2 ideas:

1) TTM: +1 to landing roll when not holding the ball.
This would open up a lot of neat TTM tricks, without making TTM OTS more likely.

2) The big one: Make Right Stuff void Tackle on blocks (and blitzes).
I know what the knee-jerk reaction will be: That'll make stunties unstoppable!

But think about it:
*Is it possible to beat a blodge team - even without tackle?
*The stunties are ST2, so easy victims for 3-dice blocks.
*The stunties don't have access to block/wrestle, so most of them will be easy enough to handle.
*ReRolls, Frenzy, Pro and Wrestle can also take them down.
*And they're still low AV with +1 on the injury.

But it would protect them from the wholesale slaughter when facing (Chaos) Dwarfs.


Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:49 pm
by nick_nameless
plasmoid wrote:Hi Garion,
I'm a stunty (well, gobbo) at heart, and I've always wanted the little guys to be more competitive.
Here are my 2 ideas:

1) TTM: +1 to landing roll when not holding the ball.
This would open up a lot of neat TTM tricks, without making TTM OTS more likely.

2) The big one: Make Right Stuff void Tackle on blocks (and blitzes).
I know what the knee-jerk reaction will be: That'll make stunties unstoppable!

But think about it:
*Is it possible to beat a blodge team - even without tackle?
*The stunties are ST2, so easy victims for 3-dice blocks.
*The stunties don't have access to block/wrestle, so most of them will be easy enough to handle.
*ReRolls, Frenzy, Pro and Wrestle can also take them down.
*And they're still low AV with +1 on the injury.

But it would protect them from the wholesale slaughter when facing (Chaos) Dwarfs.

Of course neither of those fixes help skinks stay alive....

I think Galak would say: These teams are supposed to be a challenge to coach, so why fix them?

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:00 pm
by Smurf
Your not supposed to win with them.

Your not supposed to lose against them.

Break either of these 2 rules and the stunty player can really dance with the 'L' salute in front of you... you of course we hang your head in shame.

What other teams can launch players at other players and knock them over instantly causing armour injury roll

Of course it would be funny if the little stunty guy had (a modified) pile on too but I detract.

Always ignore TZ penalties when dodging out of a TZ!

The Stunties are supposed to come up with wacky ways of taking down the normal sized opponents. The lob the ball carrier method may be the quickest way to get the little guys started, after all you don't want to be a stunty cage!

AG4 stunties are gold... use them wisely.
ST 3 stunties have learnt to level their playing field.
MA or AV... I'd say go with MA give the little guys some opportunity to race off somewhere.

You are supposed to get the team really chewed up and our new fling coach has survived to games against Orc with all flings only bruised... no lasting, dead etc he has been lucky.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:03 pm
by garion
Yes but as said none of the change sI have suggested would make them much better, they would just make them a little bit more competative. I used to be a Halfling coach back in the LRB4 days, and I was excellent with them. But that was mainly because of the chef rules. Now those chef rules may have been a little too good. But removing them has completely destroyed the halfling team now. They just cannot compete at all unless you get a lot of luck. Yes people will still win the odd game with flings. But against a very good coach you have next to no chance unless you have lots and lots of luck.

The changes I proposed will only make them a little bit better but they will still remain in the bottom tier.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:30 pm
by Pug
up the AV to 7 ( Armour is Armour regardless of size), plus add 10K

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:25 pm
by estyles
I strongly agree with #1. It's just ridiculous that you get a skill or two on a Stunty and they're suddenly worth 2 or 3 of the same player in TV.
Also, I think: Sure Feet should allow you to reroll a landing roll.

I also think Halflings should get a positional or two, and Goblins should get a Deathroller.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:09 pm
by Smurf
I suggest you alway take a Random Events Deck Card.

Not only does it have a death roller, it also has 'get em' lads where the entire team gets +S!

How scary would that be to see a turn of S3 halflings and S7 treemen.

There are other good choices too.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:33 am
by Darkson
From the OP:

#1 - I sort of agree - I'd make it half the TV cost of AG skills - they should still pay the full cost of doubles.

#2 - Kick, yes. DP - not convinced.

#3 - No.

#4 - Yes, though that should be all SG players, nt just Stunty ones.

From Plasmoid's list:

1. I'd like a skill added to allow a landing reroll as well,

2. Still agree with this.

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:23 pm
by plasmoid
Darkson said:
2. Still agree with this.
Miraculously both you and Cbbake agree. Then the sky's the limit, I suppose :D

Re: Stunty Players - improvments

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:27 am
by nicodemus
My suggestion:
Grant General access to stunty players starting from the third advancement they get.
This will reward stunty player on the long run if they manage to survive long enough... but won't break balance in early game and tournaments.