English EurOpen Team Captains: Nominate for EO Team England

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Nippy Longskar
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English EurOpen Team Captains: Nominate for EO Team England

Post by Nippy Longskar »

Hi all,

This thread will be for EurOpen team captains to put forward their teams as nominees for the role of EurOpen Team England at this year's event in Cardiff.

The rules:

Only team captains are to post in this thread, and only to nominate their team.

When posting, captains can include as much or as little information about their team members as they like. The only thing they have to include are the NAF names of the three coaches.

Only teams containing three English coaches are eligible for nomination.

The nomination process will run for one week, ending at 6pm on Sunday 24th June

At that point if two or more eligible teams are nominated, a secret ballot will be held, open to all English coaches, to vote on which team will be selected. This will be coordinated by Sann through PMs on TFF, and will run until 6pm on Sunday July 1st. At that point the team will be announced.

If no teams are nominated, there will be no EurOpen Team England in 2018.

The team that is selected will be EurOpen caps EO1,EO2 and EO3, and this capping system will run in parallel with the EuroBowl capping system that is already in place. Coaches can therefore have two different cap numbers...one for EuroBowl and one for EurOpen.

Any English coach that is not in either EuroBowl Team England or EurOpen Team England can buy an uncapped England shirt with their nickname on if they would like one...this will be communicated at the point when the shirt orders are being finalized. All English shirt designs are the same, the only difference is the inclusion or lack of cap numbers.

List of nominated teams:




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Re: English EurOpen Team Captains: Nominate for EO Team Engl

Post by Leipziger »

Team ‘Quantum Leek’ are happy throw their elegant hats into the ring:

Leipziger:Waterbowl grandee (or is that grandad?), pun addict, and disco advocate.
Deeferdan: Star of stage & screen. Well, Double Skulls podcast & National Trust videos. Also, TO of Stone Bowl.
Molusmaximus: Also known as Hugh/Squidalot. Dapper to the nth degree. Hugh is a thrusting member of the DBBL, and Das Waterbowl, and one of the commissioners of the Warhammer B.B. league.

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Re: English EurOpen Team Captains: Nominate for EO Team Engl

Post by Maverick »

The 'Hakflem Globetrotters' will throw their inelegant and in reality quite common hats at the ring but don't blame us if we miss.

Maverick: Captain - my first mistake was standing still as everyone else took one step back, if you believe that's my first mistake I have a very nice bridge to sell you. Slightly concerned that the two coaches who decided to join me actually expect me to do well... I haven't told them yet I intend to take goblins....
Cornish: The Man that makes Glowworm weak at the knees, rumour has it if people don't vote for us Glow may be paying them a visit :D One of two English coaches trying to improve Anglo-German relations at the last world cup in Italy, Finishing a very creditable 6th in the team standings, all individual standing records have mysteriously disappeared.
Wobert: The Genius (some say insane, in fact most say it) that came up with AWM and the Chimera Cup, the second of the two coaches mentioned above, agreed to be on the team as long as Cornish was also on it... all indications this is so he has some one to finish below him in the team are unsubstantiated rumours, especially as I am reliably informed Cornish placed above him at WC

All of the above may be true or complete fabrication. however the best lies always have an element of truth within them.

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Re: English EurOpen Team Captains: Nominate for EO Team Engl

Post by Podfrey »

Although currently away with just the wife for our wedding anniversary, somethings are more important. Blood Bowl is one of them (sorry dear, yes dear, coming dear....)

After getting the whole TE discussion going, it would be odd not to get involved. So I’d like to nominate “Podfrey’s Jedi Ambush”!

Podfrey: Also known by many other names. Some are even repeatable in polite company. Most aren’t..... Holds the record for the most number of NAF points lost in a single game

MaceJedi: A terror on the pitch with his Woodies, reaching the final of the Blood Bowl and taking Most TD award at the NAFC this year. Also holds the record for the most number of NAF points gained in a single game.

Ambush3: Superior in all regards to Ambushes 1 & 2, Ambush3 delivers a master class in Nordic-influenced Blood Bowling domination. NAF points are irrelevant to Ambush3, who instead measures success by the lamentations of the kin of his vanquished foes.

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