Dungeonbowl Project

A forum for football mini's talk.......painting, converting etc. etc. or showing off great accessories that make playing the game easier, cooler or more fun.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Hey axt, and thanks!

With the golden mask guys, do you mean this guy?


If so, he is an Abyssal Dwarf from Mantic. They're the only non-GW models I've used in the project, apart from the custom sculpts. I like them.

I do have a livejournal account that I post pictures to on occasion, but because it doesn't generate the responses that you tend to get on a forum like this, I don't post there very often...

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

That's the ones!

I had seen a couple of pics of them (Mantic Abyssal Dwarfs) but never really "looked" to them if you know what I mean.
After reading your reply I've googled them out, and they do have some really cool looking stuff!
Now I just have to concentrate really hard in something else (in order to keep my money away from yet another CD or D sprue), no matter how cool I believe a mastiff would look in my dwarf team...

Superb work!
Please keep it flowing, and don't be shy on the greens!
They ruin me the most!

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Cheers! By greens, do you just mean unpainted models? Because most of them I haven't sculpted myself...

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

Yes, the ones you convert in some way.

I know perhaps I should have called them 'conversions', instead of 'greens', but taking into account the one you've showed before, he does have a couple of GStuff bits so...

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

That's a shame actually, I only just undercoated my last few dark elf conversions a few days ago. But I will probably make more at some poiint. I also have another project getting green stuff just now - reading the old wandering monsters article inspired me to try and make some monstrous critters especially for dungeonbowl.

I just had a quick look for other "greens" and I'm not sure if I posted this one before, so here it is again. The elf was posted earlier, but possibly not the dwarf.


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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

That's some very cool work right there.
Some of those old plastic minis seem to be begging for a bit of conversion work to show how cool they can be, don't they?
Very cool, congrats!

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Thank you, and I agree, those old plastics are very suitable for conversion.

Here are some new orcs for the Storm Bolts, classic 2nd ed models this time. I also made some new 3d terrain in some simple stepped pyramid designs, as can be seen in the second photo.



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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Played a very cool three-player game this evening which I will post more about later, hopefully with photos. For now, here is a WIP picture of a future wandering monster for the dungeon, which I call a Hellhound.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

That'll be a cool one to paint!

Looking forward to see that three-player game report and pics.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Yeah, it will be fun to put together. I already wrote the report, so I'd remember as much as possible while fresh in memory, but it was one of the other players who took the pictures so I'm waiting for them just now - it should be a much nicer looking report with pictures to show the dungeon layout etc. to go with the story.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

I’ve got some new stuff ready to post very soon, both some models in the form of unpainted Dwarf Slayer and Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaur conversions, and some more terrain in the form of a pair of raised board sections with a carved chasm running down them – a chasm which actually had a significant game effect in the last game, as a skaven player was pushed into it to his doom (I sat up to finish the sections the night before the game).

However, I’m also faced with an issue. Yesterday I was in a bookstore buying an eraser, and I saw a display stand of those little plastic toys of bears and badgers and dinosaurs that you get in places like zoo gift shops. One of the toys was a quite big and quite detailed “ice dragon”, and egged on by my friend, I decided to get it as an impulse purchase.

My thought when I looked at it was “hmmm, I wrote some rules for dragons as wandering monsters in dungeonbowl last week…”. But I think I underestimated how big it is – it doesn’t even fit on a 40k dreadnaught base, I’ll have to make a custom base from mini-cds and it will have to take up nine squares on the board to allow players to be near it. Many – well, two - questions arose. The first is whether it will be crazy to try and use it in games? Is it just too big? Will it ruin the game to have a giant monster moving around eating players? The second is whether I should re-paint it or not? Being a toy, it is pre-painted relatively nicely, but quite flatly as it has no shading or highlighting to speak of. The paiting issue will probably depend on the gaming issue – if I want to use it as a gaming piece, I probably will paint it eventually, but if I just keep it as a cute curiosity, it can stay with its basic paintjob.

Pictures of dragon, chasm and centaur to come soon.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Mephisto »

yggdrasil wrote:Played a very cool three-player game this evening which I will post more about later, hopefully with photos. For now, here is a WIP picture of a future wandering monster for the dungeon, which I call a Hellhound.

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Hi! Nice conversion. Could you explain how you did it? Looks amazing!

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Not a problem. It is basically the Chaos Hound that is rearing up on its hind legs from the plastic unit box. What I did to it was cut off the head and elongate the neck, and also cut off the legs at the knees and build a new and much longer set of legs. The result looks a bit like a werewolf, I think, more than a hound.

Here are a couple of new pictures as promised. WIP Centaur:


A pair of chasm-tiles:


And the dragon:


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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

And here is a better shot of some of the newly finished skaven.


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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

Cool Bull Centaur!

Where's the dragon from?
The guy is huge!
Do you intend to give him a base?
Any rules for him yet?

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