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Post by DaFrenchCoach »

Well, if I understand the aim of your topic Norse, I'm not sure it's a good ifea. A friend of mine and me buy some minis on Ebay. Cause we're friends, we decided it's all the more important winning a part of metal, even if this part of metal is a blood bowl mini.

The problems are:
- nobody are bidding in the same way: my friend auctions 10 hours before the end of auction, I'd rather bid just a few minutes before the end (even if I loose sometimes).
- what happens if you loose 10 hours before the end ? You keep the priority on bid? Friends are allowed to bid on their turn ?
- I can say:"hey, please don't bid on xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx ..." Is there a maximum number per period allowed ? :wink:

But I agree with you sometimes it may be a good idea.

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Post by Norse »

I'm not fussed about the rules, if rules is the right term. I'm just saying we should help each other out more, in a non-illegal kind of way...

Let me put it another way. I'm a nice guy (no, really I am) and I'm used to being outbid on Ebay a lot. I would take it as a personal courtesy if someone would contact me if they see I am the high bidder on an item and just let me know what was going on.

I'll do the same (as I already did with Scarlet Jester last month) if I recognise anyone's bidding names...

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Post by Princelucianus »

Look, I think it's quite easy. If you see that someone you know is bidding, you tell him or you don't. I think it's courtesy to do it, but if others don't, well fine. Personally, I think it's that these kinds of sportmanship behavior is one of the British greatest assetts and could be used during an auction. :smile: I mean it actually......



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Post by Deathwing »

I can go with that, and I've not been adverse to contacting people in the past when I've come items I thought they may be interested in.
I'm also bidding on some Trolls incidently. :wink:

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Post by Norse »

OK, you can have the 2 painted ones, just leave the unpainted one for me.. :grin:

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Post by Deathwing »

There's a nitro mors bath ready and waiting... :razz:

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Post by DaFrenchCoach »

You'd better take a look here, Norse:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI. ... 1693391289

Who said courtesy is only an english quality ? In fact, isn't it a french people who said "Messieurs les Anglais -it works with Amsterdam boyz-, tirez les premiers ! -something like: "gentlemen, fire first" !-

Sorry for third company :wink:

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Post by Norse »

Mmmmmmmmm, lecker!

Actually, I only want one for the time being, but all I would say is

"Why NitroMors them? They look very nicely painted by Ebay standards??"

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Post by Deathwing »

Ha! LOL!...Well there's "ebay standards", and then there's "our standards". :wink:
Actually, given the backlogue of painting at the moment, they'd probably stay that way for a while at least....

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Post by Norse »

Well, only 1 day to go DW! I wish you much luck, though if you do get them then I think you have a little bargain there... :eek:

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Post by DaFrenchCoach »

I'm not sure I've understood well what you're saying Norse. If I posted it here, it's for you, not for me (I've already two trolls like it). So you can bid.

French people love Amsterdam :wink:

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Post by Deathwing »

You never know Norse, I'm not holding my breath. Actually I'm quite pleased with today's dealings on ebay...picked up a video, the third identical one on sale recently..they went for £50, £56.....and £19!
Patience my young Jedi.... :wink: Well chuffed.

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

Everyone ....

Rule of thumb on Ebay Blood Bowl auctions ... if darthnoir or aeip94 are bidding on an auction just be prepared to pay for it.

For my part I promise to contact anyone who has bid on something that I want and let them know that they are about to lose it ... :wink:

I rarely, rarely, bid on BB miniatures anymore as my collection is pretty complete ... however if any of the 6 1st edition guys I still need goes up for auction, well I promise to be friendly enough to tell you that I'm outbidding you.

HOWEVER, I have really appreciated Deathwing letting me know when the really rare stuff has gone up for auction .. like the Red Death Cavalier team from BB Mag #2 and the Evit Gits 1st edition BB badge that is so rare as to be almost nonexistant ... thanks again Woody I owe you a LOT for these two.

So what I'd like to see from the group is two fold .... I like the concept of gentleman bidding and agree to abide by it ... although if one of you were the ones winning the Games Day 2000 US Lizardmen team, I'm sorry that I jacked up the bid on you ... I really didn't want to win it, but just couldn't bare to see the team go for only $50 (when I paid $200 for it last year) ..... this is the type of thing I promise not to do to the rest of you.

I'll also post when I have new items go on the board.

But most of all if one of you sees something truely unique go up for auction ... please let the group now ... sometimes things get buried and the good stuff should be mentioned.


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Post by Deathwing »

Just won this Ripper, trying to save a bit on a new one, but ended up paying the same price after one of my youngest got caught up in the bidding fun and offered to donate 50p!
Has the whole world gone Troll crazy??? :grin:

Galak: No problem, it's just cool that these things end up where they're appreciated. Hate to think of these rare items disappearing because people don't realise their significance.
BTW, it'd be nice to see some pics of your BB room/museum if you have any. Is it all on display or packed away? I wonder if anybody in the world has a collection to rival yours.

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

Galak's fantasy football collection currently:

1) One each of every 3rd and 4th edition GW team
2) All 2nd edition figs except about 20 (including one of the two Chaos Dwarfs that are so rare I don't even know what he looks like)
3) All 1st edition figs except for 6
4) Every fantasy football team/fig made by Shadowforge, Phil's Phigs, Ral Partha, and RAFM
5) Then I have a bunch of converted figs for teams like the Gnomes, Forest Folk, Fimir, Lycanthropes, Golem, etc.

1) UK Red edition 1st edition Blood Bowl
2) US Brown edition 1st edition Blood Bowl
3) 1st edition Death Zone
4) 2nd edition Blood Bowl with Star Player and Companion hardcovers
5) Dungeonbowl
6) Kerrunch
7) 3rd edition Blood Bowl
8) 3rd edition Death Zone

Every Citadel Journal and White Dwarf that has a Blood Bowl article

1) GW official Blood Bowl single elimination tournament poster
2) 1st edition Evil Gits badge (2 more still need to be found ....)
3) GW official Blood Bowl letterhead
4) 3-D Dungeonbowl board (http://blood-bowl.net/Dungeonbowl/DungeonBowlMM.html)

Featured Teams:
1) Rob Murphy's Red Death Cavaliers (Blood Bowl Magazine #2 p. 33 and inside front cover)
2) Phil Lewis' Chaos All-Stars (White Dwarf #114 p. 6 and Back cover Star Players hardcover)
3) Steve Mussared Nuffle's Nightmares (Golden Daemon UK 1989 Winners) (White Dwarf #114 p. 7)
4) GW's Skaven Scramblers (White Dwarf #104 p.7 and Back cover Star Players hardcover)
5) Paul Sawyer's Chaos Wasters (White Dwarf #220 p.67)
6) Phil Lewis' Albion Assassins (Back cover Star Players hardcover)

I haven't got them yet, but I also recently won in auction the following teams from the 2nd edition Blood Bowl Handbook:
1) Darkside Cowboys (p. 8 and Back cover Star Players hardcover)
2) Lowdown Rats (p. 5)
3) Orcland Raiders (p. 8)


Okay, I honestly did not do this to brag .. I usually don't talk about my collection much, but since Deathwing said he doubted anyone could match it ... I this ONE time was going to list it out. The last thing I want people to think of me as is a snob. I'm also not rich and don't have infinite cash ... I got lucky ... I sold my Magic the Gathering card collection for over 5000 USD when Magic was REALLY popular and that money has been what I used to purchase most of my BB collection. I also have worked out deal with two miniature companies were I buy bulk figures for 1/2 price and then I sell them on Ebay as cheap alternatives to some BB teams ... (examples I used to sell Vampire/Forest Folk/Nipponese/Spirit teams (11 players) for 15 USD ... Minotaur/Ogre/Treeman teams (12 players) for 30 USD .... when only 2 to 4 GW figs would cost the same amount.
Between my Magic cards and the inexpensive BB teams with alternate figs, I've fueled my hobby.

Anyway, Deathwind ... someday I REALLY want to get a gallery of the figs so that they can be appreciated by the net community as well. Currently all the featured teams are backed away in mini boxes surrounded by foam ... when I get enough money to finish my basement, I'm going to get a glass display case to put them in as my wife has agreed to allow me to create a 7 by 12 room in the basement to display my collection ... but that's a ways off yet.

If there is anything on the list that anyone has a question about or is just dying to see a picture of I'll be happy to answer the question or try to get either a scan from the magazine or a JPEG of the actual item. I really thought long before posting this as I've always been afraid that if I actually listed out my collection that it would give too many people I enjoy chatting with the wrong impression of me. I hope the explanation afterward prevents that as current my Magic money is gone and now I'm mostly a schmuck who has a monthly game budget allowance that my wife allows me to have. ;)


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