Censorship or not...

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Censorship or not...

Post by Nagash »

Well - apparently - some people are allowed to post - saying what they wish to support DW - some are not...
So people on this forum get to see/hear what you (moderators) want them to - ie - only your side of the story...

But that you have the power to rule - lock a post?! (lol Galak) - getting only your views - and - also manipulating the facts by deleting posts (lol Thadrin) -

Does not make you right!!!

Also - doesn´t this show that you are basically covering each others ass**?! - I´m quite sure that people will be able to see through it... lol

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I find your lack of faith, disturbing...

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Post by Longshot »

Nagash, will you stop someday?
Please, stop and talk BB again not politic.

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Post by Ancalagon »

I've been posting here nearly from the start of TBB and never had problems with Galak, thadrin nor DW, maybe the problem is you, if you don't feel good here, you can try other boards.

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

You have to have censorship. Without rules and moderators to enforce them no one would want to post here.

IMO all the moderators do a good job.

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Post by Marcus »

This forum is up front about heavily moderating to encourage constructive discussion and quash flaming. The tacit agreement you make when you post to this forum is that you abide by moderator's decisions on appropriate content.

Bloodbowl Central is available to people who want to discuss Bloodbowl in an unmoderated environment. Talk Blood Bowl is here specifically as an alternative to the unmoderated and often flamey discussions on BBC.

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Marcus - [url=http://www.talkbloodbowl.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=42448#42448]Hall of Famer[/url] - [url=http://www.irwilliams.com/ecbbl/index.php]Edinboro Castle Blood Bowl League[/url]
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Post by Evil Git »

I realise i'm new around here, and i may not know everything that goes on (hell i don't think i would want to anyway)

The point is i don't think there is any kind of censorship. There are times when a subject needs to be locked (this has now happened 3 times since i started back in september) so it's not like this happens all the time. When a subject has nothing to do with BB then it should either be in the Totally off topic forum or not on here at all. (This is just my opinion)

Flame wars have never helped in any situation. I'm not quite sure why you're jumping in with both feet so to speak with what you're doing at the minute. It's not helping anyone.

Anyway, in conclusion, no there's no censorship around here, just a general management philosophy by the moderators to keep the boards friendly and helpful to everyone, newbie or not.

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Post by Marcus »


It's a game of toy soldiers boys and girls, a game of toy soldiers.

There's a hell of a lot of stuff going on in the world that deserves more time and anger than a game of toy soldiers.

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Marcus - [url=http://www.talkbloodbowl.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=42448#42448]Hall of Famer[/url] - [url=http://www.irwilliams.com/ecbbl/index.php]Edinboro Castle Blood Bowl League[/url]
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Post by Evil Git »

very well put Marcus

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Post by GalakStarscraper »

Nagash ... I think folks who are not baron moderators have said everything I need to say.

This is not a thread related to BB.



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Post by JenniRP70 »


I can understand if you feel that members of TBB have upset you in anyway, but posting irrelevent topics such as this does not help your cause. If you have a serious problem, then discuss it with me using the email address in the 'Board Message' section of the index page. If you don't, then keep your postings relevent to Bloodbowl.

Any post which contains abusive content towards another member of TBB should be deleted immediately (I would ask the moderators to take a copy of the posting and send it to me or add it to the moderators lounge). Any thread containing such content or is leading to such content being posted should be locked immediately. This way we keep the board clean from unwanted material.

I will not accept such material being posted on my board and expect my moderators to act quickly. Unfortunalty, it would appear that some moderators got caught in the fire or failed to act quick enough. But, they are not full time TBB'ers (some would argue that though) and do it voluntarily and I am happy with the job they do. They step out of line from time to time, but so do the general TBB members, including you with your persistance to make something out of a moderator taking a moderating action.

If there was one moderator for all boards, then you may have a point, but there are several moderators with equal power over the same forums. THat way, if one moderator steps out of line another can step in and deal with the post/thread which I believe is what has happened to those arguementative threads you have been involved with. Without this, the board would be utter chaos with irrelevent threads, tasteless bitching and no members.

Get on with talking Bloodbowl please and leave your gripes to private discussions with me.


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