Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by cornish »

KFoged wrote:Is it time to change EurOpen from 3 to 4/5 in squad size?
Great idea!

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Verbal_HM »

Really enjoyed this weekend, thanks for the memories!

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by GutRot81 »

A few points from me.

great weekend and very well done. the only gripe i have and i know why it happend but on day one i was playing Garrick and we were hassled continually from about 1hr in about a clock. we finished without a clock with around 5 mins left but we must have wasted 5-10mins telling various eager types to sod off and leave us alone.

Speaking as a special type (autism) its a real pain in the arse to have my thought process interrupted. It takes me ages to get back into it. normal game noise etc you ignore but someone stood over you saying do you want a clock. are you sure. i think you should have one did nothing but slow us down.

I understand the need to keep time but perhaps the refs could linger around a game and then talk between turns?

The Choir needed amplification and i was only about 3 tables back.

Poland/Malta have a very hard act to follow and well done to them for winning the rights.

draw was well organised tables easy to find and the space between them passed the belly test so it wasn't uncomfortable being squeezed in like at some.
Catering was excellent as was the coffee.

it did finish really late. a few of the Scottish lads got back to the hotel after they had stopped taking food orders for dinner.

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Glowworm »

cornish wrote:
KFoged wrote:Is it time to change EurOpen from 3 to 4/5 in squad size?
Great idea!
This, I'd go with teams of 4, better for those travelling by car (yes, I know most cars are 5 seats but that's for non bloodbowl sized people like Lunchmoney or Maverick perhaps)

The time spent inputting & processing the results? I'd ask anyone that thinks they could do it faster to step up, believe me it was done (by the other Refs) in double fast time, and TBH, I'd rather wait 5 mins than find out there had been a mistake made..... Especially in the Bowl!!

I though the venue was probably about the best BB venue I'd been at for a tournament of that size, the room split worked well for me (no queue at the bar) and whilst I'm not sure about the atmosphere in the "main hall" our executive suite was buzzing all weekend.

Lack of table numbers was an issue, it was mentioned and I was told was being sorted..... However I suspect there where more pressing issues than this, TBH, it was an easy fix we got all the coaches paired up fairly quickly once the draw was up.

Food was good, on time & hot, bar wasn't overly expensive and the facilities clean.

Overall, (and yes I'm quite bias) I thought it was a well run smooth weekend, I wish I could have been playing.....

Staggered starts was due to concerns about everyone hitting the food line at once, maybe after game 1 the gap wait could have been shortened, altho' not by much (see input above) but several people did mention to me that they liked the down time between rounds.... So, ask 400 BBers and you'll get 400 different answers. I as a Ref did enjoy EVERY SINGLE story about how that particular coach would have won if he / she / they hadn't rolled that 1!!

Like I said, bias view from someone who gave up his time ( no where near as much as either Hawca or Dipiranha ) so others might have an enjoyable experience...... And was happy to have done so ( and would do again!!)

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Itchen Masack »

Great weekend, decent standard of opponent, and positive friendly attitude to the game throughout*
Liked the relaxed gaps in between matches. So very many people to talk to, and I dont talk that much myself either.
If Wales insist on having their own national anthem, feel it shouldnt be introduced in English :P

HUGE thanks to all for making this weekend happen. Been losing my mojo for BB recently, but this fine display got me hungry for more.
Is Poland really 2 years away?!

*Cup-kickers excepted :(

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by GutRot81 »

Itchen Masack wrote: *Cup-kickers excepted :(
Highlight of the weekend that. Closely followed by I'm the 4 the best player in the world and your shit. To which I replied I know but I'm winning. Cue screaming hissy fit

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Raban »

My first europen and I thought was ran great.
Timings were as expected given the size.

Can’t have 400 people queuing for food at once

I was upstairs in executive suite and didn’t feel out of it. I was happy with closer bar that served Heineken and toilets used by less people. Could have done with a screen up there but glo and nightwing did admiral job of keeping people informed on the time.

The lunch was ok. day 2 was better than day 1. Chicken bit dry on day 1.

Loved the hot dogs.

Bar was expensive but not unexpected given the venue.

If games were 2and 1/2 hours would be bit more relaxed but had no issues at 2 and 15 but I know some did. But depends on what time people want to finish.

I’d rather stick to 3 members a team (4 max, who has all these friends?!)

Closing ceremony (choir) was nice could have done with being louder.

Shocked the bar closed at 10 in the venue. But that did force us out into Cardiff.

great job guys.

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by fromherashes »

GutRot81 wrote:
Itchen Masack wrote: *Cup-kickers excepted :(
Highlight of the weekend that. Closely followed by I'm the 4 the best player in the world and your shit. To which I replied I know but I'm winning. Cue screaming hissy fit
What prompted the dice cup rugby conversion?

And the other guy sounds like a bit of a tool, who was that?

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Strider84 »

Great weekend, thx a lot for organizing. A couple points

- game time 2:30 would be better
- also i would prefer to start earlier on sunday.
- i acually thought splitting open and bowl times is a great idea and probably one of the reasons why everything went so smoothly
- europen before eurobowl might be a good idea, except the captains meeting would then be even later finished...
- the Choir was abit of a WTF moment for me, but seems like at least uk people liked it. And the finnish guy who handclapped every single member afterwards :-)

There were also many good things:
homepage for the draw was fine, internet worked fine, stage was great, location was great, orga and refs were great, food was above uk average, city was awesome and so were my dice :-)

Great job everyone

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by howlinggriffon »

This was my first EurOpen and I thought it was really well organised - many thanks to everyone involved as they did a brilliant job.

I understand the need for staggering the EuroBowl and EurOpen timing but it did feel like the EurOpen guys were sitting around waiting for the day to begin. 11:00 start especially after the extra hour in bed on the Sunday seemed like we could have got cracking much sooner.

Didn't have a problem with the timings for the games - 2:15 for a game seemed fine to me especially considering the late start for the EurOpen.

I quite liked the EurOpen teams being only three. I remember going to the first UKTC and really struggling to find a 4th team mate willing to spend all that time and money on travelling to play BB - and that was with it being in York. If I have to find a team of four to travel to Poland or Malta it's even less likely that we'd get a team going.

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Jip »

glowworm wrote:...whilst I'm not sure about the atmosphere in the "main hall" our executive suite was buzzing all weekend.
You and Matt did a great job compèring the room, and we had the best views! I’d have liked to play well enough to be downstairs a little more, just ‘cos I was jealous hearing people tell me during the round break about batshit stuff...
Itchen Masack wrote:Cup-kickers excepted this...
GutRot81 wrote:...followed by I'm the 4 the best player in the world and your shit. To which I replied I know but I'm winning. Cue screaming hissy fit
...and this!

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by straume »

Overall: Excellent tournament organisation and from where I sat I didn`t notice any major issues with anyting.

Venue: Clearly the best EB-venue I have played at. Very nice.

The only thing I would change is allow for 2h30m rounds. 2h15m is a bit rough (especially for those rounds when you use the first 5-10 minutes finding the table, getting the minis out and greet your opponent). 2h30m also gives a bit more time for chatting if you finish early; considering this is huge community tournament I think it is a good thing to allow time for. (Plus obviously: you have less chance of grief when times run out.)

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by howlinggriffon »

Surely the trick is to get seated at your table with your minis ready to go before the round starts? There was a huge amount of spare time before each round to do that.

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Purplegoo »

That was less true of the Eurobowl, I think. The draw went up and the round started, I can see Straume's point.

The stakes of the EB are high, there are language barriers and you do want to spend time enjoying thinking and enjoying the company of your opponent. There wasn't a game this weekend where I didn't have one eye on time from halftime onwards, and I think the extra 15 mins would have made a significant difference there.

It's not a big thing, but I think it's one for the Poles too keep in mind.

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Re: Eurobowl Wales Feedback Thread

Post by Tojurub »

dreamscreator wrote:Again, congratulations to all of you. I think the tournament was amazing.
Other suggestion will be the possibility to use an app as in Lucca. That was very useful and easy to manage than the website.
If everything works out, the World Cup team is currently developing an App, which is meant to be usable for other (larger) tournaments, like Eurobowl, NAFC, Dungeonbowl, etc

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