2023 - where would you like it?

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by Tojurub »

I've been to Vegas a while back, even did some skydiving there. For me it's not something to repeat, loud, hot, crowded, tons of place where you spend money without noticing it. Nothing I would consider to be repeatable. There are far more attractive cities in the US or Canada. And direct flights are not a key selling point, one stop is still ok. The key point here is to have an organizing crew large enough to handle an international crowd and experienced enough (not saying we were, but there is room for improvement).

From my own experience, estimating the number of participants is the most difficult part when setting up a bid. After the re-release of BB we didn't know how many to expect especially if we knew that we won't be able to match the Lucca price tag by far. If the WC5 is held in Europe I'm pretty confident that they match, maybe slighty exceed Dornbirn, but I doubt they will see 2000+ (prove me wrong :lol: ). Have one outside of Europe I still think 700-900 would make it to North America, maybe 400-600 to AUS/NZ. Many Europeans don't have the funds/time to save for the next 3-4 years and the distances in NA are for many Americans still an obstacle to compensate the lower European numbers. In Down Under the community is strong and stable, but they are too small overall to cover the lower EU/NA numbers.

From my own willingness, I would go whereever it will be held (even Vegas), question is: do I have enough squadmates to come along?

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by DaImp »

Cape Town in South Africa. A beautiful city with loads of attractions, beaches, nightlife, restaurants, plenty of accommodation. An established tourism venue. Oh and the weather in October/November is great.
I wonder how many players from around the world would actually turn up for a World Cup in SA?

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by DaImp »

I do think hosting the WC in America would be great. My preference would be for Montreal in Canada over the USA though. Especially if the dates were moved to Summer/Autumn, I think this would make for a very attractive destination.

Vegas is not appealing to me at all, I would rather recommend Austin in Texas - a far more interesting venue, loads of nightlife (live music capital of the world?), multicultural city. Maybe the Both Down guys would be interested in hosting it - it's not thaaaaaaaat far from Oklahoma! :lol:
Who runs the Chaos Cup in the USA? They get good numbers and it seems well organized - the WC is still a massive step up from 200 or so players but it's good experience to build off of.

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by Glowworm »


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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by Mystic Force »

You all looked like you had such a great time, despite the difficulties, that I have to go next time. It will be more viable next time due to circumstances. For context I am a Brit who lives in the US.

If you are picking somewhere on the arc, then Dublin would be a great venue, nice city with night life, cheap air fares, accessible from the US, definitely set up for tourist and has public transport, you would need an appropriate date slot due to weather.

If you are coming to the US bare in mind that the biggest tournaments in the US, Chaos cup has only once got over 100 coaches. Amorical cup with out checking also in the low 100s, I think. Not to degenerate these events but, more to point out there is not a huge pool of US based coaches that can travel, who will turn up to supplement the Europeans who will not be able to make it, due to cost/distance. Chicago although centrally located does not have many other large population centers close by. Note in the US driving distances is denoted in hours not miles, anywhere west of the Appalachians at least, and we will drive for a daytrip a lot further than people in the UK would consider (I am actually doing a 10 hr drive after work today to go somewhere for the weekend) I will drive to Chaos Cup next time even though its 7hrs, simply because flying was a pain due to timings and delays. An East coast venue would probably work better, closer to Europe and in my experience Chicago is significantly more expensive for flights than the East cost, and I expect have a greater density of coaches within distance. I have no desire to visit Las Vegas, anyone who roles dice for fun while cursing Nuffle knows that games of chance are not fair.....

I think for any large scale tournament it should be considered for the demographic of people who play this game a significant number of them have families who will be tagging along so a location should be picked that can accommodate something for the others to do.

If you pick England, somewhere in the south west for preference so its easier to see my mum.

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by rolo »

I think the biggest limiting factor will be who submits a bid :orc:

As to how many people would show up to a WC outside of Europe ... nobody knows because it's never happened!
Comparing the World Cup to the Chaos Cup or Armorical Cup isn't really fair. 190 coaches showed up for the NAFC (and it's been much smaller than that in the past). 200-ish show up for the UKTC, I think. I know people in the US who can't fly to Europe for a tournament but would definitely go to (for example) Chicago, Montreal, Vegas or wherever for a weekend. Same goes for Australia, I know Sydney submitted a bid to host the 2015 cup and people treated it dismissively, assuming that people wouldn't show up. But who knows?

I do know that at both World Cups I attended, a lot of the coaches were local casual players. It's not all big-time tournament regulars. The World Cup brings a lot of people out of the woodwork, and I think it would anywhere. More people attending a major tournament for the first time has to be a good thing for the game, right?

(Who am I kidding, I can't think of many places I wouldn't go)

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by lemf »

Joemanji wrote: and we struggled to find anywhere open past 9pm.
Sort of wish I had :lol: Found so many clubs and bars

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by ClayInfinity »

Come to my place in Dubai! I have a spare room... can host it there ;-)

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Re: 2023 - where would you like it?

Post by TheAzman »

Being an American, I would absolutely love the next world cup to be here in the States (or even in nearby Canada). :D

More than likely it would need to be held somewhere on the Eastern Sean due to travel distances for our European/international friends being an issue, not to mention several major cities that more than fit the bill for tournament needs.

Vegas definitely has the amenities in regards to venues, food, entertainment, etc, but I'm not 100% convinced it's the best place. Absolutely nothing against the Blood Bowl crew down there, but I imagine all of that decadence comes with the price of having really seedy people in abundance. I guess that's the risk with any major metropolitan area, but I think it's something to consider.

Selfishly, I would pick either Chicago or Minneapolis because it's not that long of a drive for me to either of those locations. :D 8) Getting 1000 or so coaches to go.... Long shot.

Either way, if it's not in the US/Canada I probably won't be able to make it. Real life has squashed many hobby dreams of mine and I just don't think I can come up with the means to go. Sucks..... :cry:

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