Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

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Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »

My first blog, my first amazon team.

Why Blog?
Not so sure on that one! Obvs to cleave some fame and notoriety in the TTF community, also to so see if anyone can offer any truly useful advice, and also to give something back for all the good advice I’ve gleaned from TFF over the first year of my NAF membership.
I AM worried that my work load is about to mushroom over the next four months and I may struggle to make the league games, let alone write about them too….

Hopefully we can all learn something from my mistakes!

Why Amazons?
Well I fell in love with the models first… errr strictly speaking I fell in love with my friends models first: Chris Moses has the Shadowforge Bunny Girls with a neat paint job, and names of actual Hefner Bunnies (which I’m not so sure about, It’s on, if not crossing a line!) then I saw the Nun version. But Before all that I saw some stranger on fb share pics of his vampire team with GW creatures as vamps and Trade Winds’ Nuns as thralls. I was in the throws of a brief enamourment with vampires, following my first match with Speedingbullet who was playing vamps as reigning champ in the SBBL. My vamp team was using GW humans as thralls. They were called “fat cats and plastic crack whores” they were painted in GW corporate colours and the vamps all took their names from GW’s board of directors. But once I saw the Nun team I wanted to change! So it was while I was saving up for some Trade Winds Nuns that I saw the Shadow Forge nuns. Furthermore, Jason had a 10% off deal at Tritex stall at UKC. So I payed up and asked Speedingbullet to pick them up for me (another long story for another time) with the idea that they could be thralls. However the scale is out, so I collected a whole team and made a decision about painting…
I have spent years improving my painting technique, starting off with hundreds of orks, and space marines. I have never wanted to paint like the Evy Metal team that were pushed upon us by GW and FW, I wanted to have models that looked striking from a distance and still looked realistic when viewed close up. At one of my first BB tournis in Worcester a convo with a painter whose work I admire greatly helped me to see that everyone has an identifiable style of painting, and that mine was slow and painstaking with many layers of colour and grades of tint but the effect was still too subtle. My models only looked good if you picked them up and looked hard at them. Time for a change with the nuns. I’ve painted their skin with Scale75 paints, lots of watery layers and subtle hues. The rest of them is hard lines, striking contrasts. No washes or shades were used. Surprisingly easy to paint but a lot longer to do than I thought, I don’t like the final job, but I’m quite proud of it.

The reason why I decided to take Zons to SBBL VII is that I was getting a bit competitive with the Norse I used last SBBL season and in most tournis. I don’t want to disappear up my own… and I DO wasn’t to have some fun and try and learn the joy of loosing, but also, secretly to take on the challenge of winning with a team that I see as disadvantaged. Essentially so that I can laugh off every loss and celebrate any wins! Also, cos they’re painted and there not going to see the light of day if I don’t take them somewhere. Also Also because I would like to get my 26 badge one day and getting a bit of practice with the Nuns before a real tournament strikes me as a good idea.

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »

These Dames in boots are destined for the Shropshire Blood Bowl League, season VII. There are regular weekly slots available for league matches at the Telford Boardgamers club. The league is very well organised with two conferences of 8 coaches this season, all matches are scheduled in a week by week framework (each “week” lasting a fortnight) and coaches are able to make arrangements for dates and venues on a fb page where all the results get posted and the league standings are updated too.
The SBBL seems to be taking advantage of being perfectly located for expansion. I firmly believe that this is also due to some of the nicest coaches travelling to WOWLOF and instigating a cross pollination process. This waffling preamble to state that I am about to join a record 15 other coaches embark on the 7th season of SBBL, the second under the excellent commish-ship of Dragonborn. We have recently been given our first opponents, we know who else is in our conference and what teams they are using. More recently we have been given the whole season diary of fixtures.

My conference, The Auld World, includes:
Dragonborn, last seasons champ, Undead.
Plum, champ 2 seasons ago & runner up last season, Lizardmen.
Goldengate, walking possibility calculator & previous SBBL champ, Skaven.
Luke, who nearly stopped me getting to the play offs last season, returning Humans
Ed, never met him (think he’s a teenager from Wolves?) Orcs
Ben, from Wolves and I’ve never met him but he has a reputation for trying crazy stuff and pulling it off, Slaan.
Dan, returning WOWLOF coach who has declared having a laugh to be his objective this season, Nurgle.

My first match: Plum and her lizards.
We have set a date 2 weeks from now which gives me ample time to wind myself up into the belief that I can attain a win!!
For me to say that I consider plum to be The Queen of BB is as much of an understatement as me saying ‘I Farming hate lizards’

I’ve chosen my initial line up:
1 Thrower
4 Blitzers
1 Catcher
6 Liners
3 RR. = 1m on the nose.

Non returning teams, like mine, get to choose either 6 x normal skills OR 4 x normal and 1 x double.
Right now I’m thinking I’ll go for the former, as much as I would like to have a side step bodging Blitzer I think it is important to spread the skills around and keep the advantage in the number of skills that I have over other rookie teams. I may also be getting fixated on my first match, but I defo want to have Dauntless and Tackle on the pitch from the G of Go! Skinks, Gutter Runners, Ghoul Runners, Slaan and my Zons: EVERYone is gonna be stacking up the Tackle in this conference!
So that looks like,
Blitzers: 2 x Guard, 1 x Dauntless (rather than the M Blow I’d usually auto include) and 1 x Stand Firm (rather than the side step I’d like to get as a free double!)
Thrower: Sure Hands (cos why waste a re roll not picking the ball up!?)
Catcher: Tackle (well someone’s gotta have it!)

My vision for the team develpment is pretty basic;
Blitzers to make an annoying screen / cage in offence, an even more annoying road block in defence. With a Giant Slayer in there for good measure. (there’s no access to a big guy except as a Star Player, which suits me fine – I am not a fan of Bone Head, Really Stupid or especially Wild Animal!)
So Guard, Stand Firm and Grab as must haves for three of them, maybs even Wrestle in there too. For the Slayer: Dauntless, Mighty Blow, and possibly even Frenzy or Juggernaut. Doubles of Side Step or even Jump Up.
Thrower to be ball carrier, but unlike my Norse counter part last season, to have the option to hand off or quick pass or short pass to someone else, who needs the SPP. Sure Hands, Block, Nerves of Steel, Accurate, maybe Leader if winnings are scant for Re Rolls by mid season.
Catchers, two; Deefencive role as Safety, ball hunters, sweepers. Offensively as receivers or dummy receivers = to catch and score or to draw the oppo out across the pitch, away from the walk in. Block / Wrestle / Strip ball, Tackle, Side Step, Jump Up or Diving Tackle as a cherry on top, given the chance.
Linewoemen, I’m not expecting to last very long (I don’t expect ANY player to last too long!) or to get many SPP. If any of them DO happen to skill up: Tackle, Fend or Block. Maybe Kick at some point…

Anyhow, I've got time for a few test plays yet, so starting line up may change
a little...

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »

I have only once beaten a Lizard team, and that was with vampires who just behaved so well it was a dream match. That was against Chris Moses, In Hereford; a local, friendly.
My first BB Mentor, Gary, used to whoop me with the big tailed crocs regularly – and he didn’t ever use a Krox and didn’t believe in buying re rolls!!
Then there was Shaun who I met in Worcester and who I’ve played a handful of times, once with Skaven, the other times with Lizards and every time he has beaten me.
My last Croc encounter was back in the Autumn, at the Manticore Cup, in Chelts, fourth round, with 1W 1D 1L under my belt, drawn against Thor (someone who has consistently beaten me with an air of nonchalance) I couldn’t see any Tier1 teams to choose from but as I stepped up to the plate, psyching out my unpsychable oppo, I spied Lizards. I plumed for them and got them. Against AMAZONS, who I have only ever seen as a slow, lightweight, second rate team. To trim a short story even shorter: I lost 3-0.
These are the reasons why I hate Lizardmen. My thinking is that I must not be able to beat them, nor win with them because I do not understand them. Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer. Or something! So I’ve been reading the play books and this week Ive started playtesting The Nuns against them.
There are many problems with Play testing, Or Left hand Vs Right hand as us only children used to call it;
I’m trying to prepare myself for my opening SBBL VII match vs Plum and her new Lizardmen team, so I need to second guess her starting roster (not too hard as she has posted it on the SBBL fb pages!) I also need to guess her skills package (Getting Harder) and then I need to work out just how she would deal with any play that I make. I’ve played Plum 5 times now. The first; my Gobos Vs her Pact, where she was literally having to explain to me that the Dodge skill could only be used once per player, per turn. Then very patiently waiting while I read the rule book as I didn’t believe her! Next season she treated me with the contempt I deserved, wandering off to chat with other gamers at the gaming club meetings in the middle of both our Necro (me) vs Chaos (her) matches. SBBL VI was a bit different. The first match we played was because we were both 2nd in our respective conference and this mid season cross conference match was conceived to shake things up a bit. Plum, the reigning Champ, was running Delves, I was with my hugely successful Norse. I had her undivided attention for the whole three hours. In fact, when I once entered a debate with neighbouring coaches about some point of law I was urged to not get involved! Although I played my game as good as any of my best I realised my only error was not seeing and dealing with an excellent pressure play of hers. I pressured her to score in the first quarter but couldn’t score in my following drive. Then I coughed up the ball when she blocked in my cage with dwindling numbers. I managed to stop her scoring which was a massive achievement, but still chalked up my 4th loss to her. Two of my three losses in Season VI were to Plum. The second was in extra time of the Semi-finals. An epic, Four-hour battle of concentration and determination. My concentration lapsed in the second half of ET, I was receiving and after a Blitz on the KO table I started off my actions with the new Yeti. Ofc he fell on his face with a Both Down and handed the walk in on a silver plate.
The point of all this histrionics being that I finally get what coaches mean when they mention someone’s play style. I also wanted to illustrate that to me Plum has been the Queen of BB – in the Semi’s last season, I thought it was going to be the match where the student beat the master (always a pivotal moment in any Kung-Fu movie, from The Matrix to Kung-Fu Panda)

The upshot of all this being that This week I have played a couple of full Left hand Vs Right hand matches (Zons 1 win, Liz 1 win) but I have tried to do more set play practice. Using start up suggestions for Lizards from the Plasmoid play books page and trying different ways to deal with them. Thank you, Tom Picard (Garion) and the Smash and Dash papers!

I am also trying to plan what information I would like to record from this season’s matches and how to convey it. I was SOOOOOO impressed with Smeborg’s notation for turns with and without scores for his Narco-Syndicalist Knights that I tried to adopt and adapt it for my Norse last season to record how many blocks resulted in palyer down, armour broken, stunned, K.O.’d or Cas for each team. I did devise a system, but I always ended getting too involved in the game to accurately record (or make any record of) the events and quite often was faced with an unexpected situation that I had no means of recording.
More of this In my next ramblings I fear….

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team photo

Post by theBymster »

lets have a look at this team before their first match then....
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Re: team photo

Post by theBymster »

show some leg, Sister Lemberger, It might might distract them!
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Re: team photo

Post by theBymster »

Sister Cambazola praying that her pass will hit the Sweet Spot!
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Re: team photo

Post by theBymster »

Mother Furter (Mother Frank-Furter); Praying that her glove hits the Sweet Spot!
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Re: team photo

Post by kyrre »

Your markers are top notch. Rerolls, master chef rerolls and bloodweiser munk?

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Re: team photo

Post by theBymster »

kyrre wrote:Your markers are top notch. Rerolls, master chef rerolls and bloodweiser munk?
Thanks Kyrre, Its not as well thought out as that! the Monk is part of the Shadowforge set. Ts its The Blue Nun team I've gone for a theme of German wines, cheeses and sausages for markers and player names!

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Re: team photo

Post by theBymster »

Oh Whooooops!!

I'm not getting the hang of this forum am I!?!?!?

This whole thread of photos is supposed to be part of my team blog: The Blue Nuns, Amazons with bad habits.

I don't know if its possible to move it there! I'm sure you've all got the intelligence to look at them both and match the two together.

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »

I don’t know what I expected really; my first match of the season against the undisputed Queen of the League … I guess, deep down, after all the play testing and reading all those playbooks, I did actually think that I stood some sort of a chance at drawing or even getting a win. These fragile, unfounded dreams were shattered into a million tiny pieces by the end of the first turn….

All the play books and play testing in the world cannot prepare you for the opponent you are about to face or the dice they, and you, will roll! They cannot prepare you for the hours of unabated concentration that lie before you – or the mind-numbing loop of insidious pop tunes that the venue will play to put you off!
As you may have guessed, I lost my first match of SBBL VII, to Plum and her Lizard People-of-non-specific-gender. More than that I was Múllered to a 3:0 defeat and suffered 4 Casualties. I did manage to properly kill a skink – outright. But The Nuns only raised 20,000 gp from the jumble sale at the end of the match.
Obviously what is important is that I can learn from this defeat and move forward to win all of my next matches, in fact; every match I ever play. And that is the bit I’m struggling with right now, while the wounds are still fresh. I keep coming to the same few bits:
• Plum is a hugely experienced and intelligent opponent.
• The dice did actually go against me right at the start.
• I did make some school-boy positional errors.
• I trusted in Dodge more in my turn than in my opponents turn.
• My skills choices were ok – except Mighty Blow was sorely missed,
• However, getting the right skills to the right place on the pitch was a challenge I found tough.
• The worse things got for me, the more desperate I became, which made things worse.

Plum IS a hugely experienced and intelligent opponent. She does not leave a millimetre of room for any opponent to get a foothold in. But, hey, I’m an intelligent guy and I’m gaining experience. Surely ONE day I can equal or exceed her performance on the BB pitch. (Ive seen her at a one day, 4 match tournament and she didn’t do so well – she still did better than me!)
The opening turn WAS a howler. Plum won the toss and elected to kick. (she already thrashed me on FAME, 11 – 5, giving her +2. But I’m not going to hark on about the dice being against me, I firmly believe you make your own luck on the BB pitch!)
She set up Suarus, Crox, Saurus, centrally, on LoS. Not the Asymmetric set up I was expecting. I put my two Guard Blitzers, Dauntless Blitzer and a vanilla linewoman on them. I put my Sure hands Thrower on The Sweet Spot (oooh-err, Missus, Fnar-Fnar!) and linegirls on the wings to slow any Blitzing shenanigans. Two things happened that really flummoxed me: First the ball scattered 6 squares in direction 2 (straight to my Left Wing) then Plum got a “Perfect Defence” on the kick off table. (oh and the ball bounced 1, putting it out of reach of my Sure Hands Lassy, I had two line girls and valuable Catcher on the wing and centrally to defend the pick up and the other two line girls too far away to be of any help. What’s more the LoS specialist team were now cunningly in need of some back up to get some dece 2 Dice Blocks!
And GO! Its my turn with people I hardly know commenting on fb pages that this game is gonna last all night! To say I suffered instant and immobilising brain freeze is somewhat of an understatement! Eventually I managed to make a half-arsed screen behind which to GFI and pick up the ball, bring the right wingers over to the centre where they neither aided the LoS scrap that was about to kick off, nor make much of a screen from the menacing green muscle that they were backing away from. But I figured they were at least able to provide support for any such role they may be called to in the next turn.
Having had a Kick that veered off from my ball carrier yet into skink range, a re-arranged defence that put more pressure on that flank and changed the odds of the first brawl I should have realised that luck travels in packs of three… and sometimes three packs of three!! I threw my first block 2D giving me a push, which left me with a 1D from a blitzer to open up a 2D from another Blitzer… or something like that… anyway even with a RR I Skulled out Mother Frankfurter who KO’d.
By T3 I had lost 3 Nuns and 2 RR. I was on the back foot, being swarmed by ST4 and unable to forge any effective screen or cage. As we rattled through T4,5,6 I was trying anything stem the tide of hurt and to dig a way out, up-field. I was trying stuff any Elf team would have been proud of. At Least twice in the match my plan for my turn involved each and every player succeeding either a dodge or a 1D block, sometimes both, often dodging into Tackle Zones!
The second Zon to leave the pitch was surfed. I cannot forgive myself for putting her in a position where that was possible. I thought a season of Zons would give me a season to develop and then hone my Positioning skills. They are part of my longer term plan to transition from Norse, who I loved coaching last season at SBBL and in tournis, to Dark Elves, who I’ve always wanted to coach but the fear of failure has not let me tread that path yet. This match did not give me any hope that I can develop the positional acumen required to be a decent coach. And Yet, I did manage it a bit with Norse. Perhaps I need to stop seeing Norse and Zons as being so very different?
I definitely need to stop believing that I can dodge away from every TZ in a turn! Well I knew that, I just got a bit desperate this game.
When Plum easily got a bead on my ball carrier in the first drive, it was not the 2D blitz that popped the ball out, nor the 2D block which followed, but it was the 2D block after that. Not many coaches would have lined up that many dice for the job and I could have got away with it against another team. Before the walk in that followed that (ball) turnover (or maybe it was one of the other ones!) She tried to thin out some more players from the pitch a squad of four Sauri and a Crox could not down a single lady that they surrounded (All the single ladies, whao uh-oh uh-uh oh uh-huh oh uh-huh oh!)
So, I must remember to trust in the ability of Dodge to save your ass from attacks but not to run away from danger (Oh no, now Ive got some 70’s Country tune worming into the forefront of my tiny brain – walk away from trouble la la la !!)

After this match I feel that I’m not in a position to discuss the merits of this skill or that skill, the positional advantages of this player or that one. In this respect I feel like I’ve let you down. I do hope to make that up to you by showing you that even the down trodden and disheartened can bounce back and dodge to success. It’s just that my next match is against Luke, coach of The Drunken Dross. They are the only returning team in my conference and Luke is a brutal coach with a brutal team!
Anyway, Guard was great, I used it all the time. Its what gave me so many 1D blocks!
Stand firm would have been good if I could get the bearer to be between the ball and the angry lizzards.
Dauntless let me down twice and one time caused a skull. I can’t remember if It helped me out, but I’m sure it did.
Tackle was what killed the skink, but only as it came and tagged Sister Chablis in the preceding turn, so she got the chance for a free bash on the head! All that happened as she led the advance to trample the skink failed pick up at the start of T9. So she did get herself in the right position to start with, I suppose!
I’ll post Plum’s own write up of the match as I feel it is a pretty concise reportage which I feel has avoided the monocular vision of the id! (she’s written it pretty much how I remember it, not a winners story!)

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »

Tickled Skink vs Blue Nuns

It was a beautiful warm day for Blood Bowl and the unseasonal sunshine had filled the stands with lizard fans, mostly just basking in the warmth but a few half-heartedly waving flags in support of the Tickled Skink. Unfortunately for the Blue Nuns, the game coincided with a Lovejoy omnibus and with few of their fans leaving their TV sets, they made up less than a third of the sixteen thousand strong crowd.
The lizards elected to kick first, hoping to defend against the slippery amazons while still at full strength and this decision paid off almost immediately. The Nuns were distracted by the kick as the Skinks quickly rearranged their defence, weighting it heavily towards the side where the ball was headed and largely cancelling out the smart placement of the amazons' hated guard blitzers. The initial round of blocks scored a couple of knock downs but dealt no damage and the Nuns caged up around the ball. A fortunate short kick put the cage dangerously close to the lizard front line and the trinity of bad luck was completely when a blitzer went for a plucky one dice block and took herself to the knockout tent.
Tickled Skinks wasted no time taking advantage of their luck and immediately began pressing forwards and pushing up against the amazon cage. The amazon front line proved difficult to put down, being loaded with blodge as they were, but the pushes were eating into their space and making dodging out difficult. The amazons fell back, relying on their dodging prowess to disengage and moving the cage laterally across the pitch, but lizards are surprisingly quick and kept pace with them. Worse, one of their key guard pieces found themselves out of position and on the receiving end of a few pushes, sending her sprawling over the sidelines. Blodge won't save you from the crowd! Whilst that was bad for the Nuns, it had at least drawn a number of lizards to the edge of the pitch and they immediately counter-pushed into the centre, forcing the Skinks' skinks to finally get involved instead of cheering on their bigger teammates. The amazon push stalled as the numbers advantage swung further towards the lizards and their weak armour started to crumple, but they still managed to lash out at a skink that got too close, killing the poor thing instantly! Incensed, the saurii doubled their attacks and the unfortunate linewomen, without the same defensive training as the blitzers, found themselves getting grounded over and over. When their paper armour started to break, resulting in yet another removal, the amazons had to retreat and regroup. Their dodging had been flawless up to this point, but nothing lasts forever and the ball-nun herself stumbled over an outstretched tail, the ball slipping from her grasp and clear of the melee. The saurii quickly cleared space and formed an intimidating wall of green flesh as a skink slipped in and grabbed the ball, deeming it worth the last team reroll. They danced away with a grin, knowing that the nuns would be hard pressed to reach them and hid behind a stray saurus. The Skinks chose not to score in turn seven as it would give the Nuns two sets of knockout rolls, but stalling out to turn eight gave the Nuns one last chance to recover the ball. There was only one single blitzer in range and she would have a ridiculous series of rolls required, all at 4+ and 5+. She immediately rolled a one, using her dodge skill to turn it into a six. The remaining five rolls would have to be done without any kind of reroll - surely this was the end. Second dodge, through the wall of green... five. Third dodge into the skink screen... six. Fourth dodge, pushing past the skinks... six. Fifth dodge, to get within striking distance... one! And with that, Tickled Skink went one-nil up at the close of the half. One of the knocked out Nuns made it back onto the pitch, leaving them at nine players vs the Skinks ten, but it was at least their crucial guard piece.
Having learned from the previous kick off, while the lizards were looking skyward, following the ball, the Nuns quickly reorganised their defense to minimise the number of incoming hits. The kick went deep, landing near a skink and the second half was started! The opening salvo of attacks from the Skinks did very little, mostly just pushing the amazons around and worse, the ball skink fumbled his pickup. The amazons sprinted down the pitch to pressure the ball and though they were still a couple of squares away, suddenly the Skinks had zero room for error. A pair of saurus peeled back to try and intercept the amazons, but they were so close that it would just take a single push and dodge and they would be on the ball and next to the end zone! After all the easy hits of the first half, the Nuns had clearly had a strong pep-talk (and maybe also a strong drink or three) at half-time because they were suddenly impossible to put down! The slight numerical advantage of the Skinks was proving crucial though as it let them mark the Nuns and still move the ball - assuming they could get hold of it. Knowing that a failed pickup would likely result in an equaliser, the crowd suddenly looked interested! Ball skink Erkdal made a grab for it and fumbled, but just managed to get his claws around it before it hit the ground, to the audible relief of the coach and crowd. One reroll down, six turns to go... Skink speed allowed Erkdal to flee away from the threatening Nuns and everyone in centre field was locked in mortal combat, leaving him free and he swept up the pitch to score in turn five. Two-nil to the Tickled Skink.
The Nuns now had four turns to score twice and they were still down on numbers - not impossible, but they'd need the luck of Nuffle to make it happen. Knowing that the game was probably secured, the lizards changed their formations to offer more protection to their remaining skinks. This gave the Nuns an effective parity in players on the pitch, but when that parity is against seven players of strength four or higher, things are still bad. They made a tight cage and punched their way into the centre but they were relying almost entirely on one-dice blocks and burning through their rerolls as a result. Eventually that came to a head and the cage ground to a halt, giving up a blitz on the ball carrier. The ball-nun managed to dodge away from the incoming hit but the cage had now completely collapsed and everywhere she turned was a slab of green muscle. The only possible escape relied to a one-dice push to open a path and predictably this resulted in a plucky nun knocking herself out against a scaly hide. The ball-nun might have been excellent at dodging hits, but not even she could survive against a sustained barrage of strength four hits. It took six dice in total but she was finally downed and the ball popped loose on the final turn, with a waiting skink nearby. Junklez scooped it up with no problems, before putting on an extra burst of speed and silly-walking to the endzone, taking the Skinks three-nil up.
The Nuns had one final turn to play but gave up on the idea of a one-turn touchdown against a strength four front line, instead focusing on getting what points they could. Despite a couple of knockdowns they failed to break armour and the pick-up-and-pass failed, ending what must have been a disappointing game for Blue Nuns fans!
Oh boy Bym had some terrible luck. After completely failing to score any casualties against the AV7 Schno and AV7 Greece Lightning at the end of the previous season, my dice finally shook off their curse at the Nuns expense. Three casualties and numerous stuns meant that the amazons were outnumbered for the entire game and they just couldn't overcome the sheer muscle of the saurus. Their dodges were mostly on point but the one time they failed was the ball carrier, leading to the Skinks scoring in the first half. Worse, once the lizards had numbers, the amazons were forced into making increasingly risky plays to get things done. One-dice blocks, multiple GFIs, dodging into tackle zones... seven Nuns were removed from the pitch over the course of the game, three of which were self inflicted through terrible dice luck.
All my low rolls came when it didn't matter - I had several snakes eyes on armour and injuries, and most skill checks went fine. Every skull was paired up with something else - I didn't see a single double skull all game. The only hairy moment was picking up the ball at the start of the second half - it took four dice to get hold of it, but even then that fourth dice came good at the very last second and let me get away.
Bottom line, I'm really not sure what Bym could have done differently. Nuffle just didn't want him to win!

<<<Plum. posted on SBBL VII fb pages, 22-2-19>>>

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by theBymster »


that's a LOT of words!

here's some pics to make up for it: ... 49&t=45606

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Re: Blue Nuns - Amazons with Bad Habits

Post by Plum »

theBymster wrote:Next season she treated me with the contempt I deserved, wandering off to chat with other gamers at the gaming club meetings in the middle of both our Necro (me) vs Chaos (her) matches.
No contempt I promise! My side hustle for the club that year was taking photos and logging all of the other games played, so I had to do the rounds every 30 minutes or so :P

In regards to our game, the skills which caused me the most difficulties were guard and dauntless, letting you put a 2d block on my saurii with a 2+ and on my Krox with a 3+. Fortunately for me, those dauntless rolls tended to be awful - I’m sure half of them failed. Statistically though it was a great combination!

I was also worried about your thrower and catcher, as a couple of ‘zons running deep would mean I’d have to bring my skinks into play defensively and expose them to a kicking. Fortunately as the snowball started rolling and you had fewer figures to work with, that option became less and less likely. Once you were down on numbers I’m not sure what you could do. You didn’t really have the players to form a looser cage, you couldn’t spare any figures to go deep and act as a scoring threat. You did almost manage to punch through the centre in the first half, having clear space between you and the endzone and forcing a skink wall. You said above that the surfed player was a positional mistake, but when I realised how it had dragged weight to one edge of the pitch and that half my lizards were now unable to reach the cage I thought you might have actually baited me into it with a player who was likely to get pummelled anyway. Fortunately the skink line held but a different dice roll at that moment could have totally changed the trajectory of the match (if you’d gotten through, I wouldn’t have had time to equalise which would have seen me start the second half 1-0 down, forcing me to take risks instead of you).

Also other than failing to pick up the ball for a few turns, I had great dice. A good day for me + a bad day for you = a very skewed result!

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Re: team photo

Post by lunchmoney »

theBymster wrote: This whole thread of photos is supposed to be part of my team blog: The Blue Nuns, Amazons with bad habits.

I don't know if its possible to move it there! .
Yes, it is. I've done it :)

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Hired Goon for the NAF (rep for South West England)
lunchmoneybb @

TOs! You do not need multiple copies of rosters. It's a waste of paper.
Bribe level: good coffee.
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