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Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:58 pm
by Blackhoof
So another BB league comes by at my gaming club and yet again I take up the stands to play. However with old human team sold I found myself with no team to play with. So one of my good friends let me takeup the stands with his spare Goblin team, much to the amusement of everyone else. I will prove them wrong though! welcome to my Goblin Blog!

League teams:

Skaven:Skavenblight Scramblers
Humans:Reikland Reavers
Humans:Creeveland Cresents
Orcs:Orcland Raiders
Chaos:Chaos All Stars
Goblins:Lowdown Ratz (Me)
Lizardmen:Lustria Croakers
Dwarves:Black Axes
Dark Elves:Darkside Cowboys
Wood Elves:Atherlorn Avengers

Starting Lineup:
06:Makapuke Squigbreath,Troll
07:Ratbag aka "Lil' Mork",Goblin:My to-be Ball Carrier(7 Is my lucky No)
11:Zog's Away,Po-goer
(3) Re-Rolls

Will post first report later :)

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:42 pm
by Blackhoof
Skavenblight Scramblers VS Lowdown Ratz
Turn1: We recieve. Kick Off:Quick Snap

Zigzagasnagga and Lil' Mork move a square, but otherwise no-one else moves.

Goblin Turn 1

Lil' Mork picks up the ball with minimal fuss and instantly starts sprinting down the pitch. Dribbli makes a Block with Zog's Away in assist. Dice Roll: Defender Down, Pushed back. The skaven lineman is pushed back. Somehow neither troll is stupid and both make blocks against nearby linemen both merely pushing them back. Zigzagasnagga decides to "Show um ow it's dun" blitzing a nearby Llneman. With ease the lineman is cut down and suffering a gouged eye for his troubles.
Just when it lucks like we have a spark of hope Woltik ruins it by blocking a stormvermin and getting a Both Down result

Skaven Turn 1
The skaven lsunch onto the offensive pusing Mzn'k back. Meanwhile a nearby Stormvermin blitzes Witit, who stumbles but dodges out the way just in time. Obviously angered for the injuring of one his teamates last turn, a linemen catches Zigzagasnagga with a left hook knocking him down and stunning him. So it was up for Dribbli to save the day, climbing up onto his attackers back, he landed a bow to his oppenents helmet forcing it down over his eyes. Unable to see the attacker falls down.
Score 0-0

Goblin Turn 2
Makapuke Squigbreath lunges for the nearest linemen for reasons no-one would really understand, all goes well and the linemen is knocked out but isn't injured.Not to be outdone Krot'k his brother pushes a linemen back opening a hole in the skaven defence, wether he meant to do this or not is a question for another day.Meanwhile the goblins make blocks left, right and centre pushing them back and holding them at bay. Allthough what kind of game would it be without fouling, Dribbli gives a knocked down stormvermin one to the face while the ref's back was turned. Cry's of protest arouse but the ref waves play on. In the confusion, Lil' mork sneaks the wall of skaven players, the end zone in sight.

Skaven Turn 2
Anger in their hearts two guttr runners try to gang up on Lil' Mork, but nuffle smiles on him and they roll triple skulls!!! :lol:

Score 0-0

Goblin Turn 3

With his path free Lil' MOrk sprints for the finish scoring a touchdown! :D

Score 1-0

Skaven Turn 3

Kick Off: Get the ref!

Obviously angered by the awful wave on of the goblin foul just before the touchdown, the skaven fans enact a harsh vengance on the referee. One of the gutter runner's snaps up the ball and runs down the wing. Stormvermin and linemen ready themselves in a defensive ring around the baall carrier while several oof my player, including the the two trolls and Lil' Mork are knocked down but thankfully not injured.

Goblin Turn 4
Krot'k finds some meat on the pitch ground thrown by the crowd and decides to eat that instead. thankfully though Squigbreath gets up as do all the other knocked down players. With some bizarre luck my fanatic smashes into a skaven linemen killing him outright. With no apothercary to save him he didn't stand a chance. Unfortunatley my good luck did not last as a stormvermin knocked out Witit without a second thought.

Skaven Turn 4
The skaven team pushes down the wing, ziping past all my player without even blocking or blitzing a single one.

Goblin Turn 5
Just when all looks like it all turn ill my po-goer leaps over the skaven wall and knocks down the ball carrier with the ball dissapering into the crowd. With all my players having moved i couldn't move to protect the ball but thankfully it was way out of reach of even the Skaven.

Skaven Turn 5
In one crushing harge the skaven knock Zog's away out woth severe concusion, thankfully the apothercary says he'll be all right he's just badly hurt. Meanwhile 2 stormvemin and a linemen gang up Squigbreathknocking him to the ground, adding insult to injury by the fact that Krot'k was still busy snacking on the floor.

More to come, it takes time righting up these reports you know :wink:

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:34 pm
by Blackhoof
Goblin Turn 6
Squigbreath gets up seeking revenge on those who knocked him down, while Krot'k decided to have a nap(damm stupidy rolls, that's 3 in a row I've failed on Krot'k). Hyped up on fungus beer and extremely dizzy, Skarfang spins towards of the back skaven lineman, nufffle shined upon the crazed goblin, koncocking the lineman down and giving him a smashed hip for his troubles. Lil' mork scoops up the ball and hands it off Snivel. Is it an eagle? Is it a doom diver? Is it a cannonball? NO! It's a PASS!!! Snivel throws it down the wing into the hands Fugmung. At first Fugmung fumbled the ball in his hands but a quick correction changed all that.

Skaven Turn 6
Woltik and Mozn'k are both knocked down with Mozn'k being badly hurt.Meanwhile a linemen attacks Squigbreath, who merely picks it up by the throat breaking it's neck, with a second thought.

Goblin Turn 7
Krot'k finally gets up after his snacks and short nap ready to do... Well I don't know what a troll does do I? In the meantime, Fugming passes it to the unseen Twich who almost drops it. however with the ball safe in his hands Twich moves to the finish, with several players on guard around him.

Skaven Turn 7
Linemen and Stormvermin take out players around the ball carrier however through some unseen luck no-one is hurt. One gutter runner trys to blitz my po-goer but a loose spring breaks loose gouging his eye.

Goblin Turn 8
Twich sprints for the finish and it's a TOUCHDOWN!

Skaven Turn 8
All skaven players ignore the ball and gang up on poor Krot'k kocking him out.. Oh, no, here we go. Things are about to get ugly.


Kickoff: Pitch Invasion

The crowd riots onto the pitch knocking down rat and goblin alike. Three skaven linemen are stunned while, obviously to nimble to be caught, only one goblin is caught in the reud.

Skaven Turn 9
The rats recieve the kickoff and recieve the ball. Gritguts is blitzed by one of the skaven stormvermin who knocks him back. The other stormvermin targets Woltik and knocks him down. Thankfully before any further injury could be done a pass from a skaven thrower to a gutter runner was intercepted by the legendry Zogs Away

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:13 pm
by Blackhoof
Goblin Turn 9
Zog's away sprints down the line leaping over one of the skaven linemen. Fortunatley Dribbli and Snivel make it past to form a blockade next to him. However when Woltik trys to get past he is knocked down and stunned.

Score 2-0 goblins

Skaven Turn 10
Two skaven linemen start off the turn by blocking my ball carrier guard knocking them down, Woltik suffers a fractured arm.With the way open a gutter runner blitzes Zog's away but merely pushes him back. other than that the skaven team merely scuttle into positions to stop the ball carrier getting past.

Goblin Turn 10
Krot'k blitzes forward somehow understanding the orders he had been given killing one of the skaven gutter runners much to my delight. Twich runs down the centre, recieving the ball from Zog's away. Twich hands it off to Fungmung who goes sprinting off, a succesful dodge later and he's in the clear zone. However Squigbreath lets the team down by being really stupid and forgeting what he had been told to do only seconds before.

2-0 Goblins

Skaven Turn 11
The only player in range, a stormvermin, blitzes Fugmung, Fugmung stumbles but gets out of harms way. In other areas of the pitch Squigbreath is knocked down, as are Gritguts and Zog's Away. One skaven lineman knocks down Twich while another trys to foul Twich while he is still down, however the ref sees him and he gets sent off. Fortunatley Twich's armour holds.

Goblin Turn 11
A full stretch charge by Lil' mork, supported by Twich and Snivel, knocks down the contesting stormvermin near fugmung. Not only that but the charge injures the stormvermin, earning him a Smashed knee! Fugmung that continues towards the touchline to score aaaa. TOUCHDOWN!

Score 3-0 Goblins

Skaven Turn 12
Kick Off:High Kick

Enraged by being down by such a score the skaven ignore all tactical play and sprint for the finish a few dodges, sprints and a pass late leaves the skaven 4 squares from the end zone. Meanwhile the other remaining survivors of the skaven team knock down all my players in reach of the ball.

Goblin Turn 12
Unable to do anythin everyone just stands up, bar the the trolls who seem think it funny to lay on the floor doing nothing.

Score 3-0 Goblins

Skaven Turn 13
The skaven rush for the finish scoring a touchdown.

Score 3-1 Goblins

Kickoff: Riot

Goblin Turn 14
Lil' Mork picks up the ball and throws it to Gritguts who catches it firmly. Before ought else can be done I roll a both down result of all my dice with Krot'k causing a turnover. Both players knock each other out.

Skaven Turn 15
With only a few turns left he decides not to focus on the winning but maiming. His last gutter runner blocks Mozn'k but he gets out of the way before a blow could be landed. With that done he blitzed Twich, not realising that Squigbreath would be supporting him in the tackle, as a result the ratman was knocked down and stunned.

Goblin Turn 15
With the win firmly in the bag I thought I would focus on getting some SPP. With that in mind Gritguts played it back to lil' mork who fumbled at first before re-ajusting himself. Further down my left flank three goblins, Fugmung, Snivel and Gritguts tackled a lone lineman, badly hurting the rat.

Score: 3-1 Goblins

Skaven Turn 16
Seeking revenge for multiple turns of punishment most of his remaining players ganged upon Squigbreath, but the troll held his own and took no heed to their blows.

Goblin Turn 16
Trying to win some SPP, Snivel rushes up to the down stormvermin and fouls him. He gets spotted by the ref and sent off, but he does manage to knock the player out.

Final Score: Goblins 3-1 Skaven

Victory! In my next post I will cover Level Ups and things like that.

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:45 pm
by Blackhoof
01 Woltik MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7 Fractured Arm:Miss Next Game
02 Mozn'k MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7
03 Zigzagasnagga MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7
04 Witit MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7
05 Snivel MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7 +1 SPP
06 Makapuke Squigbreath: MA/4 ST/5 AG/1 AV/9 +2 SPP
07 Lil' Mork MA/6 ST/2 AG/4 AV/7 Level UP! +6 SPP +1 AG
08 Krot'k MA/4 ST/5 AG/1 AV/9 +2 SPP
09 Dribbli MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7
10 Fugmung MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7 Level UP! MVP +8 SPP New Skill: Block (Rolled Double)
11 Zog's Away MA/7 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7 +5 SPP
12 Twich MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7 +3 SPP
13 Skarfang MA/3 ST/7 AG/3 AV/7 +4 SPP
14 Gritguts MA/6 ST/2 AG/3 AV/7

Other results
Black Axes 2-2 Creeveland Cresents
Chaos All Stars 0-3 Orcland Raiders
Atherlorn Avengers 4-0 Reikland Reavers
Lustria Croakers 1-2 Darkside Cowboys

Standings: GD Pts
1 Atherlorn Avn 4 3
2 Orcland Raiders 3 3
3 Lowdown Ratz 2 3
4 Darkside Cowboys 1 3
5 Black Axes 0 1
5 Creeveland Cresents 0 1
7 Lustira Croakers -1 0
8 Skavenblight Scramblers -2 0
9 Chaos All-Stars -3 0
10 Reikland Reavers -4 0

Somehow we are 3rd in the standings and now hopefully we'll stay there.

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:06 pm
by furstyferret
Thanks for the comment. :D It sounds like your game was very bloody, far more than mine. I think I counted at least 3 Skaven players badly hurt! :o How did your looney do?

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:12 pm
by Blackhoof
No prop mate. my looney didn't do very well, the problem was by the time he had got back up and actually done something I had scored a touchdown :lol: Such is my luck, after that he got sent off, as inducements aren't high at the moment with it being the first game.

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:47 am
by Baduk
I'm almost feeling sorry for those skaven!
Can't wait for the next one though

Re: Lowdown ratz:A Goblin Blog

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:53 pm
by SunDevil
Great post! I'm loving my Goblin team in our local league and look forward to reading more of your Gobbo crew's exploits!