Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

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Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

Post by KFoged »

(Part of the Team England newsletter no. 3)
First of all a big thanks to the 34 coaches that have put their name on the “TE Expression of Interest” form. It has been great to see so many coaches from all over the country putting themselves forward to represent their country. It was a really tough process to select the 8 coaches for the EuroBowl team and the input from all the 6 members (Pipey, Spleggy, Deeferdan, Stewbacca, Cornish and PeteW) of the TE Ambassador group has been a big help in this process, so a big thank to all members for their time and help.

The team selection had to balance my election platform, historic data and the new “aggressive” meta in the 2020 edition of the rules. In the end I chose to heavily lean into my election platform and the new meta (due to the rules for Greece which are far from conservative with steep tiering, lots of skills and some big boosts) over historic performance and numbers. This means that the EuroBowl team will be having a whopping 4 new caps to reward a lot of good results by a lot of newer coaches over the last few years. I hope the veterans on the team will help me prepare the new members on what playing for Team England at EuroBowl, so they can have a good experience earning their big boy pants.

Selected for Team England for the Eurobowl are:
kfoged (CAPTAIN), 8ulldog (new cap), Breakmonker (new cap), elplanet4 (new cap), Joemanji, PeteW, Purplegoo, TheRake (new cap), and Barney_the_Lurker (non-playing).

8ulldog - Is a new cap and he likes to beat up your team and has shown very stable results in the 2020 ruleset. Pete has had his most successful results with Orcs and Lizardmen and had a very strong performance at the World Cup with the Orcs.

Breakmonker - Based in the north east of England Dante is a new cap and a bit of a Skaven specialist that has shown he can get good results against other top coaches. He did especially well at last year’s world cup going 8/0/1 with the rats.

Elplanet4 - Is a new cap and he seems to get good results with everything from bash to agility in the 2020 ruleset. Jose has a strong win ratio just under 70% and went unbeaten at the World Cup against some strong coaches.

Joemanji - Is a very steady hand with very consistent results and is a committed team player. Joe has a track record of travelling across the world for Blood Bowl and his results back that up. At last year’s world cup he was on the same highly successful team as Phil and lost just one game with Undead. This will be Joe’s 9th cap.

PeteW - Is well known from both FUMBBL and the tabletop scene and his 2020 stats are even better than his 2016 and his overall win rate of over 70% is especially impressive. This will be Pete’s 3rd cap

Purplegoo - Is arguably one of the best players in the world. In this last year Phil has picked up a number of notable titles including Waterbowl and the NAFC and performed really well at the World Cup. This will be Phil’s 9th cap.

TheRake - Is our fourth and final new cap and is best known for his aggressive attacking Norse play. Mike goes to a lot of events and also has a very high win rate percentage over the last few years.

The keen reader would have spotted a 9th member of TE as true to my election campaign I have chosen to add a non-playing member to my team, Barney_the_Lurker, who can help me keep track of the games in the round, provide social media updates and make sure nobody plays too fast or too slow. Barney is a very experienced coach with an in-depth knowledge of the game.

Huge congratulations to all of those who have been selected and again massive thanks to all of those players who put their names forward. I’m sure you’ll join me in

Kind regards,

Team England Captain for Greece 2024

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Re: Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

Post by Purplegoo »

I’m always very appreciative of being picked and I never take it for granted. Nine caps?! Does not feel like half of that.

As ever when selection rolls around, the best bit is congratulating and welcoming our new caps. Nice to be able to say ‘well done’ publicly. Hard luck to those that missed out; having done the job myself, I’m acutely aware that everyone has their own opinion about selection, but there’s only one that ultimately matters. Let's have all of the hats, and more, back in the ring next year.

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Re: Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

Post by besters »

Congratulations to all selected, especially the new members of the team. I hope it's a great tournament for all concerned. Good luck!

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Re: Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

Post by TheRake »

Extremely excited and incredibly grateful to have been selected for the team. Have had my sights set on joining TE since selection for 2020 and it’s incredible to now be here. I’m really looking forward to playing with the rest of TE.

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Re: Team England EuroBowl selection for Greece 2024

Post by gr4n0t4 »

Congratulations all! Especially to Elplanet4 !

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