Dungeonbowl Project

A forum for football mini's talk.......painting, converting etc. etc. or showing off great accessories that make playing the game easier, cooler or more fun.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Axtklinge wrote: Do you build different layouts for the dungeon every game or do you have any sort of sketch to be able to copy "past dungeons"?
Completely different every time. What usually happens is I arrive at my friend's house, I pull my stuff out of my bag, hand him the floor tiles and ask him to build a dungeon while I unpack the miniatures. Maybe I'll have a go next time - he always tends to put lots of lava in the middle of the dungeon, which is OK, but it might be nice to vary it a bit once in a while.

Actually planning out a dungeon in advance, maybe giving each team a "home dungeon" if you will, is a good idea actually.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

Quite a few years ago I used to play Necromunda with three more mates, and I had a few rough sketches of different layouts so it would be easier and faster to get the table ready to play.
We could even mimic the layout from one game to the other if we wanted to.

Transferring the idea to DB, you could actually have "home" dungeons for each teams.
That might end up being funny.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

I agree. Maybe not ha-ha funny, but certainly cool. :D

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Last night was our semi-regular Dungeonbowl night, so here is the usual mini-game report.

Grey Shadows (Chaos Humans/Snotlings/Ogre) vs. Grim Reapers (Skaven/Goblins/Minotaurs)

Because of harsh weather conditions, I did not bring any elevated terrain with me on my bike, so the dungeon was a back-to-basics one with just one level and just a little bit of lava. Picture below shows the dungeon layout. I also requested we play without magical monsters this time. This game ended up being very atypical for us.


On the first turn of the game, as the first thing the Shadows teleported in their Ogre, and he happened to land on a teleporter right in front of the Reapers' end zone. Yikes! Intrepidly, the Ogre blitzed into the enemy ranks, pushing back the Runner he targeted (the only one he could get two block dice against because of his ST2). In the following Reaper turn, one of the Minotaurs blitzed and knocked down the Ogre, but the other one failed his Wild Animal roll and both Minos were therefore left in their end zone while the rest of the team ran out into the dungeon.

The Ogre hurls himself into the mass of Skaven

Only moments later, a Snotling opened the first chest in the middle of the dungeon, and found the ball! He immediately passed it back to a team-mate successfully, scoring SPPs both from finding the ball and the successful pass. What a star!

The Reapers all froze in horror at this spectacle, but then zoned in on the new ball carrier. Thanks to a dextrous Goblin dodging in to provide an assist, a Skaven Blitzer managed to knock down the ball carrier, but the ball bounced back behind the line of Chaos Humans, out of his reach. In the next turn, the Shadows reclaimed the ball with a Lineman, who then tried to pass to a nearby Thrower, but this time failed to pass accurately. The ball bounced free again.

At this stage, a Reaper Minotaur had moved away from the scrap with the Ogre in their end zone, and teleported up next to a chest. Since the ball had already been found, the Mino decided to use the chest as a projectile against a group of three Chaos Humans nearby. The pass was predictably inaccurate, but it landed right next to all three of them. The Skaven hoped that the chest would pop open and explode… but alas it remained closed.

While many players were distracted by the throwing of chests, the two Skaven Runners saw their chance to strike. Showing off their remarkable agility, both of them dodged through the Shadows' line, and one of them grabbed the loose ball. The Shadows were stunned, and despite pushing the Runner with the ball into a corner and nearly pinning him, he managed to hang onto it, dodge past all the enemy players, and run in for a touchdown.

Because this game only took about half an hour to play, we decided to play again in the same dungeon, but with new teams.

War Hawks (Chaos Dwarfs/Orcs/Ogres) vs. Blood Axes (Dwarfs/Humans/Norse)

Dwarfs vs. Chaos Dwarfs promised to be very different from the slippery Skaven action that had caused such a short game before. The Hawks were one player down, as their Ogre was seriously injured in their last game, so playing against the inexperienced Axes, with no big guys, seemed like a reasonably wise move.

However, history repeated itself to some extent, as the first turn saw the Hawks teleport in a Chaos Dwarf right in front of the Axes' end zone! Rather than run in and attack, the ST3 player decided to stay back and block the way instead, which meant that most of the Axes ran around him, but a couple stayed back to try and beat him up. A second Chaos Dwarf teleported in a turn later, and a small scrap ended up taking place there for the rest of the game.

Chaos Dwarfs try to hinder the Axes from getting out of their end zone

The rest of the teams slowly moved through the dungeon, with exploding chest being opened along the way. One chest was opened by a Dwarf Runner, and the explosion actually broke his femur and permanently reduced his movement, in addition to sending him off to medicare for this and the next game.

In the second to last chest, near a patch of lava, an Orc Blitzer managed to find the ball. However, his path was well blocked by opposing players and with no good targets to pass to. Eventually he tried to cross a patch of lava to hand the ball to a team-mate, but the lava proved too hot and sent him off to the dug-outs with severe burns. The ball was free, and a Human Blitzer ran in to seize it.

The Orc Blitzer has the ball, and is considering his options for how best to get through the lava zone

After skillfully covering all the Hawks players with Axe players and making sure they were too occupied to be able to go for the ball, the Blitzer ran unimpeded down the length of the dungeon to score the win.

In the post-match sequence, a Dwarf Longbeard managed to roll a double six for his skill roll and got +1 ST, to much oohing and aahing from myself. The Axes also bought a Bombardier secret weapon player for the team roster, and the Grim Reapers similarly bought a Skaven Assasssin. Most of the teams had saved up cash, so the War Hawks recruited an impressive Boar Centaur for their ranks.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

Nice reports, thanks!

I might have missed that in your house rules, but found it quite cool that they get to throw the chest against each other!
Both games sounded like a lot of fun!

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Thanks! The first game was a little too "jammy", in that I felt a bit bad that I could just jump in with a gutter runner and grab the ball on a series of 3+ and 4+ rolls, and then just run in to score. It felt a bit too easy and like my opponent couldn't do much about it. The second game was very satisfying though.

The bit about throwing chests is a later addition to the rules I think, so probably haven't been mentioned before. The idea is simply that players with Throw Team-mate can also use it to Throw Chest using the exact same rules. The only addition other than that is that a thrown chest bursts open on a 4+ after it ends up in its final square.

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

yggdrasil wrote:(...)
The bit about throwing chests is a later addition to the rules I think, so probably haven't been mentioned before. The idea is simply that players with Throw Team-mate can also use it to Throw Chest using the exact same rules. The only addition other than that is that a thrown chest bursts open on a 4+ after it ends up in its final square.
Sounds cool, and it gives TTM players a bit more tactical depth!
I'll assume the thrown chest would count as the Pass action (for that turn).

Other than that, do Trolls try to eat it (chest)?
And if they do, may the chest open (and explode), inside his belly?

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Hah, I forgot about Always Hungry actually. Great idea! :D

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Also, players with a ST of 3 or more can push or pull a chest by using up one additional point of movement per square.

Adding the Boar Centaur to the Chaos Dwarf contingent made me keen to finish up the model, so here it is.


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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

More dwarf action today with a bald Doom Forger, leaving me with just one halfling to do before the team is finished. I also finished my first wooden door, which is part of a set kindly donated by Daht as mentioned previously. :)


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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Axtklinge »

Love the Boar Centaur mini!

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by the solitaire »

That boar centaur looks awesome!
I also like he dwarf and his door :D

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Cheers! :D

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by Darkson »

Might have missed it as a house rule, but I thought you couldn't place teleports in the EZ tile?

Makes me wish I could play DB more often, rather than using them as end-of-season blow-outs. :(

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Re: Dungeonbowl Project

Post by yggdrasil »

Darkson wrote:Might have missed it as a house rule, but I thought you couldn't place teleports in the EZ tile?
This is actually our first game where we put any teleporters in end zone tiles, because it does seem a little bit iffy. I kinda liked it though, it adds a sense of danger that a ball carrier could potentially teleport in and score in one turn.

As to the rules, the original ruleset states as follows on page 10: "Teleport counters may be set up anywhere in the dungeon, including either team's End Zone board sections". The 1998 update also adds the comment "(you can even place them in the end zone if you like)" to the section on placing teleporter counters. So it seems pretty clear that it was intended to be an option.

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