Werewolf team

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Smurf »

A team with Frenzy is going to be a challenge. Every block means chase and follow up. You are always going to have a lot of base to base contact. This will have it's own problems when other hitters will slap the wolves back.

So the Human Thrall allows for some positioning.

Sure you could have 3 wolves of the LOS and then whack, each player is pushed back from 2 die to 1 die, if player is standing up this means wolf cannot assist and you need another player to help. And this goes on.

Personally I see Frenzy as a negative, especially enmasse, no doubt the odd player with it it is useful but when the majority of the team has it... is it of any use?

The critical moment aspect would be the drive that needs to win or equalise and the best wolves have reverted by to human form. Or you happen to have more humans than wolves and vice versa.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Myrmedon »

Imo just wild animal all those angry puppies to balance out claw and frenzy spam

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by GreedySmurf »

I was a contemplating a werewolf team the other day.

The thought I had about a 'lineman' was to make them all werewolves, but one's whose lycanthropy hasn't advanced enough yet to allow them to shift into a hybrid werewolf form. If they shift, it is into a pure wolf form.

So your 0-16 positional would have two forms, for example:

Human 6 3 3 7 Lycanthropy GA
Wolf 8 3 3 7 Lycanthropy, No Hands GA

I would then probably look at having 0-4 (?) Werewolves - same stat lines as the Necro one. And maybe a couple of Ulfwerener's.

I was tossing up making the change a choice, so either at the start of a drive, decide which form each player is in, or maybe you can transform as part of your move action.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Elyoukey »

Myrmedon wrote:Imo just wild animal all those angry puppies to balance out claw and frenzy spam
this sounded good to me:

1-16 50Kpo lineman 6 3 3 8 - G(ASP)
0-4 110Kpo Werewolf 8 3 3 8 claw, frenzy , wild animal - GA(SP)
0-2 110Kpo Uülfwerener 6 4 2 8 frenzy, wild animal - GS(AP)

wild animal and frenzy would compensate for the firepower (norse players know how full frenzied positional can screw up some plans, skaven players know how wild animal can avoid to act in the good timing, and with 6 wild animals, if 2 are down, you will have 4+ rolls to stand up which can be hard to achieve)

linemen would do like in vampire teams the 'sure play'

i am not sure for the prices though

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Nikolai II »

0-16 Human Linemen (or Thralls if the wolves get claws)
0-6 Ulfwerener Werewolves
70 k Reroll

Somewhat similar to vampires like the earlier suggestion.
Same speed, same strength, same armor.
Fewer skills, and frenzy to eat RR instead of the Bloodlust.
No claws means no spammed claws. Maybe add claws and up price to 120k, which would make them scary indeed. In that case thralls as linemen to give the opposition an equally easy time to keep up in the numbers race.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Corvidius »

I think folks get too hung up about Claw, it has no effect v armour 7 or less and is moderately worse than Mighty Blow against av8. Against av9 it's tasty but not too bad.

Another alternative would be:

0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 7 Pass, Sure Hands, Regen for 70k
0-2 Catchers 7 2 3 7 Catch, Dodge, Regen 70k
0-4 Blitzers 7 3 3 7 Block, Claw, Regen, 90k
0-16 Linemen 6 3 3 7 Regen, 50k
50k rerolls no apo

same skill access as humans.

The whole team has regen but the av7 needs something to offset it. Four Claw players with S access is good but only 2 catchers and the whole team has av7 themselves.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Elyoukey »

i don't think 4 positionals with block+claw out of the box is a good thing, and norsees do not have regen to offset the av7

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Corvidius »

Elyoukey wrote:i don't think 4 positionals with block+claw out of the box is a good thing, and norsees do not have regen to offset the av7
Norse have Block on every av7 player to offset it and Amazons have Dodge for the same reason. It pretty much evens things out. Regen fits the Werewolf idea as a whole and on an av7 player it's useful but has less of an on pitch effect than something like Frenzy.

4 Claw players who have av7, losing even 1 of them on a drive is gonna make things tough. No av 8+ on the team, no st4+ and only 2 dodgers so not too horrific.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Tourach »

I played this team once, it was fun enough but certainly not high tier. The roster was like the following.

0-6 Werewolfs 6 3 3 7 lychantropy S G
0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 8 Pass, sure hands P G
0-16 Linemen 6 3 3 8 G
RR 60k
lychantropy: In the start of a player turn a player he may declare a "change action" which costs 3 movement. The player may move the remainder of its movement after which its placed prone, he is now a werewolf and changed with a werewolf miniature. A werewolf has its stats changed as following St +1, Ag -1, Ma +1, Av +1. After a drive the werewolf changes back to "normal".
That was a the concept anyways...

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by timdog »

New roster i'm kicking around

0-4 Werewolves 120 000 8 3 3 8 Claws, Regen, Frenzy GA SP
0-2 Wereskunks 80 000 5 3 3 7 Foul Apperance, Distracting Presence, Regen G SAP
0-1 Werebear 140 000 5 5 1 9 Wild Animal, Claws, Regen, Loner S GAP
0-16 Werebeast 5 3 2 8 60 000 Regen G SAP
rerolls 60K
No apoth

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Itchen Masack »

How about a team where you can choose a certain number players to start the game in either Were or Human form. I'm not gonna pretend I'm smart enough to suggest fair stats or numbers for these :p Imagine AV would need to be 7 to take into account the possibility for the tranformation and still be wearing the armour afterwards!

For the ones in Were form when they are Stunned on 1-3 they stay Were, 4-6 they revert to the (weaker) human form. Once KO'd or higher they automaticially revert to human form. Like in the films where the guy wakes up in a field the morning after, naked and a taste of raw flesh in his mouth :)

In human form, causing a CAS 1-3 Stay human, 4-6 switch to Were. A Kill is auto switch as the animal takes control.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by Darkson »

There's a team like that for the MBBL2 house rule PBeM league: http://www.midgardbb.com/MBBLTeams/Lycanthrope.html

Good fun, but lots of tear your hair out moments when they all decide to be normal! :lol:

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by garion »

You need werecats in there, I'm sure they were mentioned in 2nd ed somewhere. 100% sure.

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Re: Werewolf team

Post by GalakStarscraper »

garion wrote:You need werecats in there, I'm sure they were mentioned in 2nd ed somewhere. 100% sure.
You are correct. 2nd edition discusses Werewolf, Werebear and Werecat.

That was why the Were team that Darkson linked to used those 3 for the team.


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Re: Werewolf team

Post by garion »

GalakStarscraper wrote:
garion wrote:You need werecats in there, I'm sure they were mentioned in 2nd ed somewhere. 100% sure.
You are correct. 2nd edition discusses Werewolf, Werebear and Werecat.

That was why the Were team that Darkson linked to used those 3 for the team.

ah yeah lol.

How on earth would you make that in to a team these days?

0-16 Werecats

0-4 werewolves - as they are

0-1 or 0-2 Werebears

I dont think bears or cats need claw as I was under the impression Claw is werewolves bite, which is why they used to have fang before it was removed.

really wouldn't know what to do here. Werewolves are soooooo expensive it would be very tough to make a roster that worked while staying true to player type

Jump Up on the cats souns like fun. guess they would have to be st2 maybe, something like

7247 jump up 50k

Bears I would probably go something like -

4518 loner, really stupid, thick skull, MB, grab,

This would all make the roster -

0-16 Werecat 50,000 7 2 4 7 Jump Up GA SP
0-4 Werewolves 120,000 8 3 3 8 Claw, Frenzy, Regeneration GA SP
0-2 Werebear 120,000 4 5 1 8 Loner, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Grab

hmmm, I cant work out if that is the best or worst roster in the game lol. A starting roster would certinaly be a nightmare to figure out.

anyone have any ideas how to make this okay?

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