Secret weapon ideas

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Secret weapon ideas

Post by mushoomy »

I love secret weapons. Whether it's on a goblin team or as a star player. Recently, the NZ online bloodbowl league (DIBBL) had a competition where each player got one dirty star player (including a merc Deathroller and excluding the hail mary pass star players). Flint Churnblade won the comp (I took Boomer) but it got me thinking about new secret weapon ideas.

Secret weapons I want to see:
-Flame thrower
-Bombardier (revision)
-Bear traps/mines (tactical secret weapons)

I'd like to start with the Flamethrower (Flamer or arsonist). I've seen this one around on TFF quite a bit so I think this would be a nice starting point on this topic. I think this player type would fit as a goblin secret weapon, hobgoblin Star (or even a Zzharg revision) or a firewyrm on a Tzeench team.

I think it'd work like this...
The Flamer/Arsonist moves and declares a flamethrower action. He then rolls a d6. On a roll of a 1, the flamer bursts into flames and rolls injury. On a roll of a 2, the flamethrower shoots a flame 1 square. On a roll of a 3-4, the flame shoots 2 squares and a roll of a 5-6, the flamethrower shoots a flame 3 squares. If a player is hit by the flamethrower, roll a 3+ to see if the player is affected. If so, injury is rolled.

Thoughts? What secret weapons would you bring to the bloodbowl pitch?

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Itchen Masack »

Flamethrower sounds very powerful, especially as it can move and shoot. Obviously I've not tried it, but I picture the flamer moving into position in it's own mini cage and needing a 2+ 3+ 3+ to be injuring something 2 squares away with no real chance of being hit back.

Sure there is the 1 in 6 kickback, but there is also the 1 in 3 of it shooting even further too.

Would the flamer also count as a blitz if it had moved? Otherwise it's a cage breaker/destroyer with very little effort. Diagonal at the corner of a cage and you have a shot at 3 players including the ball.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by frogboy »

Skaven teams should have more access to secret weapons IMO. Warpstone Rollers, Chainsaws, poison gas, jazzel teams, burrowing rats, tunnel bombers, mine layers, warpstone lighting strikes. They have a ton of cool gagits in the Old World Warhammer Fantasy Battles so why no love in Bloodbowl!?

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Regash »

Maybe the Flamer shouldn't be able to move AND shoot.
Just like the bomber, he needs to make his weapon ready to work.

I agree about the Skaven... Warpstone weapons would make sense.

But then, it's not official, so I won't play it anyway... :wink:

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Bakunin »

Regash wrote:
But then, it's not official, so I won't play it anyway... :wink:
Buuh :puke:

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by mushoomy »

Itchen Masack wrote:Flamethrower sounds very powerful, especially as it can move and shoot. Obviously I've not tried it, but I picture the flamer moving into position in it's own mini cage and needing a 2+ 3+ 3+ to be injuring something 2 squares away with no real chance of being hit back.

Sure there is the 1 in 6 kickback, but there is also the 1 in 3 of it shooting even further too.

Would the flamer also count as a blitz if it had moved? Otherwise it's a cage breaker/destroyer with very little effort. Diagonal at the corner of a cage and you have a shot at 3 players including the ball.
Ok, so the flamer may not move in a flamethrower action. That's probably a good idea.
I hadn't even though about shooting diagonally!
I think that the flamer would be a good test on a coaches ability to position the flamer so that the opponent has to play differently/avoid the flamer. The coach using the flamer would also have to make sure that the flamer can't be hit to keep it in play.
frogboy wrote:Skaven teams should have more access to secret weapons IMO. Warpstone Rollers, Chainsaws, poison gas, jazzel teams, burrowing rats, tunnel bombers, mine layers, warpstone lighting strikes. They have a ton of cool gagits in the Old World Warhammer Fantasy Battles so why no love in Bloodbowl!?
I also think this! But then again the skaven team could be a very powerful team. I think that I'd most like to see mine layers and warpstone lightning strikes out of this list. Mines would work like a bomb, but instead of exploding the player plaes a bomb maker on the pitch. If any player steps on the mine, a bomb explodes in that square. Players in the bomb explosion roll a 4+ to see if it affects them (like a bomb).

Warpstone lighting would have to be a diluted lightning strike. Either making it harder to aim (Like a bomb but it hits one player on a 2+), or the player hit would go down on a 4+. Along side a negative affect to activate the spell for example you have to roll a normal agility roll to activate the spell. On a 2 or 3 it doesn't work and on a 1 you strike yourself and roll injury.
Regash wrote: But then, it's not official, so I won't play it anyway... :wink:
Disgusting.... :lol: yeah it's unofficial but it's a good topic of discussion

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Regash »

The Skaven shouldn't just get another type of lightning.
If I am not very much mistaken, skaven mages tuned up their powers by using warpstone dust.
Well, what works for mages could also work for Blood Bowl players... :orc:

Why not having a warpstone dealer out on the pitch, as a special weapon, of course.
A player adjacent to the dealer may have a noseful of warpstone powder. This can be used once per turn.
On a roll of 1-3, nothing happens, 4-5 speeds up the critter, so MA is +2 for this turn and on a roll of 6, the player sprouts a mutation for only this one game!
The mutation will go away as the effect of the warpstone fades away...

Just an idea, not sure if this isn't to powerful (Gutter Runner MA9 +2 warpstone effect +2 GFI = OTT? A mutation for free?) Or maybe it takes to long to choose the mutation?
But I kind of like the idea of warpstone-sniffing rats going crazy on the pitch! :orc:

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by mushoomy »

I like the idea of a warpstone dealer but I think it'd be hard to keep track of as the game goes on (especially on tabletop). Also yeah, the plus two MA is too powerful especially on a skaven team. I like the idea of it but maybe some different effects. Maybe instead of positive effects we could have negative effects? Or make it that it can be used on opposing players?

On own players ideas:
-up a stat for this turn only, random stat on a d3 (AG, MA, or ST). Armour wouldn't do much on their turn
- random mutation for this turn only, random on a d6 (excluding tail, presence, appearance) as they wouldn't affect this turn
-maybe an activation roll is needed. On a one, the player has an overdose and rolls injury (or armour). 2-3 the dust doesn't work.

I don't know what it'd do on opposing players and it may be worth discussing. But I like the idea of a support secret weapon like this and the mine layer.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by babass »

i would more or less follow the chainsaw(/stab) for this flamers, but with some other flavours

- to be used when block/blitz actions
- instead of rolling blocking dices, roll a dice
if 1, the flamer flams himself
if 2+ the flamer flams the opponent
- roll armor like with claw! (8+ is always a success)
- if successed, then injurie roll, etc

additionnal effects of the skill
1/ players injured by flamers could not used regeneration
2/ +1 modifier on the injurie rolls against Treemen/dryades(like willow)
3/ if the weather is pourring rain or blizzard, we need a 3+ (instead of a 2+) to flams the opponent (no effect if the roll is 2)
Skaven teams should have more access to secret weapons IMO
i think another skaven team, based on weapons (instead of based on gutter runners/blizter/ratogre) would be great!
something like:
0-12 linemen
0-2 tromblon (ie: a thrower/ball carrier with similar skills as the related dwarf starplayers, but not secret weapon)
0-2 stab (regular lineman with stab+shadowing+fend, but not secret weapon)
0-1 flamer
0-1 ball&Chain
0-1 rollers
and 0-3 bribe @50k each like gobelin (?)

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Vanguard »

Regash wrote: Why not having a warpstone dealer out on the pitch, as a special weapon, of course.
A player adjacent to the dealer may have a noseful of warpstone powder. This can be used once per turn.
On a roll of 1-3, nothing happens, 4-5 speeds up the critter, so MA is +2 for this turn and on a roll of 6, the player sprouts a mutation for only this one game!
The mutation will go away as the effect of the warpstone fades away...
I'd see that working better as a pre-match inducement. Say for 100k you can select one player and give them a bonus mutation from a random roll chat. Include a few negative or no effect mutations too, in order to add a bit of risk/reward to it.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Twelfman »

I've chucked together a few ideas, what do you think?

Whip: Select a model within two squares, then roll a d6, with a -1 per tackle zone the whipper is in. On a 2+ the target model must succeed an agility roll or be placed prone as the wielder trips them up. Players with Very Long Legs get a -1 penalty to this roll. Players with Stunty get a +1 to this roll. Players with Stand Firm pass this roll automatically. On a Whip roll of a 1, the whip wielder instead is placed Stunned as they try to untangle themselves from the mess they've gotten themselves in to! A player may use this at the end of a Blitz move instead of a Block. If they do, their action immediately ends after the Whip action has been completed. A whip action can not cause a Turnover, unless the Whip wielder was holding the ball when they are knocked down.

An example of a player might be something like:

Cindy-Anna Jones
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 - Dodge, Whip, Secret Weapon, Prehensile Tail, Jump Up - 100k



Giant Magnet: Specially designed magnets are a new invention, fuelled by magic and goodness knows what else.

A model may elect to use the Magnet instead of performing a Block, or as a part of a Blitz action. If made during a blitz action, the player's action ends immediately after the resolution of the magnet action.

To use the magnet, the player must select a target within 2 squares that either is holding the ball or has any of the following rules: Stab, Ball & Chain, Chainsaw, Bombardier, Whip. The magnet wielder makes a roll on a d6, with a -1 per tackle zone they are in. On a 4+, the magnet has worked. The target stands in shock as their weapon, or even the ball, is ripped from their hands! If the ball carrier is chosen, the magnet wielder may attempt to catch the ball. The catch attempt is made with a -2 modifier. If he fails, he is knocked down, and must make an armour roll as the ball smacks him right in the face! The ball will then bounce as normal. The ball may be intercepted as if a pass were being thrown to the Magnet wielder, but Pass Block moves are not allowed.

If the target has either the Stab, Ball & Chain, Chainsaw, Bombardier or Whip rules, then the unfortunate magnet holder finds himself in a much worse position. He must make an attempt to catch the item as above, but if he fails he suffers the effect of the stolen weapon as if it were being attacked with it. (for example, if he fails to catch a chainsaw, an armour roll with a +3 modifier is made against him). The target now loses that special rule for the drive, and the magnet wielder retains it for the drive, though he loses the Magnet rule as well. After the drive all weapons are returned to their owners. A Ball & Chain player that loses his Ball & Chain rule is KOd immediately (no need to roll for injury).

A magnet may not be used against another magnet user. If the magnet user is KO'd or worse as part of a magnet action, it is a turnover. If he is knocked down while he holds the ball, it is a turnover. If the target has both the ball and a secret weapon, the magnet user may only choose to steal one, and must choose which one before rolling any dice.

An example of a player might be something like:

Crafty Nikka
6 | 2 | 3 | 7 - Stunty, Dodge, Magnet, Secret Weapon - 90k


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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by mushoomy »

babass wrote:i would more or less follow the chainsaw(/stab) for this flamers, but with some other flavours...

I think another skaven team, based on weapons (instead of based on gutter runners/blizter/ratogre) would be great!
something like:
0-12 linemen
0-2 tromblon (ie: a thrower/ball carrier with similar skills as the related dwarf starplayers, but not secret weapon)
0-2 stab (regular lineman with stab+shadowing+fend, but not secret weapon)
0-1 flamer
0-1 ball&Chain
0-1 rollers
and 0-3 bribe @50k each like gobelin (?)
I personally would like to see some more ranged weapons added to Blood bowl (only ranged weapon atm is the unreliable bomber). However, I do like how your flamer works as a chainsaw-esque weapon :)
And yes, a skaven cheater team would be wicked :D
Vanguard wrote: I'd see that working better as a pre-match inducement. Say for 100k you can select one player and give them a bonus mutation from a random roll chat. Include a few negative or no effect mutations too, in order to add a bit of risk/reward to it.
Yeah it sounds like it'd be a magic card :)
Trumpkin wrote:I've chucked together a few ideas, what do you think?
Cool stuff Trumpkin ;) Especially like the idea of the magnet. But the nega traits on the magnet are easy to avoid (just never do a magnet action to a ball and chain :D ). The whip idea is a cool one too :)

Right, time for my next weapon...

Boomerang Maybe a khemri weapon? Or a goblin? Lizardmen?


This player has brought a bendy stick/bone to the pitch! First, choose a direction to throw the boomerang. *Then roll a 2+ to launch the boomerang into the air. On a 1, the player decides not to throw the boomerang. The boomerang is thrown like a ball and chain. The boomerang can move as many squares as the players agility. If a player is hit by a boomerang, he is placed prone and armor is rolled. If armor breaks, the player is stunned. After the boomerang has finished moving, it returns to the thrower which will attempt a catch roll. If the player fails the catch, the player is knocked out. Accurate and/or strong arm increase the amount of squares the boomerang is thrown. Dump-off may not be used with this player type

I think this could make a fun ranged secret weapon. One thing that I could add though is the ability for players to dodge the boomerang on a dodge roll +2. A key skill to get with this player type would be catch to make sure it stays on the pitch. As a khemri secret weapon, the player would have to roll a 4+ which is a nice enough negatrait to not have the throw roll *.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Milo »

How about a Goblin Doom Diver?


Goblin Doom Divers on Blood Bowl teams don't need the fancy catapult apparatus, as their Troll teammates are more than happy to provide the lift-off velocity. The wings are awkward while on the ground, but once the Goblin is thrown, they can be used to extend flight OR aim for one of the gits on the other team.

0-1 Goblin Doom Diver 4 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Wings of Doom, Pointy Hat Price: 80k

Wings of Doom: This player can be thrown as though they were a Hail Mary Pass.

Pointy Hat: Any armor rolls taken by a player HIT by a landing Doom Diver as calculated as though hit by a player with Mighty Blow and Piling On.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Elyoukey »

i like the wings of doom. This would definitelly make the gobelin roster fun and playable.

the pointy hat is not necessary and the pilling-on rule is a bit too much, i would stop it with mightyblow.

but it needs a limitation with the ball handling because otherwise the one turn TD in the end of the drive is virtually unstopable: just put your troll and your diver in the center of the pitch and you get a 30% TD without any possibility for the opponent to prevent it or change your odds.
I believe the mouvemen limitation will limit a bit, but i don't think it is enough.

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Re: Secret weapon ideas

Post by Milo »

Okay, two options to tone down the Wings of Doom (or, the Wright Stuff, if anyone gets the reference):

1) The player can be thrown as a Hail Mary Pass but cannot move afterwards, regardless of whether or not the land on their feet. (this counts as their movement for the turn). They could still score in one turn, but it would be dependent on their luck at scattering into the End Zone, with a risk they scatter into the crowd.


2) A player with this skill can be thrown to Long Pass range. Gives them an advantage, but doesn't guarantee they can make it into the end zone every time. The Movement Allowance limitation would factor in here too. If we wanted to make it even trickier, we could say the Wings cause the player to fall over on a roll of 1 or 2 on a go for it.

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