Team England Charter Proposals *VOTING ENDED — SEE RESULTS*

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Re: Team England Charter Proposals *VOTING ENDED — SEE RESUL

Post by Pipey »

Joemanji wrote:
Pipey wrote:Anyone know what the wider French process is these days ie EB, EO, selection method etc.?
They elect a captain as we do, although they use the alternative vote method. The big difference is that each captaincy candidate stands on a platform of their preferred selection method. There is no fixed methodology from year to year. So someone might stand on picking based on rankings, or winners of a qualifying tournament or just naming their eight coaches in advance. This year's winner Foxxx has gone for an iterative process where he picks someone, then he and his pick vote for a third person, then those three vote for a fourth person and so on (with captain breaking ties). Interesting to say the least!
Agree. Very interesting. We have in effect had something similar in the past, where our captains have been asked how they will pick. However answers have never been specific like this. Instead more or less “I will pick the best players based on my observations, I may use results and rankings to assist me”. Can captains be held to greater account in terms of their method of selection? Maybe another to discuss.

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Re: Team England Charter Proposals *VOTING ENDED — SEE RESUL

Post by PeteW »

Brendan - I don't think it needs to be formalised, and I'm not sure why you are keen on trying to formalise everything!

Surely captains will outline how they will go about selecting their team when they put themselves forward, and that will be part of the basis for the community voting for them. That should be more than enough.

Joe - I like that system, and I can see how it would lead to a good team, with good representation, and create a large amount of team bonding. It takes much of the focus away from the captain, so if someone isn't picked, then they know it was a team decision not a personal one.

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Re: Team England Charter Proposals *VOTING ENDED — SEE RESUL

Post by Pipey »

PeteW wrote:Brendan... I'm not sure why you are keen on trying to formalise everything!
Kinda what we've been asked to do to be fair ;-)

Just that without framing the captain's Q&A differently, giving new specific questions the captain needs to answer, it will be no different than the previous Q&As. Q&As previously have had no structure - just ask what you want. As I say, captain's have never said any more than they will be sole subjective selector on available evidence as they feel is relevant.

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Re: Team England Charter Proposals *VOTING ENDED — SEE RESUL

Post by mawph »

I didn't vote. This was mainly because I could see pros and cons for document B and didn't have a strong enough opinion on something that would affect others more than I was expecting it to affect me. If I'd have been the casting vote on doc B and that removed someone from the team, that's would be a touch awkward (although only I would know, admittedly, but I'd still have felt awkward). If I'd had a raging view one way or the other though (a sense of injustice which would've remained had I not voted), I would've cast my votes.

I could've voted on document A (I was in favour) and spoiled my vote for B, but reading the thread, I'd gone with the assumption it would probably be carried.

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